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Monday, April 27, 2009

Sad Stories from Ferdinand Dimadura


For those who always didnt finish their food, please watch this film!

Sometimes, it's good to think that if we dont finish, someone will eat it for us.. At least someone will have something to eat...
But when we clearly think about it, could we do the same if someone left us the food in the garbage and eat it like we never saw food before?

They will die of hunger... or die due to the malaria/ or some weird sickness...


think before you eat! Dont throw or waste!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ferdinand,

what is the address of this poor family in Phillipines? I would like to send some money to them. Many thanks.

God Bless,

Mr. T.

Ahzam & Wawa said...

Mr. T,

I am not Ferdinand but I can help you to find him. I am just one of the short film fans.

Thanks for reading my blogs and being concern with the poverty in Philippines.