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Monday, August 30, 2010

Whats new with Social Conduct?

Hello people. Lets talk about Social Conduct 101. I like this! Its taken from my mIRC (since 1998!!)  friend's wife who turns out to be my ex-colleague in my 1st Job. (Small world isnt it?) Anyway, she wrote something nice on her blog. Check this out. So people, If you cant understand what is the single words that coming out from my friend's blog, I will translate it in English when I have time. For the mean time, mind your own business yo~

"Ok. Daripada bendalah2 ni jadi bahan rungutan dan bahan cakap belakang, aku rasa lebih baik aku tulis kat sini, untuk dijadikan panduan untuk kita semua supaya kita lebih berhati2 semasa bersosial. Ini bukan rekaan dan mengikut sentimen sendiri ye. Ini adalah hasil observasi.

1. Untuk orang2 yang dah kahwin, boleh tak jangan:

Sibuk bertanya kawan-kawan yang single bila diorang nak kahwin? Ye fine, anda dah kahwin. Oh yes, people are all enthusiastic reading your Facebook blabs about how over the rainbow you are because you've found your Mr/Mrs Right. Tapi tolonglah fikir, ramai lagi yang masih mencari. Ramai lagi yang masih tertunggu. Ramai yang kira dengan jari usia yang makin meningkat tapi belum jumpa jodoh. It's not so much fun compared to your much awaited 2nd honeymoon to Bali because your husband loves you too much, so stop rubbing it at people's face. Tak semua orang bertuah macam kau. It is just so plain rude to ask "kau punya turn bila?" "sampai bila lagi nak single nokk?" "kau tak teringin nak naik pelamin ke bai?" sampai meleser2 kat ketiak laki/bini. Bodohnya lah soalan. Siapa tak mau kawin??

2) Untuk pasangan2 suami isteri yang dah ada anak/umum, boleh tak jangan:

Tanya pasangan2 yang lain bila lagi diorang nak ada baby, because I don't know if you're too stupid to realize that even they don't know. Mungkin ada yang belum bersedia, mungkin ada yang merancang, mungkin ada yang belum ada rezeki, mungkin juga ada yang tak boleh. Those are not the things they want to share. Aku pun tak suka nak bagitau orang kalau aku merancang sebab mesti ada yang bagi khutbah free "kenapa merancang? kalau Tuhan nak bagi, elok lah. Takut nanti tak ada langsung" Wah wah, macam dah kamceng sangat je dengan Tuhan sampai dah tau benda2 tu semua, ada ke tak ada. Apatah lagi yang memang tak boleh. Sakitnya hati Tuhan je yang tau kalau disuapkan soalan "bila-lagi-nak-bertiga" ni.

Trust me, when it happens, they'll definitely let you know and you'll never hear the end of it.

Lagi best kalau soalan ni ditanya oleh mereka2 yang single. Itu memang tanpa segan silu aku akan melanggar peraturan nombor satu seperti di atas secara kejam. Hehe.

3) Kita-kita semua, boleh tak elakkan daripada:

Tegur secara direct yang kawan kita tu dah makin berisi? Atau pun tanpa rasa bersalah gurau2 dengan member plus-size kita"kau ni bila nak turun berat niiii???" sambil picit2 lengan member tu. Kau suka ke kalau orang terang2 tegur pasal jerawat batu kau kat dahi, atau pun kulit kau yang menggerutu, atau pun hidung kau yang serupa cawan? Tak suka kan?

The same thing applies to member2 kau yang terlebih kerempeng. Kau fikir best kalau shape kau serupa tiang? Kau fikir best bila orang peluk and komplen diorang rasa tulang? It hurts just as much as being called fat.

4) Kita-kita semua yang konon rasa diri dah best dengan career masing2, boleh tak jangan:

Mempersoalkan kawan2 awak yang pilih untuk jadi surirumah tangga sepenuh masa untuk jaga anak di rumah? And do you know there's no such thing as being a full time-mom? Once kau dah jadi mak, tanggungjawab wajib kau sepenuh masa ialah duduk rumah jaga anak. Anything else jatuh part-time, termasuk jawatan tinggi kau dalam kompeni. Kalau tau perlu bantu suami cari pendapatan, itu pilihan kau. Kalau kau rasa kau boleh jadi gila duduk rumah kalau tak bekerja (macam aku), itu juga pilihan kau. So, belajar untuk respek pilihan orang, boleh? Selagi dia tak mengadu hidup dia susah sebab tak kerja, biarlah dia. Kau ingat senang nak jumpa perempuan yang hidup zaman moden dan sanggup korbankan peluang cari duit semata-mata untuk besarkan anak?"
mean do you REALLY think people are interested to know about the "shuweet sangat" msg that your 'chayang' texted u first thing in the morning?? tak perlu lah!!

1) Kalau kawin awal - kenapa awal sangat? ada apa2 ke? *sambil tunjuk perut kawan tuP

2) Kalau kawin lambat - nanti tunggu lama2, tak laku! u tu bukan selamanya muda.

3) Kalau dpt anak awal - lahh.. tunggu lah lama sikit. honeymoon setahun dua. awak tu baru nak start hidup sendiri. ingat jaga anak senaaang?

4) Kalau dpt anak lambat - bila nak bertiga? mmg keturunan u ke dpt anak lambat? u try mcm mana? i ada kenal satu gynae ni....

5)Kalau gemuk, masuk gym - Hahaha abis la kokak threadmill tu.

6) kalau kurus, masuk gym - APA NAK EXERCISE LAGIII?? DAH KURUS DAH TUU!!

7) Kalau decide nak kerja - Habis tu siapa jaga anak u kat rumah? Tak takut anak rapat sgt dengan maid? Ohh hantar kat mertua..diorang tak kisah ke? Maklumlah orang tua mana larat sgt.

8) Kalau decide nak jadi housewife - Err..? Bukan u ada degree ke? Tak rasa sayang ke? 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Whats New with my life?

From time to time, I have go through sweet, salty and bitter life for almost 25 years living as human. Haha Not that I use to live as an animal before, but I think being a human is hard.

Its been 1 year and 2 days of 8month being married to my husband but unfortunately we havent got any baby yet. Earlier we are still planning to have babies after 2 years of marriage but it seems like nobody cant wait patiently. Every single day, we're both were asked, "When?" "Why?" or sentences that breaks our heart such as "Others has got one, when are you getting?" or "dont wait too long, later you wouldnt get any"..

Its not that we dont want kids. We do want, honestly speaking I wanted a baby since I was 18. Hah! Amek kau! You know why? Since my nephew, Haziq was born, I am amazed to see how he has grown from day to day and I imagine if I could raise one by my own. I always wanted to adopt baby who is abandon by their parents. I am sure nowadays this topic will be interesting to discuss about since there is a lot of people who threw their babies here and there in Malaysia and within 24hrs, 3-4 reported to be found either in the drain, toilet, and all the disgusting place on earth. Why is that so? If you dont want to get pregnant, dont have sex! If you cant hold your lust, I have one idea.. Protection!! I am not supporting this sex before marriage but hey, dont you think its too much? You have done sins but dumping a sinless child to the most disgusting place in the world? What has come across your mind? Dont you know by doing that you will never be placed in heaven? Do you know that the child you threw can determine either to put you in Heaven or hell? I am dissapointed with all of you because mostly all the Malays who done this. Anyway, change topic! I'll explain in other time about this okay?

Anyway, I didnt go and check with any gyne doctors because I am quite coward into seeing doctors. Not that im afraid of the needles (although a lil) but I am more concern of the results that the doctor will pass to me. It happens once when I was in primary, I heard the doctor said that I might have lung cancer. I almost fainted when I heard that so ever since, I limit myself from eating fruits and swimming in the pool because that are the cause of my illness ( because I am kind of panic type you see, so anything that can cause my asthma worst, I'll try to avoid)... and I found out that is not the cause la.. Stupid doctor.. Just to scare the heck of me. Thats how I am avoiding to meet any of the doctors (if possibles).

Even now, I have wisdom tooths to be taken out, four of them are growing. Guess what? 2 at  the bottom growing at my jaw bones so the dentist told me that I need to make an appointment with Mouth Specialist for a major surgery to my jaw. What the heck!? Obviously I wont go! Im thinking what will happen to my mouth? Am I not gonna talk for 2 months? do I have to go for mouth therapy? Noo! I need my mouth for my job.. Damn!

Because of this two unreasonable doctors, I am afraid to go for the gyne. what if she said I am a male who doesnt have eggs and only sperm?(obviously not) or my falapio tube is stuck?! or my va-jay-jay is backwards? or I dont even have any baby factories in my body? or my husband is a woman? Or my husband doesnt have any sperm and we both need to go for surgery? you know, this things may happen! So I am afraid like shit! Please pray for me that both of us will be in great condition okay?

Anyway thanks for reading my dears!