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Thursday, May 14, 2009

What's New with Work?

Time flies so fast as I remember the first day I work as secretary at my new place after the worst production house I worked with. I wont tell off the name of where I worked cuz my ex boss will stalk me from the internet and that's how they almost "fired" but luckily I quit a month before. My new work place is totally different from the previous one. Boss are nice, people are more religious than before, and more "EDUCATED" which I think to be a boss, you must at least have a qualification of professional certs than you can tell off your staff "Who's the boss?". When I went for the interview, it was quick. I went up to the agent Kelly Services in Amcorp, they said I can come for the interview within 1 week and in an hours time, they said "you may go to the company now and interview". It was a shock and flattered.

Time goes by and I'm here almost 10 months and yay! I got promoted to be a permanent staff! Yahoo! Congrats me! Yay! It's not easy to get you know especially your speciality is not on secretarial... I am not a graduate of secretarial diploma or bachelor but I am a graduate of Diploma in Broadcasting where I only know how to film, shoot and writing a script which doesnt follow correct English and Malay at all.

I get to know some great people and people are start noticing me and get to use to my name Wawa. They will know if Wawa from ***, it will be me. Only one Wawa and hope no new comers come with the name of Wawa if not, I will kill her! hahah or asked her to change her nicks cuz I come 1st and that's my trademark.

I am sorry to be secretive lately. This is because there are some crazy peoples are wanting to know where I live after marriage, what I do (which appearently NO ONE DOES!) , and where do I work and study. You can see my previous post... there's someone is trying to get my nerves and they know my weakness. So they are tryin their best to get the secret from me and I stupidly tell! Aiyo! but they dont know which block or what la kan.. I am 3 in 1 which consist of Student, Wife and Secretary - NOT HOUSEWIFE! I wont waste my diploma and degree plus knowledge just like that and after all, who's gonna help me to pay the study loan? at least I have like hmm RM20k to settle with PTPTN and MARA and I being responsible person cuz I dont like living in DEBT although I know, my life would suck without money.. but Education is more important and see where I stand now.

Ahzam: I am glad that my wife got promoted to be a permanent staf. Myself is still searching for a good place to work and be permanent. The current place was quite horrible, now they will change us to part time and will close some outlet soon. It's horrible man! Totally! but anyway, congratulation sayang!

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