Dear all,
I wanna express my thankfulness especially to Allah S.W.T for giving me a great great life. Here are some people I wanna thanks to :-
a) Suamiku (My husband)... thank you for having some patience with me and have faith and be my courage to stay alive since 2004 and thank you so much for all the LOVE you give to me. I dont need materials from you, what I need is the LOVE that I have been craving since I was child.
b) Mak and Abah (parents), thank you for make me see the world since 1985, thank you for giving me good education and good way to live my life and thanks for everything that you have made me. You have made me into what I am and I am really proud to be your children and I know I did say the most hurting words before where I do wish you both are not my parents... but after Japan 2003, I changed my perception. You are the best parents of all time!
c) Along, Angah and Kak Cik (my siblings) - we werent good since we were small but after we all have grown up to be a great woman and daughters of Mohammad and Noriah's, we all get bonded! Thanks to all for giving me love although I thought I was a lil bit too late cuz I only got LOVE from you after I finish my SPM!
d)Best Friend Forever - Iera and Ariana- being with you guys, hanging out a lots making me realize what a beautiful world we have here and thank you for being supportive of whatever I have gone through. Thanks again...Thanks for lending your ear and shoulder to me...Remember, we always share the shoulder and ears together hehehe
e) Close friends -Nadia, Suri, Farah, Farahiyah, Tasneem, Liyana, and Fatin. Thanks for being supportive and sometimes give negative opinion of everything! I am not your BFF but you are always my close friend whom I can share tears and sadness and happiness with! Thanks for being there.
f) MJFF - Sheeks, Joe, Opie, Sho, Rezza, Anne, Arif, Nik, Fird n Wife, Zam. Although we all lost our most Idol on 25th June 2009 and its killing us, we get bonded and thanks to TTWSA for making it happen. Thanks Rezza. All of you have made me see the world wider and bigger and I cant wait for our next trip to LA.!
f) Last but not least. Thanks to all who ever have supported my life since 1985 to 2009 (support in soul searching, giving moral injection and teaches me life and how to live a happy moments). I will always love you and will try to make things better and better from time to time.
To all my dislikers (whom i think I still have them), do whatever you like. Actually with your presence, I feel more powerful, more tough and more challenge to live my life. Do whatever u like, and as you know, I will never give up. I will show my weakness but I will never show my strength. For me, you are the loser although to you, I'm the loser. For me, being a coward by being Anonymous or texting me through blog comment and swearing, is not my type. Thanks for the liars friends I have and thanks to all the pretenders. U have done a great great job! Now, no body can lie to me... I will try to be a DTA person again. Wanna know what is that? Sorry! Figure it out yourself.
How We Deal with Our marriage and Do Businesses Together. Something that Couples usually doesnt do together. We share our happiness, sadness in this blog as a lesson for everyone and think what they can do better.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
it may hurt some people but I have to let it go... and its honest from my heart...
I always wondering about my friendship with some friends... they consider me as their best friend forever, but when I came and think about it, I dont think I am their BFF after all..
why I said this? if seriously I'm their best friend forever, obviously my picture will be included in your wallpaper along with others but no... only my pictures wasnt there... dats devastating
in your phonebook list, every1 that you consider as BFF you will put "my heart" my soul and what soever, but me, its just the name... dats hurts
for others, you stay till the end, the good n the bad but for me, u just come and wish congrats... dats it! I admit, I am happy u came, but Im hurt... seriously... u never be with me all the time.. especially when Im happy or sad...
next thing i wanna say, it would make u guys think "this woman seriously crazy selfish".. u asked me to give u a gift, where when its my time, I NEVER GET ANYTHING! it does sounds like im asking for you to gift but doesnt this seem like unfair?
Does our friendship base on materials rather than sharing is caring? i have no idea at all.. Its not im asking present, but when I didnt give, you will always say "U never love me" but for me.. when I said that.... means nothing...You will mention as "Sayang..." but very dishonest way...
I know Im weird, but weird doesnt mean I dont deserve good friendship and companion...
I guess nobody understands me except for some people...
Ahzam, you are my truly sayang and I would love you till my heart beat stops and will meet u in heaven...
Thanks to my BFFs I have in the world.Ari, Iera, Surie, Fara, Yana, and Steffi... if I left out some names, maybe its you guys... not all of you... some of you...
Sorry... seriously sorry... I just cant help my feeling...
I always wondering about my friendship with some friends... they consider me as their best friend forever, but when I came and think about it, I dont think I am their BFF after all..
why I said this? if seriously I'm their best friend forever, obviously my picture will be included in your wallpaper along with others but no... only my pictures wasnt there... dats devastating
in your phonebook list, every1 that you consider as BFF you will put "my heart" my soul and what soever, but me, its just the name... dats hurts
for others, you stay till the end, the good n the bad but for me, u just come and wish congrats... dats it! I admit, I am happy u came, but Im hurt... seriously... u never be with me all the time.. especially when Im happy or sad...
next thing i wanna say, it would make u guys think "this woman seriously crazy selfish".. u asked me to give u a gift, where when its my time, I NEVER GET ANYTHING! it does sounds like im asking for you to gift but doesnt this seem like unfair?
Does our friendship base on materials rather than sharing is caring? i have no idea at all.. Its not im asking present, but when I didnt give, you will always say "U never love me" but for me.. when I said that.... means nothing...You will mention as "Sayang..." but very dishonest way...
I know Im weird, but weird doesnt mean I dont deserve good friendship and companion...
I guess nobody understands me except for some people...
Ahzam, you are my truly sayang and I would love you till my heart beat stops and will meet u in heaven...
Thanks to my BFFs I have in the world.Ari, Iera, Surie, Fara, Yana, and Steffi... if I left out some names, maybe its you guys... not all of you... some of you...
Sorry... seriously sorry... I just cant help my feeling...
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
No stories to tell, but the picture speaks for itself..
Rare pic of mine.. When I was 1yrs old.
When I was 4 mths old
When I was 9 maybe?
With my very fierce Wan (grandma)
No wonder why I love hanging out at the BAR. I was exposed to this place since I was 2 or 3? But hey.. hanging out doesnt mean i drink and drunk okay? I ordered my use to be favourite Apple Juice!
dancing in the sun to get attention from any talent hunter. Too Bad! No one is there except mentally disturb people!
with my neighbour at this time. Emmy Azmir, Imma Azmir and my sister Nora. The other one I am not sure who...
Rare pic of my dad! Do u guys notice? He got Hair! hahaha
didnt I look like Sudirman? No? Damn! I was hoping to be him! Hahah OH! Do I look like MJ? White version of MJ hahah
Rare pic of mine.. When I was 1yrs old.
When I was 4 mths old
When I was 9 maybe?
With my very fierce Wan (grandma)
No wonder why I love hanging out at the BAR. I was exposed to this place since I was 2 or 3? But hey.. hanging out doesnt mean i drink and drunk okay? I ordered my use to be favourite Apple Juice!

Rare pic of my dad! Do u guys notice? He got Hair! hahaha

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Liar- Liar
Since I was born, I'm the type that believes whatever was being told to me. This is not about me being a naive and stupid for believing anything (actually, I do believe all the stuff is being said)....
I remember being a child who are hmm quite let say STUPID hahah I mean stupid in innocent way.. I think one of my family members, who I cant recall told me about TV series... they shoot it live without editing... (cuz I was wondering how the hell they do film?) hahaha and I once asked my mum, how come 2 people can be different person (bad guy in one story and good guy in another) in two different channel... I think my sister answer me with "they are twins.." damn! hahah
here, i dont wanna say much... Its actually a friend of mine (use to be) tell me all the lies in the world that she can create.. I dont know what the heck is she lying to me! i still cant find the idea why she need to lie to me... Since I know her, she always bullshitting me about anything. I realize that I always said my life is 100% happy, got all my friends and what I want, but hello... no body is perfect.. I said it cuz I dont like to ask sympathy from my friends cuz they might say im a boring person to hangout with.
i realize if this friend who always say the same thing i said. for example, If i said that my father use to follow Tun Dr M to Italy and Philipines, she will say "my mother is really close with him..." "my father cover his story..." and what nonsense... Oh come on! u asked me where my father went for that week.. u dont need to think im showing off... I dont even wanna show off... what comes from my mouth is the truth... worst part, "my boyfriend give me this... give me that.. oh not forgotten thiss..." btw, your bf is rich but what is rich without your own effort and $$? what is rich if u dont own a car and a house...!!! bullshit!
Ppl said that we should know what is her/his background of doing this... I know this person so welll.. As a friend, we dont need to follow whatever your friend is doing! if they jump in the poo of shits, will u jump too? wow! it will be amazing to do! Come on! I have varieties of friends, poor, rich, old & young, funny, boring, short n tall... every type.. but I dont judge them by what they are.. I judge them through their personality... not with all the lies... pergh... Dats stupid...
friendship is important but not relationship.. money n diamonds comes and go while honesty and pride is always there with you.. make that change - MJ
I remember being a child who are hmm quite let say STUPID hahah I mean stupid in innocent way.. I think one of my family members, who I cant recall told me about TV series... they shoot it live without editing... (cuz I was wondering how the hell they do film?) hahaha and I once asked my mum, how come 2 people can be different person (bad guy in one story and good guy in another) in two different channel... I think my sister answer me with "they are twins.." damn! hahah
here, i dont wanna say much... Its actually a friend of mine (use to be) tell me all the lies in the world that she can create.. I dont know what the heck is she lying to me! i still cant find the idea why she need to lie to me... Since I know her, she always bullshitting me about anything. I realize that I always said my life is 100% happy, got all my friends and what I want, but hello... no body is perfect.. I said it cuz I dont like to ask sympathy from my friends cuz they might say im a boring person to hangout with.
i realize if this friend who always say the same thing i said. for example, If i said that my father use to follow Tun Dr M to Italy and Philipines, she will say "my mother is really close with him..." "my father cover his story..." and what nonsense... Oh come on! u asked me where my father went for that week.. u dont need to think im showing off... I dont even wanna show off... what comes from my mouth is the truth... worst part, "my boyfriend give me this... give me that.. oh not forgotten thiss..." btw, your bf is rich but what is rich without your own effort and $$? what is rich if u dont own a car and a house...!!! bullshit!
Ppl said that we should know what is her/his background of doing this... I know this person so welll.. As a friend, we dont need to follow whatever your friend is doing! if they jump in the poo of shits, will u jump too? wow! it will be amazing to do! Come on! I have varieties of friends, poor, rich, old & young, funny, boring, short n tall... every type.. but I dont judge them by what they are.. I judge them through their personality... not with all the lies... pergh... Dats stupid...
friendship is important but not relationship.. money n diamonds comes and go while honesty and pride is always there with you.. make that change - MJ
Monday, December 21, 2009
Everyday when I heard "Childhood" from my HiStory CD, i feel like Michael Jackson is searching me to be his good friend. even b4 he was dead, i cried everytime i heard this song too as i am the one who have the worst childhood. I aint celebrity like him but our childhood "lonely" is still similar to each other...
I am the youngest but whatever my 3rd sister did to me, I feel like im the eldest and she's the youngest. I know my sister request my mom to have younger sister.. But I wasn't born to be bullied! Every single day, my life is about to kill her and blaming me. For 22 years I live in suffering till she came back from Indonesia in 2008. Now, I love all my sisters although we fought like everyday!
I was raised by my maid, and from my 1st day of born, i never sleep with my parents. I was jealous to my other sister that they have slept with my parents before but me? Never! Aiyo! so sad! My maid was the one who sleep with me and I am always with her till people said "**** mcm mak dia sendiri". My maid told me, I was an accident child, my mother doesnt want me. :( and my father was disappointed cuz I am a girl, not a boy! and now U guys know why I am tomboyish kinda attitude because my dad doesn't wish me to be a girl :( but I think Im the lucky ones cuz my late grandma on mother side said "Opah tau, Wati akan jadi anak yang paling baik".. Tq Opah! Sayang Opah...
I was bullied by my sisters and even worst, I dont understand any single thing that they are saying. Math, Science, Account! Sekolah!? What is dat? My dad always talks to me either in English or Malay but seriously I dont know which to use. I love to talk and my mother told me I can talk at 2. wow! dats fast! I love to walk too and I walk when I was 9 mths. this is because I always walk on the grass in the morning... my maid holds me up.
That is a sneak peak of my story when I was a young girl... Lets see what's next!
I am the youngest but whatever my 3rd sister did to me, I feel like im the eldest and she's the youngest. I know my sister request my mom to have younger sister.. But I wasn't born to be bullied! Every single day, my life is about to kill her and blaming me. For 22 years I live in suffering till she came back from Indonesia in 2008. Now, I love all my sisters although we fought like everyday!
I was raised by my maid, and from my 1st day of born, i never sleep with my parents. I was jealous to my other sister that they have slept with my parents before but me? Never! Aiyo! so sad! My maid was the one who sleep with me and I am always with her till people said "**** mcm mak dia sendiri". My maid told me, I was an accident child, my mother doesnt want me. :( and my father was disappointed cuz I am a girl, not a boy! and now U guys know why I am tomboyish kinda attitude because my dad doesn't wish me to be a girl :( but I think Im the lucky ones cuz my late grandma on mother side said "Opah tau, Wati akan jadi anak yang paling baik".. Tq Opah! Sayang Opah...
I was bullied by my sisters and even worst, I dont understand any single thing that they are saying. Math, Science, Account! Sekolah!? What is dat? My dad always talks to me either in English or Malay but seriously I dont know which to use. I love to talk and my mother told me I can talk at 2. wow! dats fast! I love to walk too and I walk when I was 9 mths. this is because I always walk on the grass in the morning... my maid holds me up.
That is a sneak peak of my story when I was a young girl... Lets see what's next!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Almost 5 months
Dear Michael,
Its been half a year
you have left us
but we dont feel like
you had left us
Our memory with you
is still fresh
like we just met you
like we just talk to you
like we just played together
listening to your songs,
looking at your pictures
make us wonders
why do you need to leave us,
cuz you've gone too soon
Your sudden death is shocking us,
We lost an icon and a king
but your children and family
lost a father and a brother
living without you
is not as easy as you think
world without music
like living in a mute world
we miss your music
we miss your smile
we miss your appearance
we miss your smooth dancing
we miss everything about you
we hope you are happy there
we hope you find peace there
we hope you'll be fine there
we hope the best for you there
Its been half a year
you have left us
but to us,
you never leave us
as we have your music
your legacy
and your history with us
Malaysian Fans are hoping the best for you
We misses you so much
and Dont Worry
We will make sure you will never
ever disappear in our lives
Michael Joseph Jackson 1958-2009
Its been half a year
you have left us
but we dont feel like
you had left us
Our memory with you
is still fresh
like we just met you
like we just talk to you
like we just played together
listening to your songs,
looking at your pictures
make us wonders
why do you need to leave us,
cuz you've gone too soon
Your sudden death is shocking us,
We lost an icon and a king
but your children and family
lost a father and a brother
living without you
is not as easy as you think
world without music
like living in a mute world
we miss your music
we miss your smile
we miss your appearance
we miss your smooth dancing
we miss everything about you
we hope you are happy there
we hope you find peace there
we hope you'll be fine there
we hope the best for you there
Its been half a year
you have left us
but to us,
you never leave us
as we have your music
your legacy
and your history with us
Malaysian Fans are hoping the best for you
We misses you so much
and Dont Worry
We will make sure you will never
ever disappear in our lives
Michael Joseph Jackson 1958-2009
Friday, November 06, 2009
Bertemu Dgn Kekasih Lama.. i LIKE!
Maybe kat sini nampak kegatalan walaupun sy telah bernikah pada 20.12.2008. :D But, I cant resist to tell this! OMG!
Semalam, thanks to Nadyra's friend who invited us to watch "Rakaman Siaran Langsung Sehati Berdansa" and I was thrill cuz we're gonna be supporting Sazzy Falak! Yay! I love her to the max! I used to work with her before, in Gol n Gincu (as an extra actress for season 1) then work in production house (not gonna mention what company) "Seorang Lelaki Mendengar" - lebih kurang la tajuk dia mcm ni.. then keep tweet-tweet her in twitter... She's nice person to work with and very friendly compared to someone who I dont wanna mention....
This season of Sehati Berdansa kind of a lil special to me (I know I am not celeb but special la) cuz all the actors who I have worked with is participating, Didie, Enot and Sazzy. Not to forget the beautiful ex Dewi Remaja Scha Al Yahya and Fahrin Ahmad the host. Didie and Enot has worked together with me in several telemovies (2hrs drama) and Sazzy as mention. Remember HONEYZ? Scha was the lead of that group (scooby doo kinda thing in Malaysia)... then Fahrin in Viva Diva Mira... Aww! *cair.. Scha I knew her since her Dewi Remaja era where I take care of her for Hotlink Ads when I use to do interns back in 2006.
So selepas habis sahaja rakaman, kami dibenarkan mengambil gambar...So bermulalah sesi "Mencari kawan2 lama"... Dan saya cepat2 mencari Sazzy dan kebetulan mmg Sazzy akan bergambar dgn penyokong2...
So I started with Sazzy "Sazzy nk amek Pic!" Then she was ok ok! So i took the pic! Then I start "Sazzy, u kenal tak I?" .. she looks sooo clueless.. She was like aaa aa? "Its me Wawa!! From ***!!" And she was like "OH MY GOD! What? Ha?! OMG!!" and I was like "I know!! I da pakai tudung!!" hehehe "Babe! How r u?" and I said "Good n married!!" cuz ramai yang surrounded her, I told her, i'll tweet2.. (obviously she couldnt recognize me in tweet2..."
Then I go and search for LOVE of my past life.. Fahrin Ahmad hahah Hey dont think something else! I was a Production manager so we're bonded haha.. 1 week with him is not enough hahah seriously!
I managed to get him to take pic but I pass to Ahzam to get a chance posing with his Idol too.. Then I tell Fahrin.. "Abang.. mesti abang tak kenal saya kan?" Again.. clueless! "Siapa ek? Peminat abang bukan adik sorang je..."... "Ni Wawa la abang! Bekas ***..." Then guest what he said...
"OH WAWA!! Kekasih LAMA!!" hahahah He still remember the old times... Aww! Aww! Kembang!
Then I told him "Abang.. jangan cakap kuat2 sangat.. masuk tabloid kang naya je!" Then die angguk2 dan senyum.. He ask me "siapa yg bergambar dgn abang tadi..".. "Suami saya bang..".. "Wow! Tahniah!" then he look at him again.. "eh abang kenal la ni siapa, macam pernah jumpa!.." Dia sangat terkejut! He was tremendously shock! hehehe Seriously.. jatuh cinta kembali padanya! hahaha
Seriously... mimpi Fahrin malam tadi hahaha! Azam even said "kenapala mama tak kawin je dengan abg Fahrin dulu? mesti mama happy je!..." I was like.. gile ke laki aku ni! hahah Sayang dia sbg abang je.. tak lebih! Tapi memang tak sangka he remembers...
Nak tau kenapa dia ckp mcm tu.. I was a lil bit unprofessional that time so setiap kali pon die datang shooting, amek gambar dia.. Alasan nak simpan utk company tp sbnrnya nak simpan sendiri hahah! dalam hari ke-2, sbb sepanjang shooting budak2 krew kacau I cuz they know I am totally in love with him, (at this time, he was with Linda still) even he make jokes "taknak ke tolong abang? kate suka!" ... N i was playing tarik tali! haha "tak kuasa! marah Linda.. kang putus, tak pasal cheap publicity"...
Ini terjadi pon sbb tiap kali break pon, mesti nak duduk dengan dia... kesian dia kena kacau.. but it pays! haha he still remember me! aww! tak putus senyuman dr muka ku.. hahaha
im still waiting to upload the pic.. but I like!
and Happy Birthday to Aznil Hj Nawawi.. Even u are 40+... you look like u are 20+... Gud Job Pak Nil!
Cupcake yg dapat mase rakaman sempena Pak Nil's Bday!
So send your votes to SMS: Taip DANSA SAZZY atau DANSA<3/5/10> SAZZY untuk (3/5/10 undian) ke 32999 (Contoh : DANSA5 SAZZY KE 32999)
Talian Tetap: Dail 13721/ 13723/ 13725/ 13730 untuk 1/ 3 /5 /10 undian & Tekan 8
Tekan Butang R di Astro RIA, pilih SAZZY
Semalam, thanks to Nadyra's friend who invited us to watch "Rakaman Siaran Langsung Sehati Berdansa" and I was thrill cuz we're gonna be supporting Sazzy Falak! Yay! I love her to the max! I used to work with her before, in Gol n Gincu (as an extra actress for season 1) then work in production house (not gonna mention what company) "Seorang Lelaki Mendengar" - lebih kurang la tajuk dia mcm ni.. then keep tweet-tweet her in twitter... She's nice person to work with and very friendly compared to someone who I dont wanna mention....
This season of Sehati Berdansa kind of a lil special to me (I know I am not celeb but special la) cuz all the actors who I have worked with is participating, Didie, Enot and Sazzy. Not to forget the beautiful ex Dewi Remaja Scha Al Yahya and Fahrin Ahmad the host. Didie and Enot has worked together with me in several telemovies (2hrs drama) and Sazzy as mention. Remember HONEYZ? Scha was the lead of that group (scooby doo kinda thing in Malaysia)... then Fahrin in Viva Diva Mira... Aww! *cair.. Scha I knew her since her Dewi Remaja era where I take care of her for Hotlink Ads when I use to do interns back in 2006.
So selepas habis sahaja rakaman, kami dibenarkan mengambil gambar...So bermulalah sesi "Mencari kawan2 lama"... Dan saya cepat2 mencari Sazzy dan kebetulan mmg Sazzy akan bergambar dgn penyokong2...
So I started with Sazzy "Sazzy nk amek Pic!" Then she was ok ok! So i took the pic! Then I start "Sazzy, u kenal tak I?" .. she looks sooo clueless.. She was like aaa aa? "Its me Wawa!! From ***!!" And she was like "OH MY GOD! What? Ha?! OMG!!" and I was like "I know!! I da pakai tudung!!" hehehe "Babe! How r u?" and I said "Good n married!!" cuz ramai yang surrounded her, I told her, i'll tweet2.. (obviously she couldnt recognize me in tweet2..."
Then I go and search for LOVE of my past life.. Fahrin Ahmad hahah Hey dont think something else! I was a Production manager so we're bonded haha.. 1 week with him is not enough hahah seriously!
I managed to get him to take pic but I pass to Ahzam to get a chance posing with his Idol too.. Then I tell Fahrin.. "Abang.. mesti abang tak kenal saya kan?" Again.. clueless! "Siapa ek? Peminat abang bukan adik sorang je..."... "Ni Wawa la abang! Bekas ***..." Then guest what he said...
Then I told him "Abang.. jangan cakap kuat2 sangat.. masuk tabloid kang naya je!" Then die angguk2 dan senyum.. He ask me "siapa yg bergambar dgn abang tadi..".. "Suami saya bang..".. "Wow! Tahniah!" then he look at him again.. "eh abang kenal la ni siapa, macam pernah jumpa!.." Dia sangat terkejut! He was tremendously shock! hehehe Seriously.. jatuh cinta kembali padanya! hahaha
Seriously... mimpi Fahrin malam tadi hahaha! Azam even said "kenapala mama tak kawin je dengan abg Fahrin dulu? mesti mama happy je!..." I was like.. gile ke laki aku ni! hahah Sayang dia sbg abang je.. tak lebih! Tapi memang tak sangka he remembers...
Nak tau kenapa dia ckp mcm tu.. I was a lil bit unprofessional that time so setiap kali pon die datang shooting, amek gambar dia.. Alasan nak simpan utk company tp sbnrnya nak simpan sendiri hahah! dalam hari ke-2, sbb sepanjang shooting budak2 krew kacau I cuz they know I am totally in love with him, (at this time, he was with Linda still) even he make jokes "taknak ke tolong abang? kate suka!" ... N i was playing tarik tali! haha "tak kuasa! marah Linda.. kang putus, tak pasal cheap publicity"...
Ini terjadi pon sbb tiap kali break pon, mesti nak duduk dengan dia... kesian dia kena kacau.. but it pays! haha he still remember me! aww! tak putus senyuman dr muka ku.. hahaha
im still waiting to upload the pic.. but I like!
Cupcake yg dapat mase rakaman sempena Pak Nil's Bday!
So send your votes to SMS: Taip DANSA SAZZY atau DANSA<3/5/10> SAZZY untuk (3/5/10 undian) ke 32999 (Contoh : DANSA5 SAZZY KE 32999)
Talian Tetap: Dail 13721/ 13723/ 13725/ 13730 untuk 1/ 3 /5 /10 undian & Tekan 8
Tekan Butang R di Astro RIA, pilih SAZZY
Monday, November 02, 2009
Screening of This IS IT -
Dear all,
I am doing this to all the zombies who dance on Thrill The World Shah Alam at Dataran Kemerdekaan Shah Alam. Since We are one of the included who breaks the record, we made one private screening of This Is It Michael Jackson movie as following. Those who are interested, please let us know.
Since we have 101 seats, please let everyone who wants to watch this. 1st come 1st serve and Zombies who participate on 25th Oct will be the priorities.
Time: 9.15am (Movie starts at 9.45am)
Date : 7th Nov 2009
Venue : GSC Tropicana City Mall, Damansara, Petaling Jaya.
Price : RM15 adult, RM10 kids (this is due to the rental that we have to pay to the Cinema)
Theme : Michael Jackson outfit (any as long as u look like MJ)
Please pay by 3rd Nov 2009 (Tuesday) to this Maybank account
1-62272-69904-1 under Shazawati Mohammad and email your confirmation and payment to and text me 016-6206040.
Zombies, we are allowed to do the flash mob but we have to have the clearance from MACP/PPM to play MJ's soundtrack, so if anyone could help me to send letters on behalf of Thrill The World Shah Alam, please let me know.
Please spread this to others... Thank you!
I am doing this to all the zombies who dance on Thrill The World Shah Alam at Dataran Kemerdekaan Shah Alam. Since We are one of the included who breaks the record, we made one private screening of This Is It Michael Jackson movie as following. Those who are interested, please let us know.
Since we have 101 seats, please let everyone who wants to watch this. 1st come 1st serve and Zombies who participate on 25th Oct will be the priorities.
Time: 9.15am (Movie starts at 9.45am)
Date : 7th Nov 2009
Venue : GSC Tropicana City Mall, Damansara, Petaling Jaya.
Price : RM15 adult, RM10 kids (this is due to the rental that we have to pay to the Cinema)
Theme : Michael Jackson outfit (any as long as u look like MJ)
Please pay by 3rd Nov 2009 (Tuesday) to this Maybank account
1-62272-69904-1 under Shazawati Mohammad and email your confirmation and payment to and text me 016-6206040.
Zombies, we are allowed to do the flash mob but we have to have the clearance from MACP/PPM to play MJ's soundtrack, so if anyone could help me to send letters on behalf of Thrill The World Shah Alam, please let me know.
Please spread this to others... Thank you!
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
What's New with Concerts in Malaysia? Part 2
Okay, continue from what I shall say about CONCERTS in MALAYSIA.
Its ok if you (The Gomen) to give certain rules to the Foreign Singers that comes to Malaysia but you banned Faizal Tahir because of him showing his tummy, why dont you banned MALAYSIAN SINGERS AND ACTRESSES WOMEN? They are Muslims too and they are supposedly to be at least covering their chest/breast. ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO ARE OLD ENOUGH TO BE COVERING UP. I think you guys know who am I talking about.
Dont give excuses such as 'If we're not sexy, no one will likes us!'. Remember, you are not from HOLLYWOOD. Lets Beyonce, Mariah or JLO sexy cuz its their culture... You dont have to follow them. Yes, Some of the covered ppl doesnt show the nice values of them like the girl starts from W, so what?? Its only some of them!
Sometimes I dislike ppl those who is covering up. You supposed to give good examples to ppl but then you will do this things :-
1) bad mouthing about ppl who are not covering up - you shall advice them and show them your goodside, not bad mouthing! Mengumpat satu dosa!
2) delaying your Solat time - not to Solat at the end of time... how those not covering up can pray as early as you?
3) treating those not covering up like they are some shit to you - dont judge ppl by its cover. Doesnt mean she's not covering up she's bad. I think those who are covering up have quite a bad mouth. Dont be mad when you read this, it's what I think. Yes I cover up but I admit I am the type who bad mouthing but I bad mouthing for those who is covering up! Not who doesnt.
You cant be "berat sebelah" or picking one side. If foreign artist you can give some what of the rules, what about the Malay artist who is OBVIOUSLY ISLAM? You know who you are. I didnt ask all the Malay artist to wear tudung, but just dont show some of your 'mountain'. If you want to show in the movies/drama that you are seductive, you can use "Skin shirt" to show it off a bit. U dont have to show your real skins to ppl. You are in creative industry! be creative! Duh! So MALAYSIAN GOVERNMENT AND JABATAN AGAMA ISLAM MALAYSIA, Please take a look of this matter. Dont be one sided only! Take a look of your MALAYSIAN ENTERTAINERS! They are more sexier than they supposed to be!
I saw some of the artist come to the Alicia Keys concerts wearing tube and hot pants... See, its not Alicia! Its the audiences~
Anyway, I hope Beyonce's concerts will get the 100% permissions. I think whatever Beyonce wears, no matter T-Shirt with 3rd Quarter pants also damn sexy! Im sure some of you guys watch the clip of "irreplaceable" right? The white T-shirt n Brown pants she wore, She look so hot in it! I love it!
Its ok if you (The Gomen) to give certain rules to the Foreign Singers that comes to Malaysia but you banned Faizal Tahir because of him showing his tummy, why dont you banned MALAYSIAN SINGERS AND ACTRESSES WOMEN? They are Muslims too and they are supposedly to be at least covering their chest/breast. ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO ARE OLD ENOUGH TO BE COVERING UP. I think you guys know who am I talking about.
Dont give excuses such as 'If we're not sexy, no one will likes us!'. Remember, you are not from HOLLYWOOD. Lets Beyonce, Mariah or JLO sexy cuz its their culture... You dont have to follow them. Yes, Some of the covered ppl doesnt show the nice values of them like the girl starts from W, so what?? Its only some of them!
Sometimes I dislike ppl those who is covering up. You supposed to give good examples to ppl but then you will do this things :-
1) bad mouthing about ppl who are not covering up - you shall advice them and show them your goodside, not bad mouthing! Mengumpat satu dosa!
2) delaying your Solat time - not to Solat at the end of time... how those not covering up can pray as early as you?
3) treating those not covering up like they are some shit to you - dont judge ppl by its cover. Doesnt mean she's not covering up she's bad. I think those who are covering up have quite a bad mouth. Dont be mad when you read this, it's what I think. Yes I cover up but I admit I am the type who bad mouthing but I bad mouthing for those who is covering up! Not who doesnt.
You cant be "berat sebelah" or picking one side. If foreign artist you can give some what of the rules, what about the Malay artist who is OBVIOUSLY ISLAM? You know who you are. I didnt ask all the Malay artist to wear tudung, but just dont show some of your 'mountain'. If you want to show in the movies/drama that you are seductive, you can use "Skin shirt" to show it off a bit. U dont have to show your real skins to ppl. You are in creative industry! be creative! Duh! So MALAYSIAN GOVERNMENT AND JABATAN AGAMA ISLAM MALAYSIA, Please take a look of this matter. Dont be one sided only! Take a look of your MALAYSIAN ENTERTAINERS! They are more sexier than they supposed to be!
I saw some of the artist come to the Alicia Keys concerts wearing tube and hot pants... See, its not Alicia! Its the audiences~
Anyway, I hope Beyonce's concerts will get the 100% permissions. I think whatever Beyonce wears, no matter T-Shirt with 3rd Quarter pants also damn sexy! Im sure some of you guys watch the clip of "irreplaceable" right? The white T-shirt n Brown pants she wore, She look so hot in it! I love it!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Something is true ...About Woman
Emosi Aidilfitri perempuan
(Dipetik dari Utusan Malaysia Online) -
BILA menyentuh bab pulang beraya, perempuan jarang mahu mengalah. Ada saja alasan untuk pulang ke kampung sendiri. Sebenarnya kalau mahu dikira, tiada istilah bergilir seperti yang selalu ditetapkan. Tiada istilah adil dan saksama dalam hal balik kampung ini.
Perempuan menjadi terlalu emosional dalam hal ini. Kadar emosionalnya kalau tak sama pun, mungkin sedikit di bawah paras hal-hal berkaitan berkahwin lagi.
Aidilfitri disambut penuh emosi, sama seperti apabila ada khabar suami mereka menjalin hubungan lain.
Lelaki pula yang tidak mahu berbalah dan penat berhujah, terpaksa akur. Bukan apa, tidak mahu mencemar suasana Aidilfitri. Jika tahun ini, hari raya pertama di kampung isteri, tahun depan jangan terlalu berharap dapat ke kampung suami pula.
Memang isteri patut diberi keutamaan dalam hal balik kampung setelah sebulan pengorbanan sepanjang Ramadan tetapi hargailah juga keluarga, sanak saudara dan rakan-rakan suami di kampung. Mereka juga ada memori meraikan Aidilfitri bersama.
Sepatutnya bila diberi peluang, gunakan sebaik mungkin, tetapi biasanya tidak begitu.
Emosi Aidilfitri mengatasi kelembutan dan kebijaksanaan yang ditunjukkan sepanjang Ramadan yang lalu.
Kalaupun pulang ke kampung suami, semangat sama tidak dikongsi. Hanya suam-suam kuku. Tidak terserlah wajah ceria dan semangat berkobar-kobar mahu pulang beraya bersama keluarga mentua. Baru tinggal sehari dua sudah mengeluh.
Lain apabila di kampung sendiri, berkemas mahu pulang pun ditangguh-tangguh. Patut pulang pagi jadi tengah hari. Patut bawa dua beg jadi tiga beg untuk bawa buah tangan.
Sekadar mengambil contoh, inilah antara yang dialami oleh dua penjawat tinggi kerajaan setiap kali menyambut Aidilfitri.
Seorang berpangkat satu bintang yang menaungi ribuan anggota dan seorang lagi sangat berkuasa di jabatannya.
Tetapi kuasa dan aura di pejabat tidak mampu mengekang emosi Aidilfitri sang isteri. Tahun ini mereka tetap pulang ke kampung isteri, sama seperti tahun lalu.
Kepada perempuan, mereka sentiasa ada alasan. Kepada lelaki, mereka sentiasa mengalah. from
Saya rase.... sy sangat sokong! Sy punya ramai saudara mara begini. Alasan - Ibu takde sape nak tolong.. walhal adik beradik ramai perempuan... atau isteri anak sulung, kena beralah...
"Mcm sy, tahun ini balik kg saya dulu sbb dah alang2... keluarga belah suami pula tak tentu balik kampung atau tidak... kerana itulah balik kampung saya dulu... jangan salah sangka ya!" Tahun depan, kalo ibu mertuaku bilang "tak balik batu gajah, so sy balik uma die di Subang then kami pergi ke N9 utk beraya... tak akan balik ke Perak!" kan senang mcm tue... Tapi kalo balik Perak, mungkin tak lama di rumah mertua sbb tahun ini dah almost 4hr di rumah mertua.. cukup2 lah!
What's New with Concerts in Malaysia? Part 1
Since 1996, when MJ first come to Malaysia, the government gives him T&C of "not to grab your crotch" while doing your dance n MJ followed the rules. Eversince, everyone from the Hollywood are keen to do concerts in Malaysia. Not because of not to crotch grabbing of course but how excited to have people who never knew about Malaysia at all. I know sometime before MJ, NKOTB, The Linear, Tommy Page has come to Malaysia. Well, I remember those cuz I went with my sisters and cousins! hahah Those days!
Pussy Cat Dolls, Alicia Keys, Mariah Carey, Gwen Stefani, Black Eye Peas has made it. Pussycat Dolls has made mistakes by not wearing undies while performing and can see their "puss under the umbrella" and therefore, Malaysian Governments decided no more Women Performances or they can come but under the Term & Conditions. Here, I would like to express my dissatisfaction on that Stupid T&C!
1st of all, Its that stupid PUSSYCAT DOLLS who came without undies (maybe Malaysia is too HOT for undies) so they decided to not to wear em but our sponsors are quite stupid too! You told PCD that you will be doing the concert at the Water Theme Park (this happen in Sunway Lagoon) so I do think PCD has wet their undies with swimming before d concerts...
2nd thing, I went to Mariah Carey's, 1st BEP concert in Bukit Kiara, and Alicia Keys in Merdeka Stadium. Okay Okay... Not all I went cuz im not Daughter of Billionaire whom my dad can just close eyes to give free tix! hahaha! Btw, you must be wondering, what the heck am I only mentioning all WOMAN? Go to 3rd..
3rdly, I am totally pissed with our GOVERNMENTS! Give such a strict rules to those women who wanted to do show and BEYONCE was upset because "we didnt allow her to be here cuz she's too hot for Malaysia". BUT WHY DONT YOU GIVE TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO THOSE WHO WENT FOR THEIR CONCERTS!? I went to these concerts and knew that the T&C given by the governments, but I laugh all the way at the concerts!
Mariah Carey was totally nice... She wore pink barbie t-shirt and jeans... I know she aint comfortable but what to do, ITS THE RULE!! So what about the environments? Does the government care? NOOOO! As long the IDOL have to becareful with what they are wearing.
LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING. THOSE WHO CAME FOR THE CONCERTS ARE MORE SEXIER THAN THE IDOL ITSELF! At Carey's concert, some fans wearing tube (braless) and mini skirt and even Mini Dress to watch her concert! The government should do T&C for those who is going... Let say "All should wear long sleeve and long pants or skirts to watch"... NO MATTER MUSLIMS OR NOT! Cuz "to respect others is to show others how you respects" right?
I think Carey has told Beyonce "I do think its ok for you to wear sexy cuz the FANS all are sexier than I am!". Thats my assumption yo! I dont think they talked but who knows ya! They might have morning coffee together and stuff. Malaysia is not MUSLIM country but We're populated by MUSLIMS here!
I would like to continue further but Im dizzy right now... will meet you in part 2...
Pussy Cat Dolls, Alicia Keys, Mariah Carey, Gwen Stefani, Black Eye Peas has made it. Pussycat Dolls has made mistakes by not wearing undies while performing and can see their "puss under the umbrella" and therefore, Malaysian Governments decided no more Women Performances or they can come but under the Term & Conditions. Here, I would like to express my dissatisfaction on that Stupid T&C!
1st of all, Its that stupid PUSSYCAT DOLLS who came without undies (maybe Malaysia is too HOT for undies) so they decided to not to wear em but our sponsors are quite stupid too! You told PCD that you will be doing the concert at the Water Theme Park (this happen in Sunway Lagoon) so I do think PCD has wet their undies with swimming before d concerts...
2nd thing, I went to Mariah Carey's, 1st BEP concert in Bukit Kiara, and Alicia Keys in Merdeka Stadium. Okay Okay... Not all I went cuz im not Daughter of Billionaire whom my dad can just close eyes to give free tix! hahaha! Btw, you must be wondering, what the heck am I only mentioning all WOMAN? Go to 3rd..
3rdly, I am totally pissed with our GOVERNMENTS! Give such a strict rules to those women who wanted to do show and BEYONCE was upset because "we didnt allow her to be here cuz she's too hot for Malaysia". BUT WHY DONT YOU GIVE TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO THOSE WHO WENT FOR THEIR CONCERTS!? I went to these concerts and knew that the T&C given by the governments, but I laugh all the way at the concerts!
Mariah Carey was totally nice... She wore pink barbie t-shirt and jeans... I know she aint comfortable but what to do, ITS THE RULE!! So what about the environments? Does the government care? NOOOO! As long the IDOL have to becareful with what they are wearing.
LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING. THOSE WHO CAME FOR THE CONCERTS ARE MORE SEXIER THAN THE IDOL ITSELF! At Carey's concert, some fans wearing tube (braless) and mini skirt and even Mini Dress to watch her concert! The government should do T&C for those who is going... Let say "All should wear long sleeve and long pants or skirts to watch"... NO MATTER MUSLIMS OR NOT! Cuz "to respect others is to show others how you respects" right?
I think Carey has told Beyonce "I do think its ok for you to wear sexy cuz the FANS all are sexier than I am!". Thats my assumption yo! I dont think they talked but who knows ya! They might have morning coffee together and stuff. Malaysia is not MUSLIM country but We're populated by MUSLIMS here!
I would like to continue further but Im dizzy right now... will meet you in part 2...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sorry for being over react
Dear love,
I'm sorry for what I've said,
I didn't expect us to be like that,
I still love you and still in need,
I know I have gone too far,
seriously I didnt mean to hurt you,
Dear Love,
You are my sunshine,
You are my moon,
if you are gone,
I dont think I can live,
I wish you not to leave me,
As I still in need
Dear Love,
Sorry for the jealousy,
It hurts me a lot to see it,
I need to say it,
I didnt expect that time,
only Me in your mind,
Dear love,
I know I am over react,
but love, I need you,
I cant bear to see you
in other woman's arm,
Its enough to see it before,
I hope you understand.
Dear Love,
I know we're tied,
but you have another three,
3 empty spaces can be filled,
That's why I am worried,
and That's why I over react...
Dear Love,
I am sorry again,
If I hurt you everyday,
I know Im over,
but Over means I love,
papa, I miss you... I love you till death do us part.
I'm sorry for what I've said,
I didn't expect us to be like that,
I still love you and still in need,
I know I have gone too far,
seriously I didnt mean to hurt you,
Dear Love,
You are my sunshine,
You are my moon,
if you are gone,
I dont think I can live,
I wish you not to leave me,
As I still in need
Dear Love,
Sorry for the jealousy,
It hurts me a lot to see it,
I need to say it,
I didnt expect that time,
only Me in your mind,
Dear love,
I know I am over react,
but love, I need you,
I cant bear to see you
in other woman's arm,
Its enough to see it before,
I hope you understand.
Dear Love,
I know we're tied,
but you have another three,
3 empty spaces can be filled,
That's why I am worried,
and That's why I over react...
Dear Love,
I am sorry again,
If I hurt you everyday,
I know Im over,
but Over means I love,
papa, I miss you... I love you till death do us part.
Friday, September 18, 2009
What's New With Hari Raya?
To all my Muslim friends,
I would like to wish Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir dan Batin or Happy Eid Fitri and Sorry if I hurt you spiritually or psychically!
Those who hates me, please do keep hating me. I kinda like it now!
Those who loves me, thank you soo much for giving so much love!!
I would like to share stories on Hari Raya :-
This is my first time of everything!
This Ramadhan is the first with me and husband. (tiring but fun. As usual, NO LONG sleep!)
This Raya will be the first with my Husband. So much loves and SO MUCH duit raya from him :)
This Raya will be the first we fight which house to raya (obviously I won) hahaha
This Raya will be the first we have to give Double Duit Raya
This Raya will be the first we drive to our Kampung (hometown yo!)
This Raya will be the saddest raya cuz I cant hangout long with my Family (grr)
This Raya will be the most tiring Raya because I'm going to three different parts of Perak (Ulu Kinta, Batu Gajah and Taiping) and will drive from North to South for my father's side... Tired!!!
This Raya will be the most happening raya cuz I have bigger family to share with
This Raya will be the most crazy raya cuz one of my childhood friend is flying off to UK on 2nd day of raya.
This Raya will be the most annoying raya cuz I might have to hear stories that I don't wanna hear and questions that I dont wish to hear! "Y u dont have any baby?", "Dont u afraid that people might say u're infertile?" ....Damn! Leave me alone!
This Raya I might have Open house.. So Waits for the Invites!!
This Raya will not be the same my Raya Before...
Selamat Hari Raya Again dan Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
I would like to wish Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir dan Batin or Happy Eid Fitri and Sorry if I hurt you spiritually or psychically!
Those who hates me, please do keep hating me. I kinda like it now!
Those who loves me, thank you soo much for giving so much love!!
I would like to share stories on Hari Raya :-
This is my first time of everything!
This Ramadhan is the first with me and husband. (tiring but fun. As usual, NO LONG sleep!)
This Raya will be the first with my Husband. So much loves and SO MUCH duit raya from him :)
This Raya will be the first we fight which house to raya (obviously I won) hahaha
This Raya will be the first we have to give Double Duit Raya
This Raya will be the first we drive to our Kampung (hometown yo!)
This Raya will be the saddest raya cuz I cant hangout long with my Family (grr)
This Raya will be the most tiring Raya because I'm going to three different parts of Perak (Ulu Kinta, Batu Gajah and Taiping) and will drive from North to South for my father's side... Tired!!!
This Raya will be the most happening raya cuz I have bigger family to share with
This Raya will be the most crazy raya cuz one of my childhood friend is flying off to UK on 2nd day of raya.
This Raya will be the most annoying raya cuz I might have to hear stories that I don't wanna hear and questions that I dont wish to hear! "Y u dont have any baby?", "Dont u afraid that people might say u're infertile?" ....Damn! Leave me alone!
This Raya I might have Open house.. So Waits for the Invites!!
This Raya will not be the same my Raya Before...
Selamat Hari Raya Again dan Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
What's New with Lucky Week ?
This week I am sooo soooo sooooooo sooooooooo sooooooooooooooo LUCKY!
Yesterday, received a sms from DIGI and they said they have reserved one tix for me to their concert... 16/09/09
Today... I received GET BLACK EYE PEAS T-SHIRT AND MEET+GREET PASSES FOR 25TH OCT 09 FROM DIGI!! I WILL MEET THEM ON 25TH SEPT!!!-17/09/09! I havent got the passes yet but any updates, I will let you know like how many will I get, when is it, where to pick and all and who will be following me! Obviously if for two, it will be me n hubby la.. if more than 2, you have to BID for it! hahaha Wuuuuhuuuu! .... I LOVEEE DG! hahaha
i think DG knew that I wanna change network, so they keep on giving so that I will stick.. i'll consider that! hahaha Yay!! yay!!
OMG!!I just remembered! I need to borrow camera people!! Camera!! No wait.. I have phone camera... noo I wanna borrow camera!! Pls!! Pls!! I'll send your regards to them..
Yahoooooooo!!! BEP yo! BEP!!Cant wait to hug2 FERGIE! aaaa! Fainted... I shouted in the office and almost fainted to see the msg!
Yesterday, received a sms from DIGI and they said they have reserved one tix for me to their concert... 16/09/09
Today... I received GET BLACK EYE PEAS T-SHIRT AND MEET+GREET PASSES FOR 25TH OCT 09 FROM DIGI!! I WILL MEET THEM ON 25TH SEPT!!!-17/09/09! I havent got the passes yet but any updates, I will let you know like how many will I get, when is it, where to pick and all and who will be following me! Obviously if for two, it will be me n hubby la.. if more than 2, you have to BID for it! hahaha Wuuuuhuuuu! .... I LOVEEE DG! hahaha
i think DG knew that I wanna change network, so they keep on giving so that I will stick.. i'll consider that! hahaha Yay!! yay!!
OMG!!I just remembered! I need to borrow camera people!! Camera!! No wait.. I have phone camera... noo I wanna borrow camera!! Pls!! Pls!! I'll send your regards to them..
Yahoooooooo!!! BEP yo! BEP!!Cant wait to hug2 FERGIE! aaaa! Fainted... I shouted in the office and almost fainted to see the msg!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Lagu Pengecut
Kenapa aku buat lagu ini dalam bahasa melayu? Sbb aku rase pengintip tetap aku tu adalah orang melayu yang tak paham bahasa Inggeris.. Ops sorry... ops Maaf! Faham ke sorry tue apa? tak faham? tak faham lagu coward chicken song? TU maksudnya pengecut ayam! skang ni... amek lagu bahasa melayu incase ko bodoh...or memang ko lagi bodoh ... kot?
Malay version
Aku tak faham
mengapa diriku diintip
aku bukannya Siti Nurhaliza
ataupun Mawi
Semua dengki denganku
terutama si komentator yang
agak pengecut dalam blog ku
kasihanilah dirinya
kerana aku rasa aku tau
dia mahukan suami aku
tapi malangnya
suami aku menolaknya
kerana dia terlalu hodoh dan jijik!
*kau seorang pengecut
kau seorang p**dan
kau seorang loser yang hanya berani
meluahkan perasaan melalui komennya
aku tahu kau keji dan jijik
dan aku jamin
tempat barumu
adalah Neraka Jahanam!
aku sangka Syaitan itu jahat
tak sangka kau lebih teruk dari Iblis
Iblis pon menangis melihat kau
kerana kau lebih kejam darinya
sungguh aku tak sangka
hidupku bagaikan selebriti
selebriti pon tak macamku
diintip sentiasa
*chorus repeat
*chorus repeat
Kau mahukan aku mati
Aku tahu kenapa
kau mahukan suami aku
jika benar marah padaku
silalah beli kayu besbol
dan pukul katilmu sendiri.
chorus *
hari raya waktu bermaafan
kau yang minta bermusuh
tidak mengapalah
kau memang SAH
aku doakan kau sentiasa
bahagia hidup bersama syaitan dan iblis
Sekian, aku sentiasa terima benci kau...
hanya tuhan sahaja yang tau...
Malay version
Aku tak faham
mengapa diriku diintip
aku bukannya Siti Nurhaliza
ataupun Mawi
Semua dengki denganku
terutama si komentator yang
agak pengecut dalam blog ku
kasihanilah dirinya
kerana aku rasa aku tau
dia mahukan suami aku
tapi malangnya
suami aku menolaknya
kerana dia terlalu hodoh dan jijik!
*kau seorang pengecut
kau seorang p**dan
kau seorang loser yang hanya berani
meluahkan perasaan melalui komennya
aku tahu kau keji dan jijik
dan aku jamin
tempat barumu
adalah Neraka Jahanam!
aku sangka Syaitan itu jahat
tak sangka kau lebih teruk dari Iblis
Iblis pon menangis melihat kau
kerana kau lebih kejam darinya
sungguh aku tak sangka
hidupku bagaikan selebriti
selebriti pon tak macamku
diintip sentiasa
*chorus repeat
*chorus repeat
Kau mahukan aku mati
Aku tahu kenapa
kau mahukan suami aku
jika benar marah padaku
silalah beli kayu besbol
dan pukul katilmu sendiri.
chorus *
hari raya waktu bermaafan
kau yang minta bermusuh
tidak mengapalah
kau memang SAH
aku doakan kau sentiasa
bahagia hidup bersama syaitan dan iblis
Sekian, aku sentiasa terima benci kau...
hanya tuhan sahaja yang tau...
Coward Chicken Songs
Since I have unknown mucha fakar (m*th*rf*c*e*) who stalking me through internet... which is soo soo cowardly.. maybe she/he aint got p**sy or d*ckhead... or maybe ITS a for you mucha fakar... this is your fakar songs...
Coward Fakar
I dont know why
I think my life is worst than celebrities
in the office someone stalking me
and someone is stalking me through the web
Its better being celebrities
as everyone wanna know about me
cuz for sure I'll be in fame
and I know
you might wanna know
how was my sex last nite
*i still dont get it
why you need to hunt me down
im no value to you
it is because you are so jealous
or because you want my hubby
but he totally rejected you
*poor you
guys rejected you
even lesbians runs away
what a sucks life you have
im glad that Im me
where every1 likes me!
I do have some shit attitude
but people remembers my greatest
that's why they love me
instead of loving you
pity you but you dont deserve
even a shit!
i have no idea who the heck you are
or what the heck you want from me
as you are so coward into showing
the true you
sorry for being frank
u totally a pussy
if you are a guy
or a dickhead
if you are a girl
cuz you only dare to fight
through my lovely blog
Na na na na na na
Everyday thinking of you
making me laugh
cuz as you suck being a human
I have imagine,
how is your life if you are a donkey
for sure your caretaker
regrets taking you as their pet
Its funny how you wanted me to die
I do hope I die faster
so I have less sin than you do
cuz for now Im sure
you are totally wanted in hell
too bad I dont know you
too bad I dont even wanna know you
cuz looking to that fugly face
its makes me wanna laugh my ass of
*chorus till fade
Coward Fakar
I dont know why
I think my life is worst than celebrities
in the office someone stalking me
and someone is stalking me through the web
Its better being celebrities
as everyone wanna know about me
cuz for sure I'll be in fame
and I know
you might wanna know
how was my sex last nite
*i still dont get it
why you need to hunt me down
im no value to you
it is because you are so jealous
or because you want my hubby
but he totally rejected you
*poor you
guys rejected you
even lesbians runs away
what a sucks life you have
im glad that Im me
where every1 likes me!
I do have some shit attitude
but people remembers my greatest
that's why they love me
instead of loving you
pity you but you dont deserve
even a shit!
i have no idea who the heck you are
or what the heck you want from me
as you are so coward into showing
the true you
sorry for being frank
u totally a pussy
if you are a guy
or a dickhead
if you are a girl
cuz you only dare to fight
through my lovely blog
Na na na na na na
Everyday thinking of you
making me laugh
cuz as you suck being a human
I have imagine,
how is your life if you are a donkey
for sure your caretaker
regrets taking you as their pet
Its funny how you wanted me to die
I do hope I die faster
so I have less sin than you do
cuz for now Im sure
you are totally wanted in hell
too bad I dont know you
too bad I dont even wanna know you
cuz looking to that fugly face
its makes me wanna laugh my ass of
*chorus till fade
Raya Song
I will try to create my own raya Song.. Enjoy!
Bebas Fitnah
sebulan berpuasa
menahan lapar dan dahaga
bahkan mata dan telinga juga
menghindari umpatan dan fitnah durjana
sedar tak sedar,
ramadhan telah pergi
kini tibanya syawal
hari muliaaa
*oh gembira rasa hati
dapat pulang ke kampung halaman
berjumpa rakan sepermainan
mengibau kenangan
maaf bermaafan
menjadi amalan
hidangan kuih muih yang enak
serta lemang dan rendang
segala prasangka
haruslah dihindarkan
segala benci dan duka
haruslah dilupakan
chorus *
kita hidup didunia
tidaklah selamanya
janganlah alpa menunaikan
rukun Islam keempat
chorus *
Bebas Fitnah
sebulan berpuasa
menahan lapar dan dahaga
bahkan mata dan telinga juga
menghindari umpatan dan fitnah durjana
sedar tak sedar,
ramadhan telah pergi
kini tibanya syawal
hari muliaaa
*oh gembira rasa hati
dapat pulang ke kampung halaman
berjumpa rakan sepermainan
mengibau kenangan
maaf bermaafan
menjadi amalan
hidangan kuih muih yang enak
serta lemang dan rendang
segala prasangka
haruslah dihindarkan
segala benci dan duka
haruslah dilupakan
chorus *
kita hidup didunia
tidaklah selamanya
janganlah alpa menunaikan
rukun Islam keempat
chorus *
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
090909 - whats special?
My Chatting friend has captured the best of the 090909 where we cant get it... unless you can stay alive another 1,000 years. (I dont wish to be alive till that time though... i will never remember no one! the best part... I will never get a chance to re-married again.. for sure my husband will be dead by then.. hahaha
btw, here's the link! calendar 09 Sept 2009 = 090909 at 09:09:09 am... she said she will try tonite.. but tonite it wont be that special cuz 2109! this you can do another 100 years of time.. 21-09-2109 at 21:09:21:09...
enjoy watching 090909 at 090909am !
btw, here's the link! calendar 09 Sept 2009 = 090909 at 09:09:09 am... she said she will try tonite.. but tonite it wont be that special cuz 2109! this you can do another 100 years of time.. 21-09-2109 at 21:09:21:09...
enjoy watching 090909 at 090909am !
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
What's New With Anniversary?
Today, my memory reverts! This is the day 5 years ago in 2004 when I was officially proposed by my hubby. Actually, my proposal starts on this 08/09/04.
07/09/04, I was frustrated when I know my ex bf is having an affair to another woman. It breaks my heart. I have done some stupid things with the most stupidest person on earth which I wont mention any names.. someone might spying on me...
I was hung over, woke up at 10am at the stupidest person's home, got recalled what happened last nite, then called my ex and quarrel again... I lost faith on guys and hated them.. swear to myself, starting today, I will treat guys like rubbish!
then, I went back home around 2pm. I told my mum "dont disturb me, heart breaking moments". and my mom dont even bother.. haha (lame!) Then after Maghrib Prayer, I start smsing all the guys in my hp except my hubby... I wanna to do some trick n treat haha... Suddenly, out of the blue my husband smsed me.
"Sudikah Wati menjadi teman hidup Ahzam selama-lamanya?" at 2150hrs (9:50pm)
I was like (@-@)!! The heck!? hmm.. I loved him from the beginning but cuz I was frustrated to the maximum, I said to myself "i'll accept! but no more giving all out!"
So I was so egoistic at the first place till I cheated on him. Sorry babe... around 2-3 months later, I accidentally tell him what has happen, he was frustrated and mad and tell me "my love to u, will never be the same as how I treated you this 2-3 months.." I tell you.. he's damn romantic for the 1st three months, then when he knew, he is never the same..
I regretted and keep in my heart, "No Other guys will be with me! Only Him and Him!". Of course, in relationship there is up n down, and I do admit, he has done some stupid things too and I have rejected few guys which comes with varieties of wealth, educated and quite handsome... just cuz I can see he's the one for me.
But with Allah's blessing, I am happily married to him now.
Sayang, I hope our love will be together forever. I love you so much...
Cinta kita takkan pudar untuk selamanya dan kaulah satu-satunya cinta hati ku sayang. I love you.
07/09/04, I was frustrated when I know my ex bf is having an affair to another woman. It breaks my heart. I have done some stupid things with the most stupidest person on earth which I wont mention any names.. someone might spying on me...
I was hung over, woke up at 10am at the stupidest person's home, got recalled what happened last nite, then called my ex and quarrel again... I lost faith on guys and hated them.. swear to myself, starting today, I will treat guys like rubbish!
then, I went back home around 2pm. I told my mum "dont disturb me, heart breaking moments". and my mom dont even bother.. haha (lame!) Then after Maghrib Prayer, I start smsing all the guys in my hp except my hubby... I wanna to do some trick n treat haha... Suddenly, out of the blue my husband smsed me.
"Sudikah Wati menjadi teman hidup Ahzam selama-lamanya?" at 2150hrs (9:50pm)
I was like (@-@)!! The heck!? hmm.. I loved him from the beginning but cuz I was frustrated to the maximum, I said to myself "i'll accept! but no more giving all out!"
So I was so egoistic at the first place till I cheated on him. Sorry babe... around 2-3 months later, I accidentally tell him what has happen, he was frustrated and mad and tell me "my love to u, will never be the same as how I treated you this 2-3 months.." I tell you.. he's damn romantic for the 1st three months, then when he knew, he is never the same..
I regretted and keep in my heart, "No Other guys will be with me! Only Him and Him!". Of course, in relationship there is up n down, and I do admit, he has done some stupid things too and I have rejected few guys which comes with varieties of wealth, educated and quite handsome... just cuz I can see he's the one for me.
But with Allah's blessing, I am happily married to him now.
Sayang, I hope our love will be together forever. I love you so much...
Cinta kita takkan pudar untuk selamanya dan kaulah satu-satunya cinta hati ku sayang. I love you.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Gossiping about In Laws with Friends
I got to admit, i don't have good camera/ a camera to share or spice up my stories but at least I share stories with you. Some will say, you should write an essay since you make it very long, but who cares? Is good aint it?
Btw, both of us has bunch of friends who has been married either before or after us but then, when we reunite, we all shared stories especially about in laws. Its funny when we realize time flies so fast till we dont really wanna admit we're married... It does seems like we're just in our primary's time... How I missed it being a kid so much!!
So, Last weekend was the longest I had but I do feel like I need another 2 weeks hahah Lame! On Friday nite, I called one of my best buddies cuz she need help on wedding tips a.k.a what to prepare, comparison of $$ and stuff. We had the longest talk but its cool. Now, she knows what I have gone through `fore the wedding. She is one among the person who against my marriage before but now she also have almost the same problem... But what past is past. As a friend I shall give advice, not to stab her back. Rite?
Then, I met my old long friend (ex-schoolmates) while I was shopping around. She told me the sad stories of her. But I cant talk long cuz I have my cousin along but we managed to gossip about our marriage life. :)) I thought I got the worst in law (not my M.I.L, she loves me but my bro in law's wife! whom is very the F******* lazy!) She got even worst in laws ever! Worst! Babeh! Worst! She is married to some guy who is the youngest in the family. She stayed with her mother in law for a year and been married for two years. She has gone twice of miscarriage due to stress. If she is sick, she wasnt allow to rest... She has to do house chores while having her illness!! What a total sucker M.I.L right?! Well It does sucks.
Another friend whom I talked on the phone with is a friend who kinda married to the guy she wasn't really deeply in love with cuz that guy have some bad attitude. Apparently the husband is the mommy's fave boy cuz he's the only boy, (which I don't recommend you to married one of them). One time, she fought with the husband cuz her husband didnt acknowledge her what time he will come home and she waited for quite sometimes, and my friend chase him out from the house. This is because my friend was damn sick so thats why she pissed off. She better be single rather than having a husband if that so! Then the M.I.L heard from the husband (curious what he has told the mother), the mom comes to the house, scolded my friend for nothing and backing up the husband summore. How toot toot she is right? Before they were married too, my friend told me the husband once almost hit/slaps her in front of his parents, and the mother didnt say anything! The mother even blame my friend for it and said she deserve it? How idiotic is that woman!? Sorry, I have to tell the truth, M.I.L can be somehow tuut tuut but that is too much! What is her feeling if her own husband slaps her and kick her!? She would file the divorce right? My friend wasn't married yet at that time you know..YET TO BE MARRIED!
Another friend of mine, she told me her M.I.L was horrible and I did see how horrible her M.I.L was. Scary... I even told my friend directly at the back of her M.I.L while she was there, "If I ever got this kind of M.I.L, definitely I will never ever think to marry my husband at first place regardless how much he loves me and will do anything including swim through the fire or jump from the sky and do formation of "Please Say I Do"... I seriously will dump him! I rather married to an orphanage. But after 2 years has been married with the second child is coming this November, she told me her M.I.L has become nicer and nicer. This is because at first, MIL favors the 1st D.I.L and 1st class treatment was given but the D.I.L havent got any child after years of marriages, she slowly hates her and loves my friend better cuz she's fertile. I think the 1st DIL now is having trouble with the husband too and the MIL asked him to marry other woman cuz that woman is infertile.. how rude that is right?
Well, do not feel terrified with the stories. I'm just sharing this with all of you cuz you are all my friends regardless if you are a stranger or psycho-maniac or what.
To make you feel better, check this out. One funny ad in the TV now about 1malaysiaproton... This trios, Dato David Arumugam, Afdlin Shauki and Ho YuHang he asked something like this. I cant remember the lines but its funny if you have saw it. "Uncle, how do you feel when we're invaded by the British? Im sure its terrified. Tell us the story la!". The uncle said "Easy! You combined with the wife and her mother, then you know."... something like that. That's how terrified on the guy side... Check it here! under kuih muih. Very very funny!
For girls, dont be afraid to get married. Married is the way of growing up and without these challenge, it would not be fun at all! Seriously, having all this challenges are fun. I complaints about it but I do thank to Allah cuz he has given me the good lessons on earth. Be Good and you will be paid better.
Seriously, my bro in law's sister hated me and tried to be me (seriously whatever Im wearing and MIL praises me, the next day she will buy the same outfit!), but she cant beat me in the cooking and helping side! At least I know how to cook and cleans! I even helpful when it comes to buying groceries cuz I dont have to wait for my hubby to drive me there... I can go by myself! She lose again! She have a license but she said with proudly face "i will only drive my own car..." Hello! Once a loser always a loser... Loser! Moron! Whatever! Talk to the hand!
She knows how to be charming (with the fake smiles and stuff) but my MIL didnt buy at all. Seriously my MIL hated me when she get to know me bit by bit but now, she said "although Wawa have the bad bad laser fucking mouth, she's handy when anyone needed help but on L, she's nice cuz she didnt talk that much but her laziness is making me less liking her... " I've told you, dont hate me if you dont know me that much! My FIL said to me, "your dad said you never cook and now you wanna cook? Sorry, I wont eat your food...". So I helped out my MIL and cooked chicken curry her style, he couldn't differentiate who's cooking was it. Hahaha The other day, when I wasnt around, L cooked and I tell you, my MIL told me the fish was tearing apart and it does look like cat's food and my FIL dont bother to eat it. At last, my 3rd brother in law cooked spaghetti for the whole house. See? Allah gives you brain! Use it moron! Use! I win again! hahaha
So, girls! Remember, when this things happen, find your INITIATIVES to win your MIL's heart. Dont bother about your SIL cuz they just pain in the ASS! Full stop! hahah
Till we meet again, SALAM!
Btw, both of us has bunch of friends who has been married either before or after us but then, when we reunite, we all shared stories especially about in laws. Its funny when we realize time flies so fast till we dont really wanna admit we're married... It does seems like we're just in our primary's time... How I missed it being a kid so much!!
So, Last weekend was the longest I had but I do feel like I need another 2 weeks hahah Lame! On Friday nite, I called one of my best buddies cuz she need help on wedding tips a.k.a what to prepare, comparison of $$ and stuff. We had the longest talk but its cool. Now, she knows what I have gone through `fore the wedding. She is one among the person who against my marriage before but now she also have almost the same problem... But what past is past. As a friend I shall give advice, not to stab her back. Rite?
Then, I met my old long friend (ex-schoolmates) while I was shopping around. She told me the sad stories of her. But I cant talk long cuz I have my cousin along but we managed to gossip about our marriage life. :)) I thought I got the worst in law (not my M.I.L, she loves me but my bro in law's wife! whom is very the F******* lazy!) She got even worst in laws ever! Worst! Babeh! Worst! She is married to some guy who is the youngest in the family. She stayed with her mother in law for a year and been married for two years. She has gone twice of miscarriage due to stress. If she is sick, she wasnt allow to rest... She has to do house chores while having her illness!! What a total sucker M.I.L right?! Well It does sucks.
Another friend whom I talked on the phone with is a friend who kinda married to the guy she wasn't really deeply in love with cuz that guy have some bad attitude. Apparently the husband is the mommy's fave boy cuz he's the only boy, (which I don't recommend you to married one of them). One time, she fought with the husband cuz her husband didnt acknowledge her what time he will come home and she waited for quite sometimes, and my friend chase him out from the house. This is because my friend was damn sick so thats why she pissed off. She better be single rather than having a husband if that so! Then the M.I.L heard from the husband (curious what he has told the mother), the mom comes to the house, scolded my friend for nothing and backing up the husband summore. How toot toot she is right? Before they were married too, my friend told me the husband once almost hit/slaps her in front of his parents, and the mother didnt say anything! The mother even blame my friend for it and said she deserve it? How idiotic is that woman!? Sorry, I have to tell the truth, M.I.L can be somehow tuut tuut but that is too much! What is her feeling if her own husband slaps her and kick her!? She would file the divorce right? My friend wasn't married yet at that time you know..YET TO BE MARRIED!
Another friend of mine, she told me her M.I.L was horrible and I did see how horrible her M.I.L was. Scary... I even told my friend directly at the back of her M.I.L while she was there, "If I ever got this kind of M.I.L, definitely I will never ever think to marry my husband at first place regardless how much he loves me and will do anything including swim through the fire or jump from the sky and do formation of "Please Say I Do"... I seriously will dump him! I rather married to an orphanage. But after 2 years has been married with the second child is coming this November, she told me her M.I.L has become nicer and nicer. This is because at first, MIL favors the 1st D.I.L and 1st class treatment was given but the D.I.L havent got any child after years of marriages, she slowly hates her and loves my friend better cuz she's fertile. I think the 1st DIL now is having trouble with the husband too and the MIL asked him to marry other woman cuz that woman is infertile.. how rude that is right?
Well, do not feel terrified with the stories. I'm just sharing this with all of you cuz you are all my friends regardless if you are a stranger or psycho-maniac or what.
To make you feel better, check this out. One funny ad in the TV now about 1malaysiaproton... This trios, Dato David Arumugam, Afdlin Shauki and Ho YuHang he asked something like this. I cant remember the lines but its funny if you have saw it. "Uncle, how do you feel when we're invaded by the British? Im sure its terrified. Tell us the story la!". The uncle said "Easy! You combined with the wife and her mother, then you know."... something like that. That's how terrified on the guy side... Check it here! under kuih muih. Very very funny!
For girls, dont be afraid to get married. Married is the way of growing up and without these challenge, it would not be fun at all! Seriously, having all this challenges are fun. I complaints about it but I do thank to Allah cuz he has given me the good lessons on earth. Be Good and you will be paid better.
Seriously, my bro in law's sister hated me and tried to be me (seriously whatever Im wearing and MIL praises me, the next day she will buy the same outfit!), but she cant beat me in the cooking and helping side! At least I know how to cook and cleans! I even helpful when it comes to buying groceries cuz I dont have to wait for my hubby to drive me there... I can go by myself! She lose again! She have a license but she said with proudly face "i will only drive my own car..." Hello! Once a loser always a loser... Loser! Moron! Whatever! Talk to the hand!
She knows how to be charming (with the fake smiles and stuff) but my MIL didnt buy at all. Seriously my MIL hated me when she get to know me bit by bit but now, she said "although Wawa have the bad bad laser fucking mouth, she's handy when anyone needed help but on L, she's nice cuz she didnt talk that much but her laziness is making me less liking her... " I've told you, dont hate me if you dont know me that much! My FIL said to me, "your dad said you never cook and now you wanna cook? Sorry, I wont eat your food...". So I helped out my MIL and cooked chicken curry her style, he couldn't differentiate who's cooking was it. Hahaha The other day, when I wasnt around, L cooked and I tell you, my MIL told me the fish was tearing apart and it does look like cat's food and my FIL dont bother to eat it. At last, my 3rd brother in law cooked spaghetti for the whole house. See? Allah gives you brain! Use it moron! Use! I win again! hahaha
So, girls! Remember, when this things happen, find your INITIATIVES to win your MIL's heart. Dont bother about your SIL cuz they just pain in the ASS! Full stop! hahah
Till we meet again, SALAM!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
What's new with Friends?
What is that?
Definition of friends from the as following :-
Related forms:
1, 4. enemy, foe.
So... think about it :) What friends are for...
To all my friends, especially Liyana, Tasneem, Nadirah, Ariana, Nadia, Ain, Nabila, Ama, Fatin and Yana you guys rock! The rest whom I didnt mention, dont feel bad. You are still my friends, just these are the people whom I can make waterfall into their shoulder.
What is that?
Definition of friends from the as following :-
1. | a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. |
2. | a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter: friends of the Boston Symphony. |
3. | a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile: Who goes there? Friend or foe? |
4. | a member of the same nation, party, etc. |
5. | (initial capital letter |
–verb (used with object)
—Idiom6. | Rare. to befriend. |
7. | make friends with, to enter into friendly relations with; become a friend to. |
bef. 900; ME friend, frend, OE frēond friend, lover, relative (c. OS friund, OHG friunt (G Freund), Goth frijōnds), orig. prp. of frēogan, c. Goth frijōn to love
bef. 900; ME friend, frend, OE frēond friend, lover, relative (c. OS friund, OHG friunt (G Freund), Goth frijōnds), orig. prp. of frēogan, c. Goth frijōn to love
Related forms:
friendless, adjective
friend⋅less⋅ness, noun
1. comrade, chum, crony, confidant. See acquaintance. 2. backer, advocate. 4. ally, associate, confrere, compatriot.
Antonyms:1. comrade, chum, crony, confidant. See acquaintance. 2. backer, advocate. 4. ally, associate, confrere, compatriot.
1, 4. enemy, foe.
To all my friends, especially Liyana, Tasneem, Nadirah, Ariana, Nadia, Ain, Nabila, Ama, Fatin and Yana you guys rock! The rest whom I didnt mention, dont feel bad. You are still my friends, just these are the people whom I can make waterfall into their shoulder.
Monday, August 24, 2009
What's New with Asam Garam Life After marriage?
Hello everyone! We're back!
Alhamdulilah, it has been 8 months we're both being together and forever... la la laaaa
This is my first time celebrating Ramadhan and Raya as a wife :) and I am loving every minutes of it but I'm tired last Sat and Sun... wanna know why? My mother in law were having an operation last Wednesday 19th Aug 2009, so she came back from hospital on the Friday evening around 6pm like that.. Pity her cuz she cant move that much but she's very energetic... So she ask me and the 1st sis in law to cook. I did ... Masak lemak cili api ikan kembung...
So at nite, I was flat cuz it's tooo tiring.... Then wakeup for Sahur... I saw my 2nd sister in law (who is damn lazy) watching TV while doing some paper cutting which I dont even know what it is for, doing nothing at all for Sahur.. Then my mother in law said "Wawa, pls heat the left overs and cook something like eggs for them..." So I am doing all thing.. you know what my 2nd in law did? she just heard what my mother in law talking to me... giving some direction then she's decided to be nice...
"mamy mamy, nak L buat apa?" hello! You shall do it like since 4.30am just now okay! Then when everybody was awake, I saw one of my bro in laws havnt woke up.. when I asked her... she said "He already ate... so ignore him..." I did.. Till the next day, on Sat evening, I'm helping out again my mother in law to cook Bubur Pedas (sarawakian porridge) you know what my bro in law who I didnt awake him for said, "The heck you guys never even knock on my door.. I didnt ate a thing..." Damn! Stupid L! Damn lazy.. I wouldnt ask her anything anymore man! Damn lazy! She's damn afraid I asked her to awake my brother in law, so she said "he's eaten already.." I would have gone to wake him myself.. Damn lazy!
Then the next day, I decided, I will wake up damn late for her to do work.. but then Allah just wanna test me... my mother in law cant sleep and she's do all the working.. and you know what she ( the sis in law) did? NOTHING! Didnt help anything at all! Doesnt she got any feeling that my in law is DAMN SICK?! I though I was the most laziest person on the earth but she's ten time worst than I am! Even to fried the damn egg she's waiting for my mother in law to do it!! Damn ~!@#$$%^&*()_++_)((&^$# Damn!
On Sunday, I was damn tired. After I send my hubby to work, I do house chores after I saw my mom in law sweeping the floor.. I offered my hand cuz while she was doing it, she said "sakitnya.. sakitnya.." so I dont wanna make her more sakit and being scold by my big brother in Law so I sweep... Imagine ya... only living room... I got the like full of the shovel (penyodok)! How dirty... My mother in law was saying "its been a week im not around and no body does anything..." Damn! Make me more pissed! WHAT'S THE USE OF HAVING A WOMAN TO LESSEN THE BURDEN OF MY MOTHER IN LAW THAN HAVING NONE? I rather she never existed... She's damn pemalas!!!
Then, I went to groceries shopping with my mother in law til about 4pm, then quickly get back home to cook Laksa Penang... my body was shouting..."rest! rest! rest! It's Sunday and you shall rest!"... But how could I rest? After cooking, only she came back from work... and you know what? She just went to kitchen and said "Wow! Laksa! Sedap! She supposed to be back at home 5... but never be home... she came around 6.30.. with the excuse of "going to bazaar ramadhan.." Hello! If you are damn lazy, just fckn said it.. I wonder how the 4 days without me in the house.. poor mother in law... if she had to do the cooking and cleaning... I think I have to find some mechanism to help her.. Or even scold that stupid woman! Damn.. she complaint before when we went to one of our aunties house in Perak and said "oh gosh! damn dirty!" but I bet, she's worst.. cuz mother in law told me her house back in t'ganu is as worst as the aunty's house...
Problem is, she's a Scorpio... born in 1982... have almost similar name as me (wati at the back) and have almost the same surname (mohammad) but her attitude is pissing me off. She humiliate the Scorpions man! Serious sheet! People said Im cruel.. but I think she's even more cruel.. My mother in law once scolded her but she only changed a bit... but then she kept continue doing the same as before.. My MIL has tired of speaking and the husband also is the sensitive type... once my MIL scolded her, the husband said "if u hate us, we will go.. But u have to remember, I gave you more money than everyone else!!" The heck!? U think money can solve? I dont wanna imagine if my MIL was gone, I think the house will never be a house anymore.. Trust me! I can see the vision.. She's the type my mother in law called "pompuan x makan saman!" where she dont bother about things...
Girls, if you are staying over people's house especially in laws, you shall never be lazy or be urself... I know its better being real than hypocrite but as a person who has grown up, FOR GOD SAKE! Be a human! You are married, you supposed to be showing the good thing/attitudes in front of your in laws... n the husband must be aware that your wife is lazy! Scold your wife! Not because your wife is damn fierce, you decide, let her be! I bet you, your marriage wont last as you as a guy one day suddenly will meet with a lady who are damn light handed and you regret having a lazy wife!!
Open up your freaking eyes man! If you are staying in your god damn house, you can be whatever u like.. but dont be such a lazy bum bum if you are at your in laws man.. Even if ur mother in law said "oo dont bother..just watched the tv..." Insist to do! Dont make her do things.. she supposed to be relax man! Not doing works for you!
Hah! I have to calm down... Deep breath...
Alhamdulilah, it has been 8 months we're both being together and forever... la la laaaa
This is my first time celebrating Ramadhan and Raya as a wife :) and I am loving every minutes of it but I'm tired last Sat and Sun... wanna know why? My mother in law were having an operation last Wednesday 19th Aug 2009, so she came back from hospital on the Friday evening around 6pm like that.. Pity her cuz she cant move that much but she's very energetic... So she ask me and the 1st sis in law to cook. I did ... Masak lemak cili api ikan kembung...
So at nite, I was flat cuz it's tooo tiring.... Then wakeup for Sahur... I saw my 2nd sister in law (who is damn lazy) watching TV while doing some paper cutting which I dont even know what it is for, doing nothing at all for Sahur.. Then my mother in law said "Wawa, pls heat the left overs and cook something like eggs for them..." So I am doing all thing.. you know what my 2nd in law did? she just heard what my mother in law talking to me... giving some direction then she's decided to be nice...
"mamy mamy, nak L buat apa?" hello! You shall do it like since 4.30am just now okay! Then when everybody was awake, I saw one of my bro in laws havnt woke up.. when I asked her... she said "He already ate... so ignore him..." I did.. Till the next day, on Sat evening, I'm helping out again my mother in law to cook Bubur Pedas (sarawakian porridge) you know what my bro in law who I didnt awake him for said, "The heck you guys never even knock on my door.. I didnt ate a thing..." Damn! Stupid L! Damn lazy.. I wouldnt ask her anything anymore man! Damn lazy! She's damn afraid I asked her to awake my brother in law, so she said "he's eaten already.." I would have gone to wake him myself.. Damn lazy!
Then the next day, I decided, I will wake up damn late for her to do work.. but then Allah just wanna test me... my mother in law cant sleep and she's do all the working.. and you know what she ( the sis in law) did? NOTHING! Didnt help anything at all! Doesnt she got any feeling that my in law is DAMN SICK?! I though I was the most laziest person on the earth but she's ten time worst than I am! Even to fried the damn egg she's waiting for my mother in law to do it!! Damn ~!@#$$%^&*()_++_)((&^$# Damn!
On Sunday, I was damn tired. After I send my hubby to work, I do house chores after I saw my mom in law sweeping the floor.. I offered my hand cuz while she was doing it, she said "sakitnya.. sakitnya.." so I dont wanna make her more sakit and being scold by my big brother in Law so I sweep... Imagine ya... only living room... I got the like full of the shovel (penyodok)! How dirty... My mother in law was saying "its been a week im not around and no body does anything..." Damn! Make me more pissed! WHAT'S THE USE OF HAVING A WOMAN TO LESSEN THE BURDEN OF MY MOTHER IN LAW THAN HAVING NONE? I rather she never existed... She's damn pemalas!!!
Then, I went to groceries shopping with my mother in law til about 4pm, then quickly get back home to cook Laksa Penang... my body was shouting..."rest! rest! rest! It's Sunday and you shall rest!"... But how could I rest? After cooking, only she came back from work... and you know what? She just went to kitchen and said "Wow! Laksa! Sedap! She supposed to be back at home 5... but never be home... she came around 6.30.. with the excuse of "going to bazaar ramadhan.." Hello! If you are damn lazy, just fckn said it.. I wonder how the 4 days without me in the house.. poor mother in law... if she had to do the cooking and cleaning... I think I have to find some mechanism to help her.. Or even scold that stupid woman! Damn.. she complaint before when we went to one of our aunties house in Perak and said "oh gosh! damn dirty!" but I bet, she's worst.. cuz mother in law told me her house back in t'ganu is as worst as the aunty's house...
Problem is, she's a Scorpio... born in 1982... have almost similar name as me (wati at the back) and have almost the same surname (mohammad) but her attitude is pissing me off. She humiliate the Scorpions man! Serious sheet! People said Im cruel.. but I think she's even more cruel.. My mother in law once scolded her but she only changed a bit... but then she kept continue doing the same as before.. My MIL has tired of speaking and the husband also is the sensitive type... once my MIL scolded her, the husband said "if u hate us, we will go.. But u have to remember, I gave you more money than everyone else!!" The heck!? U think money can solve? I dont wanna imagine if my MIL was gone, I think the house will never be a house anymore.. Trust me! I can see the vision.. She's the type my mother in law called "pompuan x makan saman!" where she dont bother about things...
Girls, if you are staying over people's house especially in laws, you shall never be lazy or be urself... I know its better being real than hypocrite but as a person who has grown up, FOR GOD SAKE! Be a human! You are married, you supposed to be showing the good thing/attitudes in front of your in laws... n the husband must be aware that your wife is lazy! Scold your wife! Not because your wife is damn fierce, you decide, let her be! I bet you, your marriage wont last as you as a guy one day suddenly will meet with a lady who are damn light handed and you regret having a lazy wife!!
Open up your freaking eyes man! If you are staying in your god damn house, you can be whatever u like.. but dont be such a lazy bum bum if you are at your in laws man.. Even if ur mother in law said "oo dont bother..just watched the tv..." Insist to do! Dont make her do things.. she supposed to be relax man! Not doing works for you!
Hah! I have to calm down... Deep breath...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
What's New with MTV World Stage Mosh Pitt?
Yeah Yeah!
You heard me! MTV World Stage Mosh Pitt Passes! How damn lucky I am right! Thanks to Fly Fm Malaysia's Hottest Music for giving me those opportunities to win it! Actually I was sms-ing around for fun and I didn't expect to win. Yay! This is actually special thanks to Sarah Atiqah my standard 4 to 6 best friend... Actually long stories how we didnt become best friend. She's in other class and we're far apart... But I do feel great that we made up till now! Yay! Btw, she's the one who asking me to get those tix and yeah We did it!
we get there by 4.30 after picking up hubby at work and get in the line for Mosh Pitters. So while waiting for Cheda (backup plan after one of my good buddies cant make it), so we queue in the line near Pyramid Tower Hotel.
We got in by 5.30 (it's very raining day) and we got the (MTV poncho - baju hujan) and we got free drinks too yay!. First when we came in, these 5 MTV VJ's are there, Shawn, Teya, Denice, Andy and Utt (hot!) and introducing themselves with very cute way. Then suddenly there is one dude we dont even know who he is showing up wearing MJ style and start singing. His name is Ikhwa? I dont even know who the heck is he..
Then Estranged and it was funny because all being possessed by their songs and some stupid people were pushing each other and obviously I was in the front row they wanna go there and start pushing. So what did I do? I pushed them back... My husband was dizzy because he's not use to be in the crowds so he was the one who said "Mama! behave!" To tell the truth, I was sick on the day and start wearing mask and stuff haha...
After Estranged, it was Boys Like Girls, then Maghrib break, then Ray Gun then Pixie Lott! When Pixie Lot was performing, I was 1/2 fainted. So we managed to get out from the pitt and get some drinks that is holly expensive! rm5 for each!
While we're drinking, I saw Ray Gun's singer RayGun was there and damn! Tak sempat kejar man! hahah Then we went back when we heard "Give it up to Hoobastank!!" we run like shit...
Then After Hoobastank, we went to the drinking Area again to meet up with Sarah as we lost her after Estranged... cuz she's petite and she squeezing in to people while I have my baby beside me.. so how the heck you see... My husband hates crowds and I shall know I shouldnt bring him at the first place but at least I have a guy to go with ya know...
Then The All American Reject Appearing! Yay! I got their guitar Pick!! I'll load pictures later but yay! It was not expected cuz we're all like dreaming and suddenly I saw something flying and step on Cheda's foot. I know it supposed to be hers but I saw that thing flying first. but poor her you know, her head got hit by the posters given by the VJ's and Fly Fm's announcers...
After AAR, we are all tired but cuz Sarah wants to hear the Kasabians, we do wait for it although I only know one of the songs only, FIRE haha so we managed to get the first row but sadly, none of them coming to the front gate... we're waiting for the moment but in our dream...
and finished around 12 something and they are having the post party but of course I didnt get that passes...
But dont forget to watch it in MTV Astro 713 on 28th August 2009 at 9pm onwards for further excitement!! Watch it because it was damn cool! Watching it in the TV may be not as fun as what I see but you shall check out Boys Like Girls, Pixie Lott, Raygun, and AAR! they were awesomeness.... Estranged was great and Kasabians .... oklah! At least I enjoyed AAR the most la but so sad the song Move Along is not there.. :(
Anyway, Happy Ramadhan to all and wishes you the best of Ramadhan this year!
You heard me! MTV World Stage Mosh Pitt Passes! How damn lucky I am right! Thanks to Fly Fm Malaysia's Hottest Music for giving me those opportunities to win it! Actually I was sms-ing around for fun and I didn't expect to win. Yay! This is actually special thanks to Sarah Atiqah my standard 4 to 6 best friend... Actually long stories how we didnt become best friend. She's in other class and we're far apart... But I do feel great that we made up till now! Yay! Btw, she's the one who asking me to get those tix and yeah We did it!
we get there by 4.30 after picking up hubby at work and get in the line for Mosh Pitters. So while waiting for Cheda (backup plan after one of my good buddies cant make it), so we queue in the line near Pyramid Tower Hotel.
We got in by 5.30 (it's very raining day) and we got the (MTV poncho - baju hujan) and we got free drinks too yay!. First when we came in, these 5 MTV VJ's are there, Shawn, Teya, Denice, Andy and Utt (hot!) and introducing themselves with very cute way. Then suddenly there is one dude we dont even know who he is showing up wearing MJ style and start singing. His name is Ikhwa? I dont even know who the heck is he..
Then Estranged and it was funny because all being possessed by their songs and some stupid people were pushing each other and obviously I was in the front row they wanna go there and start pushing. So what did I do? I pushed them back... My husband was dizzy because he's not use to be in the crowds so he was the one who said "Mama! behave!" To tell the truth, I was sick on the day and start wearing mask and stuff haha...
After Estranged, it was Boys Like Girls, then Maghrib break, then Ray Gun then Pixie Lott! When Pixie Lot was performing, I was 1/2 fainted. So we managed to get out from the pitt and get some drinks that is holly expensive! rm5 for each!
While we're drinking, I saw Ray Gun's singer RayGun was there and damn! Tak sempat kejar man! hahah Then we went back when we heard "Give it up to Hoobastank!!" we run like shit...
Then After Hoobastank, we went to the drinking Area again to meet up with Sarah as we lost her after Estranged... cuz she's petite and she squeezing in to people while I have my baby beside me.. so how the heck you see... My husband hates crowds and I shall know I shouldnt bring him at the first place but at least I have a guy to go with ya know...
Then The All American Reject Appearing! Yay! I got their guitar Pick!! I'll load pictures later but yay! It was not expected cuz we're all like dreaming and suddenly I saw something flying and step on Cheda's foot. I know it supposed to be hers but I saw that thing flying first. but poor her you know, her head got hit by the posters given by the VJ's and Fly Fm's announcers...
After AAR, we are all tired but cuz Sarah wants to hear the Kasabians, we do wait for it although I only know one of the songs only, FIRE haha so we managed to get the first row but sadly, none of them coming to the front gate... we're waiting for the moment but in our dream...
and finished around 12 something and they are having the post party but of course I didnt get that passes...
But dont forget to watch it in MTV Astro 713 on 28th August 2009 at 9pm onwards for further excitement!! Watch it because it was damn cool! Watching it in the TV may be not as fun as what I see but you shall check out Boys Like Girls, Pixie Lott, Raygun, and AAR! they were awesomeness.... Estranged was great and Kasabians .... oklah! At least I enjoyed AAR the most la but so sad the song Move Along is not there.. :(
Anyway, Happy Ramadhan to all and wishes you the best of Ramadhan this year!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Annoying Song for the Stalker Bitch!
This song is dedicated to some stalker in the house! Yeah you bitch! Who? I wont mention name but you know who you are biatch!!
I dont know why
I think you are annoying
keep stalking me
wanna know what I am doing
Wanna know what I said
so that you can complaint
Sometimes I wanna think
Are you a lesbian?
so far I know you have 4 kiddo
but why keep stalking me?
I wish I dont be like Rihanna
where one girl said te amo to her
making me freak out when thinking about it
you keep your door open
so I think you are stalking me
Ever since you got promotion
your door never close
ever since you complaint bout me
your door never close
Are you a stalker
are you a stalker
what I know you are annoying
annoying bitch that I cant stand off!
This song may annoys you
but wanna you to know how I hated you
ever since the complaint
i realized that you are into me
No one care about me before
even my parents dont give a shit
but I never knew someone who is a stranger
keep on stalking me
whatever I do and talk
You always complaint...
Complain not to one but everyone
including the boss
Ever since you got promotion
your door never close
ever since you complaint bout me
your door never close
Are you a stalker
are you a stalker
what I know you are annoying
annoying bitch that I cant stand off!
Im younger than you are
but your attitude is slightly 4 years old
I dont understand actually you are vice versa
I know you suck being a homo-sapience
that's why all your maid run away
either its your attitude
or its because you are a stalker
covering up is not enough
i know what you are up too
stupid lil things you make it big
jeopardizing my work
killing me deeply in the heart
making my life miserable
its all because of you
I had enough of you
I wish I can sack you
but what can I do
im just a secretary
Ever since you got promotion
your door never close
ever since you complaint bout me
your door never close
Are you a stalker
are you a stalker
what I know you are annoying
annoying bitch that I cant stand off!
seriously are you a lesbian?
the way you stalking me quite scary
before you never keep your door open
now you making it wider
so that you could listen to me
and see what am i doing
so you could complaint to boss
I dont understand
why you need to mind my business
arent you supposed to care bout you?
Ever since you got promotion
your door never close
ever since you complaint bout me
your door never close
Are you a stalker
are you a stalker
what I know you are annoying
annoying bitch that I cant stand off!
Annoying Stalker Bitch!!!
Thank you! Thank You! (I think I shall ask Missy Elliot to sing it for me baby!) hahah
I dont know why
I think you are annoying
keep stalking me
wanna know what I am doing
Wanna know what I said
so that you can complaint
Sometimes I wanna think
Are you a lesbian?
so far I know you have 4 kiddo
but why keep stalking me?
I wish I dont be like Rihanna
where one girl said te amo to her
making me freak out when thinking about it
you keep your door open
so I think you are stalking me
Ever since you got promotion
your door never close
ever since you complaint bout me
your door never close
Are you a stalker
are you a stalker
what I know you are annoying
annoying bitch that I cant stand off!
This song may annoys you
but wanna you to know how I hated you
ever since the complaint
i realized that you are into me
No one care about me before
even my parents dont give a shit
but I never knew someone who is a stranger
keep on stalking me
whatever I do and talk
You always complaint...
Complain not to one but everyone
including the boss
Ever since you got promotion
your door never close
ever since you complaint bout me
your door never close
Are you a stalker
are you a stalker
what I know you are annoying
annoying bitch that I cant stand off!
Im younger than you are
but your attitude is slightly 4 years old
I dont understand actually you are vice versa
I know you suck being a homo-sapience
that's why all your maid run away
either its your attitude
or its because you are a stalker
covering up is not enough
i know what you are up too
stupid lil things you make it big
jeopardizing my work
killing me deeply in the heart
making my life miserable
its all because of you
I had enough of you
I wish I can sack you
but what can I do
im just a secretary
Ever since you got promotion
your door never close
ever since you complaint bout me
your door never close
Are you a stalker
are you a stalker
what I know you are annoying
annoying bitch that I cant stand off!
seriously are you a lesbian?
the way you stalking me quite scary
before you never keep your door open
now you making it wider
so that you could listen to me
and see what am i doing
so you could complaint to boss
I dont understand
why you need to mind my business
arent you supposed to care bout you?
Ever since you got promotion
your door never close
ever since you complaint bout me
your door never close
Are you a stalker
are you a stalker
what I know you are annoying
annoying bitch that I cant stand off!
Annoying Stalker Bitch!!!
Thank you! Thank You! (I think I shall ask Missy Elliot to sing it for me baby!) hahah
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Wish to Turn Back Time
after the dinner,
you told me something that
broke my heart,
I wish it was a dream,
When you said you found someone,
I wish It was me,
but I was wrong,
you found someone,
earlier than me,
You often wish to turn back time,
Now you get it
But you hardly decide
either me or her
Both you care
both you love
Both you adore
both you pity
but you only can choose
either me or her...
She's back to be with you,
either me or her,
you are in dilemma,
me you said you love,
her you said you care,
but which you need
you arent sure...
I wish I knew you earlier...
sometimes I wish we remain strangers
Cuz I dont wanna be hurt
hurt again...
Enough is enough...
You often wish to turn back time,
Now you get it
But you hardly decide
either me or her
Both you care
both you love
Both you adore
both you pity
but you only can choose
either me or her...
I wish I met you first
then I wont be hurt again
but I guess its fated
that we'll never be together...
I pray for your happiness
although its hurting me
knowing the fact that
you're not mine...
I hope its never her...
(Talk) Boy, how I wish we could be together
I do hope our love will last to the end
when you give me hope
now both wish to turn back time
where I dont know you
and You were with her
This is dedicated to one of my long distance friend. U know who you are! Specially for you.
after the dinner,
you told me something that
broke my heart,
I wish it was a dream,
When you said you found someone,
I wish It was me,
but I was wrong,
you found someone,
earlier than me,
You often wish to turn back time,
Now you get it
But you hardly decide
either me or her
Both you care
both you love
Both you adore
both you pity
but you only can choose
either me or her...
She's back to be with you,
either me or her,
you are in dilemma,
me you said you love,
her you said you care,
but which you need
you arent sure...
I wish I knew you earlier...
sometimes I wish we remain strangers
Cuz I dont wanna be hurt
hurt again...
Enough is enough...
You often wish to turn back time,
Now you get it
But you hardly decide
either me or her
Both you care
both you love
Both you adore
both you pity
but you only can choose
either me or her...
I wish I met you first
then I wont be hurt again
but I guess its fated
that we'll never be together...
I pray for your happiness
although its hurting me
knowing the fact that
you're not mine...
I hope its never her...
(Talk) Boy, how I wish we could be together
I do hope our love will last to the end
when you give me hope
now both wish to turn back time
where I dont know you
and You were with her
This is dedicated to one of my long distance friend. U know who you are! Specially for you.
Friday, August 07, 2009
Dedicate this to My dearest Nana :)
Before Me - Lyric by Shazawati (yay!)
When we first met,
I feel like my world has change,
from dark to bright,
from sour to sweet,
God has fated us
to be together for the rest of our life
But it's sad that now
We have to leave each other,
In a sudden she's there,
Wanting u back,
Needed you to be
a shoulder to cry on
Want to fixed everything
and be as before
As I want you too
but I guess I'm too late
B'cuz she came before me,
You have things for her,
yet you wanna be with me,
I said im okay,
Cuz I understand how you feel,
You feel guilty leaving her before,
after we are together,
You said you dont feel like leaving me,
but cuz She's in your heart before me,
(talk) Yet, you are God Damn confused
In a sudden she's there,
Wanting u back,
Needed you to to be
a shoulder to cry on
Want to fixed everything
and be as before
As I want you too
but I guess I'm too late
B'cuz she came before me,
I hope after this,
we can remain friends,
although what we had before,
was special
but I understand,
She came before me,
Before me.
When we first met,
I feel like my world has change,
from dark to bright,
from sour to sweet,
God has fated us
to be together for the rest of our life
But it's sad that now
We have to leave each other,
In a sudden she's there,
Wanting u back,
Needed you to be
a shoulder to cry on
Want to fixed everything
and be as before
As I want you too
but I guess I'm too late
B'cuz she came before me,
You have things for her,
yet you wanna be with me,
I said im okay,
Cuz I understand how you feel,
You feel guilty leaving her before,
after we are together,
You said you dont feel like leaving me,
but cuz She's in your heart before me,
(talk) Yet, you are God Damn confused
In a sudden she's there,
Wanting u back,
Needed you to to be
a shoulder to cry on
Want to fixed everything
and be as before
As I want you too
but I guess I'm too late
B'cuz she came before me,
I hope after this,
we can remain friends,
although what we had before,
was special
but I understand,
She came before me,
Before me.
Friday, July 31, 2009
What's New with Ghost?
Sejak beberapa ari lalu, sy telah melalui detik2 menakutkan...
Few days ago, I have gone through some scary moments..
Jeng Jeng jeng! Apakah Ia?
What's it all about?
Ha!! Satu malam, semasa on the way nak ambil suami saya, melalui satu jalan yang memang sah2 gelap... kebetulan saya baru tengok iklan mid summer murder kat 702. Seram seh!
One fine nite,I go through one dark road on the way to fetch my hubby. Appearantly, I just watch the trailer of "Midsummer Murder" at Hallmark 702. Kinda Scary mary..
Kebetulan saya nampak satu kain putih terbang dari jejantas. Saya gelabah!
And I saw one white material flying... and I'd freak out!
Tiba-tiba, semua berhenti.. Jalan Jem...
Everyone stops in a sudden... traffic jam at 10pm...
Rupanya! penunggang motor accident dan baju labotary dia terbang! chait!
It's actually a labotary coat from one cyclist who just met an accident... Ceh!
Aku pon balik rumah.. sementara laki aku mandi.. aku pon bukak komputer...
I finally went back home. While waiting for my husband to bathe, i switch on the computer...
Tgh sedap n baik punya tengok facebook... tiba-tiba...
While I was searching things and playing games in Facebook.. suddenly...
Terasa nak bukak kuat2 pembesar suara... so bukak la.. konon-konon nak buka lagu.,..
Felt like wanna listen to music and switch on the speaker...
Saya dengar... berita pasal MJ melalui pembesar suara...
I heard... people giving news about MJ through my speaker..
Saya pun periksa website yang saya bukak.. ade ke bukak CNN?
I go to the browser to see the website.. izzit CNN?
Tiada!! Tak bukak pon CNN!
No!!I dont even open the CNN web!!!
jeng jeng jeng!! Apakah ia?
What's the heck!?
Try bukak aplikasi.. tidak dapat mencari punca...
Keep on trying to find sources/application.. couldnt!
Cuak gile!
Kinda freak out!
Cuba re-start...
(try to restart)....
tgh cuba restart....
while restarting....
tiada aplikasi yang dibuka... ketara sgt! tgh restart kan...
no application is on... obviously !
Saya dengar lagi berita ... sedang diupload.. CNN bahagian sukan!
I heard the news uploading again... CNN news about sports!
Saya tengok TV!
I look at the TV!
Sedang menyala! Tapi Channel Cartoon Network!
Switched on! But Cartoon Network!
Terus saya cabut plug comp...
I unplugged the computer plug...
Saya masuk bilik tidur.. nak tidur lah! Saya da cukup penat melalui hari-hari...
I went to my room.. wanna sleep.. enough of it!
Sblm tidur... nampak mata merah dekat cermin... Aaaa!!
B4 sleeping, Saw red eyes watching me near mirror! Aaa!!'
Apa lagi.. amek selimut baca Ayat Qursi dan 4 kul...
I grab the blanket and start readings the Koran that have been memorised....
Terrified... so I decided to tell you in my blog/notes! Happy reading!
Few days ago, I have gone through some scary moments..
Jeng Jeng jeng! Apakah Ia?
What's it all about?
Ha!! Satu malam, semasa on the way nak ambil suami saya, melalui satu jalan yang memang sah2 gelap... kebetulan saya baru tengok iklan mid summer murder kat 702. Seram seh!
One fine nite,I go through one dark road on the way to fetch my hubby. Appearantly, I just watch the trailer of "Midsummer Murder" at Hallmark 702. Kinda Scary mary..
Kebetulan saya nampak satu kain putih terbang dari jejantas. Saya gelabah!
And I saw one white material flying... and I'd freak out!
Tiba-tiba, semua berhenti.. Jalan Jem...
Everyone stops in a sudden... traffic jam at 10pm...
Rupanya! penunggang motor accident dan baju labotary dia terbang! chait!
It's actually a labotary coat from one cyclist who just met an accident... Ceh!
Aku pon balik rumah.. sementara laki aku mandi.. aku pon bukak komputer...
I finally went back home. While waiting for my husband to bathe, i switch on the computer...
Tgh sedap n baik punya tengok facebook... tiba-tiba...
While I was searching things and playing games in Facebook.. suddenly...
Terasa nak bukak kuat2 pembesar suara... so bukak la.. konon-konon nak buka lagu.,..
Felt like wanna listen to music and switch on the speaker...
Saya dengar... berita pasal MJ melalui pembesar suara...
I heard... people giving news about MJ through my speaker..
Saya pun periksa website yang saya bukak.. ade ke bukak CNN?
I go to the browser to see the website.. izzit CNN?
Tiada!! Tak bukak pon CNN!
No!!I dont even open the CNN web!!!
jeng jeng jeng!! Apakah ia?
What's the heck!?
Try bukak aplikasi.. tidak dapat mencari punca...
Keep on trying to find sources/application.. couldnt!
Cuak gile!
Kinda freak out!
Cuba re-start...
(try to restart)....
tgh cuba restart....
while restarting....
tiada aplikasi yang dibuka... ketara sgt! tgh restart kan...
no application is on... obviously !
Saya dengar lagi berita ... sedang diupload.. CNN bahagian sukan!
I heard the news uploading again... CNN news about sports!
Saya tengok TV!
I look at the TV!
Sedang menyala! Tapi Channel Cartoon Network!
Switched on! But Cartoon Network!
Terus saya cabut plug comp...
I unplugged the computer plug...
Saya masuk bilik tidur.. nak tidur lah! Saya da cukup penat melalui hari-hari...
I went to my room.. wanna sleep.. enough of it!
Sblm tidur... nampak mata merah dekat cermin... Aaaa!!
B4 sleeping, Saw red eyes watching me near mirror! Aaa!!'
Apa lagi.. amek selimut baca Ayat Qursi dan 4 kul...
I grab the blanket and start readings the Koran that have been memorised....
Terrified... so I decided to tell you in my blog/notes! Happy reading!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Idola - Yasmin Ahmad dan Michael Jackson
Walau ini tidak berbunyi seperti sajak, tapi ini adalah luahan hati dari seorang peminat yang obses... Hahaha
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kewujudan kamu berdua,
mengindahkan alam semesta,
menyinari bumi yang tidak seceria.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Allah telah meminjamkan kamu,
daripada kami yang memerlukan kamu,
sebagai tunjuk ajar kepada kami,
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kehilangan kamu berdua amat dirasai,
Kewujudan kamu sangat dihargai,
Walau pelbagai cemuhan ditempuhi,
Yasmin dan Michael,
Allah berikan kamu bakat besar,
Allah Jadikan kamu seseorang yang mulia,
Malangnya, manusia tidak menghargai kamu.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kamu bukan sahaja keluarga,
Malah kamu kawan, sahabat dan teman,
Sesungguhnya kamu teman yang mulia.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kamu tidak jemu mencurah ilmu,
Tidak jemu mencurah bakti,
Walau dicemuh, kamu teruskan perjuangan.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Walau kamu telah pergi meninggalkan kami,
kamu tetap dalam ingatan kami,
Segala kreativiti kamu menjadi ingatan selamanya
buat kami.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kamu dicemuh dengan kejam,
Khunsa, Perogol Kanak-kanak,
membuat pelbagai kontroversi,
Yasmin dan Michael,
disudut hati kamu terselit niat yang baik,
walau dicemuh kamu pertahan dengan baik
tunjuk dengan dunia siapa kamu.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Ketabahan kamu amat dihargai,
Kecekalan kamu sangat dipuji,
Legasi kamu akan diingati selamanya oleh kami.
Yasmin Dan Michael,
Semoga kamu bahagia disana,
semoga kamu mencapai ketenangan disana,
apa terjadi sini, abaikan saja,
Kerana kamu berdua telah berjaya,
berjaya membuka mata kepada,
orang orang yang membenci kamu,
sesungguhnya dengan kehilangan kamu,
barulah mereka merasa kamu patut dihargai
ketika kamu masih menikmati dunia.
Benar, kamu patut dihargai dulu,
ketika dunia mengenali kamu
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kedua-dua kamu meninggalkan kami,
25hb Jun dan Julai,
Semoga roh kamu dicucuri rahmat.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kewujudan kamu berdua,
mengindahkan alam semesta,
menyinari bumi yang tidak seceria.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Allah telah meminjamkan kamu,
daripada kami yang memerlukan kamu,
sebagai tunjuk ajar kepada kami,
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kehilangan kamu berdua amat dirasai,
Kewujudan kamu sangat dihargai,
Walau pelbagai cemuhan ditempuhi,
Yasmin dan Michael,
Allah berikan kamu bakat besar,
Allah Jadikan kamu seseorang yang mulia,
Malangnya, manusia tidak menghargai kamu.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kamu bukan sahaja keluarga,
Malah kamu kawan, sahabat dan teman,
Sesungguhnya kamu teman yang mulia.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kamu tidak jemu mencurah ilmu,
Tidak jemu mencurah bakti,
Walau dicemuh, kamu teruskan perjuangan.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Walau kamu telah pergi meninggalkan kami,
kamu tetap dalam ingatan kami,
Segala kreativiti kamu menjadi ingatan selamanya
buat kami.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kamu dicemuh dengan kejam,
Khunsa, Perogol Kanak-kanak,
membuat pelbagai kontroversi,
Yasmin dan Michael,
disudut hati kamu terselit niat yang baik,
walau dicemuh kamu pertahan dengan baik
tunjuk dengan dunia siapa kamu.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Ketabahan kamu amat dihargai,
Kecekalan kamu sangat dipuji,
Legasi kamu akan diingati selamanya oleh kami.
Yasmin Dan Michael,
Semoga kamu bahagia disana,
semoga kamu mencapai ketenangan disana,
apa terjadi sini, abaikan saja,
Kerana kamu berdua telah berjaya,
berjaya membuka mata kepada,
orang orang yang membenci kamu,
sesungguhnya dengan kehilangan kamu,
barulah mereka merasa kamu patut dihargai
ketika kamu masih menikmati dunia.
Benar, kamu patut dihargai dulu,
ketika dunia mengenali kamu
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kedua-dua kamu meninggalkan kami,
25hb Jun dan Julai,
Semoga roh kamu dicucuri rahmat.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Perginya Seorang Seniman yang amat Berharga -Allahyarhamah Yasmin Ahmad
Setiap tahun, saya pasti tidak akan ketinggalan untuk menonton iklan-iklan yang panjang... Pelikkan? Selalu saya mengamok2 tengok iklan yang lebih dari seminit... lagi2 kalao bulan puasa, iklan makanan... Tapi apabila dari Petronas atau TM, saya dengan tekun menonton. Saya terfikir, siapa yang bagus sangat ni buat iklan ni? Panjang2 pon ade moral... bagus betul!
Kebetulan, saya menuntut di Lim Ben Chan di Cyberjawa, so ketika di tahun kedua pengajian, saya bertanya cikgu Advertising saya.. Mr Shake it Bong Bong Hahaha... Itulah panggilan nama samaran dia dari saya dan dia ingat saya sampai mati kerana nama itu hahah
'Sir, since you are in advertising line... do u know who created the Festives Ads?"...
"Oh! She is very brilliant and intelligent... I dont think you can beat her...". La! Taulah tak terer dalam advertising nie... Lalu die kate dengan saya... "She is Yasmin Ahmad.. The one from Sepet?"... Sepet?! Wah! The movie aa? I like! I like that movie.. Although I think its draggy.. but I like it! Then I was so eager, I said to my lecturer... "Is that her 1st movie?" "No! It was 2nd because she produced Rabun."
Oh! now I think I know.. Then I remembered that Linus, my friend said that "I used to act in Yasmin's film... You know Sepet right... I was Jason's friend la..." Then he started to talk about Yasmin. I am so eager to hear the stories because she is actually nice person.
In june 2005, sy kerja di One Utama di GSC dan kebetulan ada satu premiere... walaupun keje GSC, tak semestinya saya boleh juin... Tiba-tiba, saya ternampak Yasmin n husband.. Saya sangat teruja lalu terus tutup kaunter dan kejar Yasmin. "Kak Yasmin!! Tunggu sat!!".... Dia kebetulan baru nak turun escalator, lalu dia pusing... "Ya, adik nak apa?"..
"Akak, saya cuma nak cakap... saya suka Iklan akak, saya suka cerita sepet dan rabun... I love your works and arts so much! You are showing the true Malaysian!"
"Thanks! I never been appreciated like that...Dont forget to watch Gubra. Its coming soon!". "of course kak! I will!". Then she asked me, "you student mana?". Pastu kitorg borak la... bila dia tau saya ni student Broadcasting, die ckp... "hope we'll meet each other soon in the Industry!". Then bang~! Memang jumpa okay!
MC-squared competition, Drama produced by Limkokwing Graduates for NTv7 (cant remember the name) where Im the students and she is our lecturer then I saw her a lot in many premiere when I used to work in GSC. Then lastly I saw her at Filem Festival Malaysia and I was exchanging cards with her. Since my boss and my ex-lecturer was there, they both took her card and she actually have only 2 left so I gave it to both of them. (damn!)
Saya nak cari kerja baru lepas 2-3 bulan jumpa dia sbb saya cukup bosan kerja dengan seseorang ini sbb kena maki 24jam.. tetiba teringat Yasmin Ahmad... terus nak tepon dia. Tapi cari2 kad die, tanya lecturer, tanya boss... dedua kate "I tak ingat letak mana!". Damn! Bodo! Apelah! Taulah tak minat sama kak Yasmin, janganlah hilangkan kad die... saya sangat sedih, so tak dapat nak kerja dengan dia sbb mengiikut kate Linus, dia memang nak cari krew film untuk Mualaf dan Mukhsin. Saya teringin nak kerja dengan dia...
Malangnya, semasa saya dengar dari Fly Fm Must Have Music, mereka cerita pasal dia pengsan... Masa tu saya macam ... adoi! Apa kena dengan kak Yasmin? tetiba dengar lagi diorang kate dia kena Angin Ahmar, lagi la saya terkejut.... dan terdengar pula dia masuk bilik bedah.
Akhirnya, 25 Julai 2009, Perginya seniman yang agung yang berani mengeluarkan pendapat dan menunjukkan reality rakyat Malaysia. Walau beliau telah dikutuk, dikritik oleh ramai orang dari mainstream kerana ceritanya yang agak 'melampau', dia satu-satunya mempunyai creative minded dan sesuai dengan konsep Satu Malaysia. Tak macam 'R.A' or 'D.Y.H' or 'D.T'... dorang bikin film sume hampeh2... asik2 nangis..
lagi2 R.A tue... filem sume tak laku.. pastu kutuk kak Yasmin kate die tukar jantina la apa... sukatila die nak tukar ke.. tak salah pon Dalam Islam sbb dia ade alasan kalau betul pon. Awak tu pon buat cerita lagi la tak senonoh.. anu dalam botol! TEtek ko dalam kotak! Sudahlah! Da lah penyebab Roslin cerai.. jangan nak keco okay! Nak tunjuk adegan ranjang lak tu.. Bila kak Yasmin buat ko komen punya panjang! Haih!
Sekarang ini, korang sukalah kak Yasmin takde... Haih! Kejam sungguh!
Kak Yasmin, semoga rohmu dicucuri rahmat! Kerja kak Yasmin akan disanjungi sepanjang hayat saya. kirimkanlah Salam saya pada Michael Jackson kerana akak pergi sebulan setelah pemergiannya...
"And now, they can leave you alone!" - Marlon Jackson on Jackson's funeral 7th July 2009.
and I will miss you forever.
"For u, MJ is an Icon. To us, he is Family." - Janet on BET Award 2009
"For u, Yasmin is an Icon. To me, Yasmin is truly Malaysian who has the patriotic heart." - Me, 2009
Kebetulan, saya menuntut di Lim Ben Chan di Cyberjawa, so ketika di tahun kedua pengajian, saya bertanya cikgu Advertising saya.. Mr Shake it Bong Bong Hahaha... Itulah panggilan nama samaran dia dari saya dan dia ingat saya sampai mati kerana nama itu hahah
'Sir, since you are in advertising line... do u know who created the Festives Ads?"...
"Oh! She is very brilliant and intelligent... I dont think you can beat her...". La! Taulah tak terer dalam advertising nie... Lalu die kate dengan saya... "She is Yasmin Ahmad.. The one from Sepet?"... Sepet?! Wah! The movie aa? I like! I like that movie.. Although I think its draggy.. but I like it! Then I was so eager, I said to my lecturer... "Is that her 1st movie?" "No! It was 2nd because she produced Rabun."
Oh! now I think I know.. Then I remembered that Linus, my friend said that "I used to act in Yasmin's film... You know Sepet right... I was Jason's friend la..." Then he started to talk about Yasmin. I am so eager to hear the stories because she is actually nice person.
In june 2005, sy kerja di One Utama di GSC dan kebetulan ada satu premiere... walaupun keje GSC, tak semestinya saya boleh juin... Tiba-tiba, saya ternampak Yasmin n husband.. Saya sangat teruja lalu terus tutup kaunter dan kejar Yasmin. "Kak Yasmin!! Tunggu sat!!".... Dia kebetulan baru nak turun escalator, lalu dia pusing... "Ya, adik nak apa?"..
"Akak, saya cuma nak cakap... saya suka Iklan akak, saya suka cerita sepet dan rabun... I love your works and arts so much! You are showing the true Malaysian!"
"Thanks! I never been appreciated like that...Dont forget to watch Gubra. Its coming soon!". "of course kak! I will!". Then she asked me, "you student mana?". Pastu kitorg borak la... bila dia tau saya ni student Broadcasting, die ckp... "hope we'll meet each other soon in the Industry!". Then bang~! Memang jumpa okay!
MC-squared competition, Drama produced by Limkokwing Graduates for NTv7 (cant remember the name) where Im the students and she is our lecturer then I saw her a lot in many premiere when I used to work in GSC. Then lastly I saw her at Filem Festival Malaysia and I was exchanging cards with her. Since my boss and my ex-lecturer was there, they both took her card and she actually have only 2 left so I gave it to both of them. (damn!)
Saya nak cari kerja baru lepas 2-3 bulan jumpa dia sbb saya cukup bosan kerja dengan seseorang ini sbb kena maki 24jam.. tetiba teringat Yasmin Ahmad... terus nak tepon dia. Tapi cari2 kad die, tanya lecturer, tanya boss... dedua kate "I tak ingat letak mana!". Damn! Bodo! Apelah! Taulah tak minat sama kak Yasmin, janganlah hilangkan kad die... saya sangat sedih, so tak dapat nak kerja dengan dia sbb mengiikut kate Linus, dia memang nak cari krew film untuk Mualaf dan Mukhsin. Saya teringin nak kerja dengan dia...
Malangnya, semasa saya dengar dari Fly Fm Must Have Music, mereka cerita pasal dia pengsan... Masa tu saya macam ... adoi! Apa kena dengan kak Yasmin? tetiba dengar lagi diorang kate dia kena Angin Ahmar, lagi la saya terkejut.... dan terdengar pula dia masuk bilik bedah.
Akhirnya, 25 Julai 2009, Perginya seniman yang agung yang berani mengeluarkan pendapat dan menunjukkan reality rakyat Malaysia. Walau beliau telah dikutuk, dikritik oleh ramai orang dari mainstream kerana ceritanya yang agak 'melampau', dia satu-satunya mempunyai creative minded dan sesuai dengan konsep Satu Malaysia. Tak macam 'R.A' or 'D.Y.H' or 'D.T'... dorang bikin film sume hampeh2... asik2 nangis..
lagi2 R.A tue... filem sume tak laku.. pastu kutuk kak Yasmin kate die tukar jantina la apa... sukatila die nak tukar ke.. tak salah pon Dalam Islam sbb dia ade alasan kalau betul pon. Awak tu pon buat cerita lagi la tak senonoh.. anu dalam botol! TEtek ko dalam kotak! Sudahlah! Da lah penyebab Roslin cerai.. jangan nak keco okay! Nak tunjuk adegan ranjang lak tu.. Bila kak Yasmin buat ko komen punya panjang! Haih!
Sekarang ini, korang sukalah kak Yasmin takde... Haih! Kejam sungguh!
Kak Yasmin, semoga rohmu dicucuri rahmat! Kerja kak Yasmin akan disanjungi sepanjang hayat saya. kirimkanlah Salam saya pada Michael Jackson kerana akak pergi sebulan setelah pemergiannya...
"And now, they can leave you alone!" - Marlon Jackson on Jackson's funeral 7th July 2009.
and I will miss you forever.
"For u, MJ is an Icon. To us, he is Family." - Janet on BET Award 2009
"For u, Yasmin is an Icon. To me, Yasmin is truly Malaysian who has the patriotic heart." - Me, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
What's New with Me, Shazawati?
I just finish eating lunch at Armada Hotel, PJ. Quite delicious! Yummy! I dont have pics that much as they are all aunties that doesnt took photos that much and does really pose. Hm.. I guess people who are born in 1970's are not that fun ya! But its weird my sister can do so much stupid stuff hahah Maybe my sisters are the coolest one...Or maybe I dont know...
Btw... talking about me, hmm me and husband are doing great great great! Yay! But one thing we could not being great of... about surroundings and financial! Let me tell you something ya..
Friends and relatives are totally dont understand our situation. Especially when they know what are you doing now, or they confused about what are you doing now or they dont bother to know or they know but they pretend to ignore about it. What am I talking about, I am sure everyone are wondering right?
First, what am I doing now? Who? Shazawati of course! I am working full time 8.30am-5.30pm Secretary at one place then every 2nd and 4th weekends (sunday or saturday), I got classes to attend. So what does this mean? I am a Part Timer Student and a Full time Secretary! At night everyday, I will be a good wife where I will pick up my husband at his work place everyday 10pm and will cook for him and waiting for him to finish eating and all.
What is my husband's job? My husband work as Commis at Nacho's Nacho's in Shah Alam. He work sometimes starts at 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm or 1pm up to 10pm and he cant actually get some leaves on Saturday or Sunday or Public Holiday. So usually, I am going to go anywhere with some other people, or being single all the time.
I am glad people do think I'm not married yet, yeah! Of course, Im still not pregnant and still not that old and every body thoughts that I'm easy to tackle.. Once you get me, you will be sorry for the rest of your life! Hahah Yeah, I maybe romantic but somehow, only My husband knows it! Quite pity him though but what to do? Anger management class? Hmm I dont know...
Why is it related to my relatives and friends? Yeah! Since they are confused with what am I doing now, they always asked this question... "It's been quite a while... anything?", or "Why on earth you are not pregnant yet?", or "Infertile?"... Hello!! Doesnt mean you are married, you need to be pregnant as soon as you are making love right? For those who are quite impatient, yeah, you will get pregnant within 2 months after you're married..but not everybody are that lucky!
You dont have to ask that q! I have 2-3 friends who are married, they are still not being pregnant and event 2 years ahead from me, she still not pregnant... but I know there is some pressure around her.. Poor you dear! I know how you feel!
I got some reasons why I dont get pregnant yet! 1st of all, I am studying and doing my Bachelor which I think its totally stressful and challenging. I heard that stress woman or exhausted woman cant get pregnant. If I am announced pregnant, maybe 2-3 months after that, I will miscarriage because of the stress... So! What's the point getting pregnant? Besides, I'm the last minute person.. so after having kids, I wouldnt have time to study at all and I dont wanna burden my husband to take care of my baby...
Second reason, I'm searchin for tips on getting pregnant on twins. Some people said I shall take a pill then when I'm ready, chances to get twins is high but problem is, I hate eating pills... It could also makes you cant get pregnant at all.. hmm DILEMMA! Why twins? If i got a pair, it will be a good good one! but if i have both one gender, then I have to just Thanks to God! At least I only pregnant once wuuuhuuu!!
One more things that bothering me is going to any occassions, events without my husband around.. Yes yes! Once you married, your husband must follow you or you must follow where ever your husband is going.. But unfortunately, my husband cant come! He's working especially weekends... or weekdays he can only make it after 10pm.. so if you want him to come, the only way, do your reception at night after 10pm, whatever it is, after 10pm! I'm sure no one wanna do that right? So better keep quiet!
Some people also said this to me, "y dont u ask ur husband to work only on weekdays?"... Hello! He's working in a restaurant... not in the office! then some voices also heard, "work in the hotel la! why working in the restaurant?!".. You think we dont asked people around? We did ask.. one of his friends work at the Palma Inn Cafe as a chef told us this "You will be in Hell Kitchen once you are in the kitchen line of the hotel". Sometimes no holidays for the whole week, obviously NO OFF on Weekends, sleeps in the kitchen for 2-4 days if there is an event and NO Leave Application is available...
So... which one is worst? Restaurant or Hotel? In the restaurant, the owner promises my husband to give 6 month probation and raise salary. Plus, everyday must have 2-3 hours over time... Some voices also said that "why dont ask your husband to work in the office?"... He cant.. He loves cooking... He work in the office before.. ended up being scold 24hrs because he dont know what he's doing and everyday checking out new recipes from the net instead of doing work! Yeah! Lame but he's passion is there.
I support whatever he likes and I dont damn care if he got less salary.. Im not the 'pushing' button types... whatever it is, we will try to save a bit by bit. InsyaAllah if Allah takes our prayers totally... We will try to involved with business. Maybe I might be the next multi-million dollar woman! Who knows right? Haha (Ya Allah! Perkenankanlah!)
But one thing I dont like people saying this... "Dont hold on your pregnancy... you will never get pregnant...". Okay, yes I do heard people sayin this...but I think Allah knows whats happening to me. I do want to get pregnant! Seriously do! But I have some mental problem.. so I need to take care of it.. besides Now im having tooth ache and back ache.. makes me quite phobia to have kids at the moments... Besides, our sex is not like what you guys thinks.. Yes! I am dirty minded but hey... being exhausted and tired could make you not interested in sex but usually.. when I want, he's tired...when he wanted it, Im tired.. so!
Anyway... I am so tired to think now... I will continue what I wanna say later... Daaa!
ps: im having bad toothache which I believe my wisdom tooth are tryin to come out.. damn u!
Btw... talking about me, hmm me and husband are doing great great great! Yay! But one thing we could not being great of... about surroundings and financial! Let me tell you something ya..
Friends and relatives are totally dont understand our situation. Especially when they know what are you doing now, or they confused about what are you doing now or they dont bother to know or they know but they pretend to ignore about it. What am I talking about, I am sure everyone are wondering right?
First, what am I doing now? Who? Shazawati of course! I am working full time 8.30am-5.30pm Secretary at one place then every 2nd and 4th weekends (sunday or saturday), I got classes to attend. So what does this mean? I am a Part Timer Student and a Full time Secretary! At night everyday, I will be a good wife where I will pick up my husband at his work place everyday 10pm and will cook for him and waiting for him to finish eating and all.
What is my husband's job? My husband work as Commis at Nacho's Nacho's in Shah Alam. He work sometimes starts at 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm or 1pm up to 10pm and he cant actually get some leaves on Saturday or Sunday or Public Holiday. So usually, I am going to go anywhere with some other people, or being single all the time.
I am glad people do think I'm not married yet, yeah! Of course, Im still not pregnant and still not that old and every body thoughts that I'm easy to tackle.. Once you get me, you will be sorry for the rest of your life! Hahah Yeah, I maybe romantic but somehow, only My husband knows it! Quite pity him though but what to do? Anger management class? Hmm I dont know...
Why is it related to my relatives and friends? Yeah! Since they are confused with what am I doing now, they always asked this question... "It's been quite a while... anything?", or "Why on earth you are not pregnant yet?", or "Infertile?"... Hello!! Doesnt mean you are married, you need to be pregnant as soon as you are making love right? For those who are quite impatient, yeah, you will get pregnant within 2 months after you're married..but not everybody are that lucky!
You dont have to ask that q! I have 2-3 friends who are married, they are still not being pregnant and event 2 years ahead from me, she still not pregnant... but I know there is some pressure around her.. Poor you dear! I know how you feel!
I got some reasons why I dont get pregnant yet! 1st of all, I am studying and doing my Bachelor which I think its totally stressful and challenging. I heard that stress woman or exhausted woman cant get pregnant. If I am announced pregnant, maybe 2-3 months after that, I will miscarriage because of the stress... So! What's the point getting pregnant? Besides, I'm the last minute person.. so after having kids, I wouldnt have time to study at all and I dont wanna burden my husband to take care of my baby...
Second reason, I'm searchin for tips on getting pregnant on twins. Some people said I shall take a pill then when I'm ready, chances to get twins is high but problem is, I hate eating pills... It could also makes you cant get pregnant at all.. hmm DILEMMA! Why twins? If i got a pair, it will be a good good one! but if i have both one gender, then I have to just Thanks to God! At least I only pregnant once wuuuhuuu!!
One more things that bothering me is going to any occassions, events without my husband around.. Yes yes! Once you married, your husband must follow you or you must follow where ever your husband is going.. But unfortunately, my husband cant come! He's working especially weekends... or weekdays he can only make it after 10pm.. so if you want him to come, the only way, do your reception at night after 10pm, whatever it is, after 10pm! I'm sure no one wanna do that right? So better keep quiet!
Some people also said this to me, "y dont u ask ur husband to work only on weekdays?"... Hello! He's working in a restaurant... not in the office! then some voices also heard, "work in the hotel la! why working in the restaurant?!".. You think we dont asked people around? We did ask.. one of his friends work at the Palma Inn Cafe as a chef told us this "You will be in Hell Kitchen once you are in the kitchen line of the hotel". Sometimes no holidays for the whole week, obviously NO OFF on Weekends, sleeps in the kitchen for 2-4 days if there is an event and NO Leave Application is available...
So... which one is worst? Restaurant or Hotel? In the restaurant, the owner promises my husband to give 6 month probation and raise salary. Plus, everyday must have 2-3 hours over time... Some voices also said that "why dont ask your husband to work in the office?"... He cant.. He loves cooking... He work in the office before.. ended up being scold 24hrs because he dont know what he's doing and everyday checking out new recipes from the net instead of doing work! Yeah! Lame but he's passion is there.
I support whatever he likes and I dont damn care if he got less salary.. Im not the 'pushing' button types... whatever it is, we will try to save a bit by bit. InsyaAllah if Allah takes our prayers totally... We will try to involved with business. Maybe I might be the next multi-million dollar woman! Who knows right? Haha (Ya Allah! Perkenankanlah!)
But one thing I dont like people saying this... "Dont hold on your pregnancy... you will never get pregnant...". Okay, yes I do heard people sayin this...but I think Allah knows whats happening to me. I do want to get pregnant! Seriously do! But I have some mental problem.. so I need to take care of it.. besides Now im having tooth ache and back ache.. makes me quite phobia to have kids at the moments... Besides, our sex is not like what you guys thinks.. Yes! I am dirty minded but hey... being exhausted and tired could make you not interested in sex but usually.. when I want, he's tired...when he wanted it, Im tired.. so!
Anyway... I am so tired to think now... I will continue what I wanna say later... Daaa!
ps: im having bad toothache which I believe my wisdom tooth are tryin to come out.. damn u!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Bolehkah anda berbahasa Malaysia?
Syarat-syarat :
1. 'Tag' dijawab dalam Bahasa Melayu sahaja.
2. Tag orang yang telah men'tag' anda.
3. Tag orang yg anda mahu tag.
Sila jawab soalan-soalan ini dalam Bahasa Melayu sahaja.
1. Apakah yang anda sedang lakukan 30 minit yang lalu?
Makan tengah hari dengan bekal yang saya bawa. Kailan Ikan Masin, Ayam Lada HItam dan pucuk ubi rebus
2. 2 jam yang lalu?
saya ke Sek MEn keb Bukit Indah Ampang untuk tujuan pemasaran
2. Anda suka
tidur, belajar bahasa berlainan,
3. Minggu lepas
saya mengambil peperiksaan pertengahan semester dan etika profesional saya teruk!
4. Tiga lagu yang boleh anda dengar berulang-ulang kali
Lagu Dari Michael Jackson - Awak tidak keseorangan (You are not alone)
Lagu Gackt - Kerana mu Aku boleh - Kimi no Tame ni Dekiru Koto
Lagu Black Eye Peas - Saya dapat rasa ( I got the feeling)
5. 3 binatang yang anda tak suka
Mak Cik Si-Ti_ _ _
6. 5 fakta tentang anda
- saya suka menyanyi, menari dan berlakon ( dimana saya gilakan popularity)
- sekiranya saya marah, itu tanda saya sayang atau tidak bersalah. Sekiranya saya diam atau buat tak tahu, itu maknanya saya sangat bersalah. Jadi, jangan terasa kalau saya marah-marah.
- saya ratu obsesi dimana sekiranya saya minat sesuatu atau seseorang... sampai bole histeria atau mimpikan orang itu...atau bole membeli barangan itu berkali-kali tanpa jemu.
- saya sukakan lelaki yang mempunyai raut wajah yang cantik lagi-lagi Gackt. Dia sangatlah tampan dan kacak juga menawan kalbu.
- Saya cukup pantang dengan orang yang bermain tahi dengan saya iaitu mengutuk atau mengata saya dari belakang. Jika saya dapat tahu, saya akan menangis kepelikan kerana terlalu geram dan mula membuat kajian tentang diri mereka dan menulis blog sepanjang mungkin untuk mengutuk mereka balik... kerana saya tidak mampu untuk meluahkan...
7. Tahun depan mungkin
saya akan melahirkan sepasang kembar pada bulan 10. Saya sedang mengumpulkan kekuatan untuk bertanya doktor boleh tak nak kembar laki dan perempuan? bagaimana nak buat tu? bagaimana nak dapatkan anak kembar? saya taknak satu... kerana mak mertua dan ayah mertua berlainan pendapat. Sorang nak lelaki, seorang lagi nak perempuan.. lalu saya tengah merancang...Ibu bapa saya tidak kisah lalu kalau keluar mana-mana akan disayangi bagai minyak yang penuh tetapi saya phobia dengan keluarga belah suami saya dimana bimbang mereka akan bezakan kerana cucu yang lain telah nampak sangat ketara... oleh itu saya amat berhati, berhati ketika ingin memboyot.
8. Saya tak reti
diam. lebih-lebih lagi mulut saya. Saya sangatlah becok orangnya, Jadi faham-faham sajalah sekiranya anda boleh lihat ketika tidur, dalam laut pon saya boleh bercakap.
9. Saya pandai
sangat-sangat! hahaha. Saya juga sangat berpengalaman dalam pelbagai bidang kecuali dalam matematik dan sains serta kejuruteraan.
10. Kawan saya
- ramai yang cantik.. saya tergolong dalam kumpulan paling tak bergaya dan paling tidak cantik.
11. Saya ada
- suami yang sangat penyayang, comel dan penyabar. Saya sayang dia.
12. Saya seorang
- yang suka berkawan tapi saya juga pemarah orangnya.
13. Adik saya
- dalam mimpi sahaja kerana saya adalah adik saya. wahahah
14. Saya tak pernah bosan dengan (senaraikan 4)
- kehidupan saya sebagai seorang pelajar, isteri dan pekerja yang berdedikasi.
- mencari pengalaman baru untuk mengumpulkan kekuatan diri.
- bermain dengan anak saudara saya walaupun mereka agak mengjengkelkan
- menonton video klip Michael Jackson dan Gackt beratus kali kerana pada saya mereka ini sangat berbakat...
15. Bilakah pertama kali anda bercinta?
tahun 1994 dengan suami saya - ketika itu saya berusia 9 tahun heheh
16. Perkara yang selalu orang tak percaya tentang anda
- saya berusia 24 tahun dan sudah berkahwin. Maklumlah! saya ni pisang panas!
17. Saya rindu
kehidupan di Jepun bersama kawan-kawan di Jepun... dan teman akrab saya ketika saya memerlukan mereka dan ketika senang saya. Nadia, Ariana, Iera, Tasneem, Fatin dan ramai lagi yang tidak perlu saya catatkan
18. Saya tak sabar
untuk berambus dari Malaysia sebab saya sudah bosan tengok Malaysia. Nak pergi mana pon tak tahu kerana dah jalan satu Malaysia.
19. 5 laman yang anda selalu layari:
20. Siapa yang anda mahu tag?
semua kawan-kawan yang saya rasa saya suka! haha yang tak ditag bukan tak suka... takut anda tak paham bahasa Malaysia atau awak mungkin kata - hah? merepek la budak ini.
1. 'Tag' dijawab dalam Bahasa Melayu sahaja.
2. Tag orang yang telah men'tag' anda.
3. Tag orang yg anda mahu tag.
Sila jawab soalan-soalan ini dalam Bahasa Melayu sahaja.
1. Apakah yang anda sedang lakukan 30 minit yang lalu?
Makan tengah hari dengan bekal yang saya bawa. Kailan Ikan Masin, Ayam Lada HItam dan pucuk ubi rebus
2. 2 jam yang lalu?
saya ke Sek MEn keb Bukit Indah Ampang untuk tujuan pemasaran
2. Anda suka
tidur, belajar bahasa berlainan,
3. Minggu lepas
saya mengambil peperiksaan pertengahan semester dan etika profesional saya teruk!
4. Tiga lagu yang boleh anda dengar berulang-ulang kali
Lagu Dari Michael Jackson - Awak tidak keseorangan (You are not alone)
Lagu Gackt - Kerana mu Aku boleh - Kimi no Tame ni Dekiru Koto
Lagu Black Eye Peas - Saya dapat rasa ( I got the feeling)
5. 3 binatang yang anda tak suka
Mak Cik Si-Ti_ _ _
6. 5 fakta tentang anda
- saya suka menyanyi, menari dan berlakon ( dimana saya gilakan popularity)
- sekiranya saya marah, itu tanda saya sayang atau tidak bersalah. Sekiranya saya diam atau buat tak tahu, itu maknanya saya sangat bersalah. Jadi, jangan terasa kalau saya marah-marah.
- saya ratu obsesi dimana sekiranya saya minat sesuatu atau seseorang... sampai bole histeria atau mimpikan orang itu...atau bole membeli barangan itu berkali-kali tanpa jemu.
- saya sukakan lelaki yang mempunyai raut wajah yang cantik lagi-lagi Gackt. Dia sangatlah tampan dan kacak juga menawan kalbu.
- Saya cukup pantang dengan orang yang bermain tahi dengan saya iaitu mengutuk atau mengata saya dari belakang. Jika saya dapat tahu, saya akan menangis kepelikan kerana terlalu geram dan mula membuat kajian tentang diri mereka dan menulis blog sepanjang mungkin untuk mengutuk mereka balik... kerana saya tidak mampu untuk meluahkan...
7. Tahun depan mungkin
saya akan melahirkan sepasang kembar pada bulan 10. Saya sedang mengumpulkan kekuatan untuk bertanya doktor boleh tak nak kembar laki dan perempuan? bagaimana nak buat tu? bagaimana nak dapatkan anak kembar? saya taknak satu... kerana mak mertua dan ayah mertua berlainan pendapat. Sorang nak lelaki, seorang lagi nak perempuan.. lalu saya tengah merancang...Ibu bapa saya tidak kisah lalu kalau keluar mana-mana akan disayangi bagai minyak yang penuh tetapi saya phobia dengan keluarga belah suami saya dimana bimbang mereka akan bezakan kerana cucu yang lain telah nampak sangat ketara... oleh itu saya amat berhati, berhati ketika ingin memboyot.
8. Saya tak reti
diam. lebih-lebih lagi mulut saya. Saya sangatlah becok orangnya, Jadi faham-faham sajalah sekiranya anda boleh lihat ketika tidur, dalam laut pon saya boleh bercakap.
9. Saya pandai
sangat-sangat! hahaha. Saya juga sangat berpengalaman dalam pelbagai bidang kecuali dalam matematik dan sains serta kejuruteraan.
10. Kawan saya
- ramai yang cantik.. saya tergolong dalam kumpulan paling tak bergaya dan paling tidak cantik.
11. Saya ada
- suami yang sangat penyayang, comel dan penyabar. Saya sayang dia.
12. Saya seorang
- yang suka berkawan tapi saya juga pemarah orangnya.
13. Adik saya
- dalam mimpi sahaja kerana saya adalah adik saya. wahahah
14. Saya tak pernah bosan dengan (senaraikan 4)
- kehidupan saya sebagai seorang pelajar, isteri dan pekerja yang berdedikasi.
- mencari pengalaman baru untuk mengumpulkan kekuatan diri.
- bermain dengan anak saudara saya walaupun mereka agak mengjengkelkan
- menonton video klip Michael Jackson dan Gackt beratus kali kerana pada saya mereka ini sangat berbakat...
15. Bilakah pertama kali anda bercinta?
tahun 1994 dengan suami saya - ketika itu saya berusia 9 tahun heheh
16. Perkara yang selalu orang tak percaya tentang anda
- saya berusia 24 tahun dan sudah berkahwin. Maklumlah! saya ni pisang panas!
17. Saya rindu
kehidupan di Jepun bersama kawan-kawan di Jepun... dan teman akrab saya ketika saya memerlukan mereka dan ketika senang saya. Nadia, Ariana, Iera, Tasneem, Fatin dan ramai lagi yang tidak perlu saya catatkan
18. Saya tak sabar
untuk berambus dari Malaysia sebab saya sudah bosan tengok Malaysia. Nak pergi mana pon tak tahu kerana dah jalan satu Malaysia.
19. 5 laman yang anda selalu layari:
20. Siapa yang anda mahu tag?
semua kawan-kawan yang saya rasa saya suka! haha yang tak ditag bukan tak suka... takut anda tak paham bahasa Malaysia atau awak mungkin kata - hah? merepek la budak ini.
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