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Thursday, February 05, 2009

What's New??

Hello People in Da HousE!

Thanks for reading our boring blog.. Why did I say that.. Only me writing the blog.. My husband so lazy.. reason is He prefer play games rather than writing bout him that he thought isnt interesting..Btw, after 2 month of marriage, still we have no news at all.. This is because we cant get pregnant yet due to $$ wise.. I asked around who have a child, they kept saying "Susu mahal! Pampers mahal.." (mlik and diapers are expensives) makes me scared to get a baby when we're both earning not more than 4k. If we have like at least 4k, i think I should think about it.

Okay, now lets talks Puas-puas regarding the world now.

  1. World is facing bad bad global warming - Victoria, Australia has been in fire for almost 3 days due to heavy wind and the PM of Au keep saying "What to say? What to say?" haha So funny.. and they believe is because of betrayal or revenge... But i do think it's because now over there is damn cold, they smoking alot and unfortunately accidentally throw the cigis butt in the forest and make it worst.. that's what I think! With this big fire, the ices in both North n South pole could be more worst. and btw, Australia used to be in South Pole and it has been moved from there every year 5 inch... (saw this in Discovery Channel)
  2. Malaysian politics is crazy - I am not siding any side but please do shut t up and do whatever you can to save your Nation! I dont care who is ruling the country, what do I care, is about my people! Yes, some of them disobey the King, they should be punished, but some are also not right you know! one hand can do reformation but the other hand cant do! If they do, they'll get punished.. Whatever it is, Please! I need to be peaceful as before because now, Palestin and Iraq are in war.. so DOnt put your own importance of politics to create mess in Malaysia..
  3. Israel and Palestin - What the hell is wrong with Israel? God give you brains and you are the smartest among the people on earth... And this is what you do?! for being smart? Poor you!! Besides, attacking people like using bombs and everything is not smart,.. that is super coward!! And please, Islamic people! Wake up!! Islamic is not just to pray to God and do nothing!! Be smart a lil bit, try to find good startegies to fight this stupid people! USe the brain. Not only praying! Praying doesnt solve cruelty without any effort or attempt.
Anyway, I will continue with other one.. I have some Islamic issues to tell.. See ya when I see ya!

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