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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Almost 5 months

Dear Michael,
Its been half a year
you have left us
but we dont feel like
you had left us

Our memory with you
is still fresh
like we just met you
like we just talk to you
like we just played together

listening to your songs,
looking at your pictures
make us wonders
why do you need to leave us,
cuz you've gone too soon

Your sudden death is shocking us,
We lost an icon and a king
but your children and family
lost a father and a brother

living without you
is not as easy as you think
world without music
like living in a mute world

we miss your music
we miss your smile
we miss your appearance
we miss your smooth dancing
we miss everything about you

we hope you are happy there
we hope you find peace there
we hope you'll be fine there
we hope the best for you there

Its been half a year
you have left us
but to us,
you never leave us
as we have your music
your legacy
and your history with us

Malaysian Fans are hoping the best for you
We misses you so much
and Dont Worry
We will make sure you will never
ever disappear in our lives

Michael Joseph Jackson 1958-2009

1 comment:

Nana said...

siap lagu!