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Monday, January 02, 2012

concert by Female Hollywood Celebrities - sexy or not?

I am a bit confuse with Malaysia rules. Although i have been 26 years living here i still dont get one thing. About letting female artist to come over to Malaysia and asked them to cover up. Till today i still cant accept this. Call me murtad or what, but what i am saying is hypocracy. Why?

Went to Mariah Carey concert back in 2004/2005. Heard lots of issues saying that she needs to cover up, no showing off skins. Ok, here i would appreciate as i also not fancying to see her skin that much but what i do care aboyt the audience. When i was there, the audiences wore as sexy as her video clip. High heels with tube shirt and hot pants. Where is the rules that applies to the singer but doesnt apply to the audience? Shockingly it was a Malay groups of people who wore that.

I am not saying that i am against any culture or what, not siding goverment nor opposition, but what are you trying to proof here? Asking the celebrity to wear properly but how bout the audience? If i am the celebrity, if i see my audiences like that, i will be questioning (why am i asked to cover up but my audiences not?) i might not going to return to this country as i can see how hypocrite this country is. I start questioning every single time when they talk about this.

Worst part, our own Malay, Muslim celebrities wears as sexy as Hollywood stars and nobody freaking stops them? Why double standard? Cuz everything in Hollywood is sinful and here is not? Take a look at our own tv channel, doesnt mean slutty and bitchy have to wear sexy. They can even wear scarf,tudung or baju kurung to be mean and slutty. Its reality we are talking about here. Malaysia is so afraid to show reality but deep in our heart, its totally opposites. Yes, i should not be fooled by media but hey, kids under 18 follow what Media tells. There is no more what teacher says its true or parents says but they.will say the media or tv saids that. Trust me. People may smack my head for saying this but hey, its a truth.

But again, if I am world celebrity and I saw Malaysians celebs wear like a whore and I am asked to not showing ny skin, i will definitely tells my fellow celebs 'better not to come to Malaysia as they are hypocrite totally. They allow their celebrities to show skin but we cant. What the heck?' i think Beyonce, Rihanna is not as stupid. They certainly make a research before they wanna come here. Maybe they have the same idea as me.

Few of my friends from overseas, they did ask me why they didnt see most people covering up and some are sexy like living in abroad. I told them that once we are baligh, we need to wear and it is a must. For me i am not ready but i am supposed to wear it already. I feel like a hipocrite because i always swearing but covering up. So doesnt show good example as a good Muslim.

This is just my opinion. Yes, you didnt ask for it but it keeps playing on my mind. I do think i should have share my thoughts right?

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