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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sorry for being over react

Dear love,
I'm sorry for what I've said,
I didn't expect us to be like that,
I still love you and still in need,
I know I have gone too far,
seriously I didnt mean to hurt you,

Dear Love,
You are my sunshine,
You are my moon,
if you are gone,
I dont think I can live,
I wish you not to leave me,
As I still in need

Dear Love,
Sorry for the jealousy,
It hurts me a lot to see it,
I need to say it,
I didnt expect that time,
only Me in your mind,

Dear love,
I know I am over react,
but love, I need you,
I cant bear to see you
in other woman's arm,
Its enough to see it before,
I hope you understand.

Dear Love,
I know we're tied,
but you have another three,
3 empty spaces can be filled,
That's why I am worried,
and That's why I over react...

Dear Love,
I am sorry again,
If I hurt you everyday,
I know Im over,
but Over means I love,

papa, I miss you... I love you till death do us part.

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