Sejak beberapa ari lalu, sy telah melalui detik2 menakutkan...
Few days ago, I have gone through some scary moments..
Jeng Jeng jeng! Apakah Ia?
What's it all about?
Ha!! Satu malam, semasa on the way nak ambil suami saya, melalui satu jalan yang memang sah2 gelap... kebetulan saya baru tengok iklan mid summer murder kat 702. Seram seh!
One fine nite,I go through one dark road on the way to fetch my hubby. Appearantly, I just watch the trailer of "Midsummer Murder" at Hallmark 702. Kinda Scary mary..
Kebetulan saya nampak satu kain putih terbang dari jejantas. Saya gelabah!
And I saw one white material flying... and I'd freak out!
Tiba-tiba, semua berhenti.. Jalan Jem...
Everyone stops in a sudden... traffic jam at 10pm...
Rupanya! penunggang motor accident dan baju labotary dia terbang! chait!
It's actually a labotary coat from one cyclist who just met an accident... Ceh!
Aku pon balik rumah.. sementara laki aku mandi.. aku pon bukak komputer...
I finally went back home. While waiting for my husband to bathe, i switch on the computer...
Tgh sedap n baik punya tengok facebook... tiba-tiba...
While I was searching things and playing games in Facebook.. suddenly...
Terasa nak bukak kuat2 pembesar suara... so bukak la.. konon-konon nak buka lagu.,..
Felt like wanna listen to music and switch on the speaker...
Saya dengar... berita pasal MJ melalui pembesar suara...
I heard... people giving news about MJ through my speaker..
Saya pun periksa website yang saya bukak.. ade ke bukak CNN?
I go to the browser to see the website.. izzit CNN?
Tiada!! Tak bukak pon CNN!
No!!I dont even open the CNN web!!!
jeng jeng jeng!! Apakah ia?
What's the heck!?
Try bukak aplikasi.. tidak dapat mencari punca...
Keep on trying to find sources/application.. couldnt!
Cuak gile!
Kinda freak out!
Cuba re-start...
(try to restart)....
tgh cuba restart....
while restarting....
tiada aplikasi yang dibuka... ketara sgt! tgh restart kan...
no application is on... obviously !
Saya dengar lagi berita ... sedang diupload.. CNN bahagian sukan!
I heard the news uploading again... CNN news about sports!
Saya tengok TV!
I look at the TV!
Sedang menyala! Tapi Channel Cartoon Network!
Switched on! But Cartoon Network!
Terus saya cabut plug comp...
I unplugged the computer plug...
Saya masuk bilik tidur.. nak tidur lah! Saya da cukup penat melalui hari-hari...
I went to my room.. wanna sleep.. enough of it!
Sblm tidur... nampak mata merah dekat cermin... Aaaa!!
B4 sleeping, Saw red eyes watching me near mirror! Aaa!!'
Apa lagi.. amek selimut baca Ayat Qursi dan 4 kul...
I grab the blanket and start readings the Koran that have been memorised....
Terrified... so I decided to tell you in my blog/notes! Happy reading!
How We Deal with Our marriage and Do Businesses Together. Something that Couples usually doesnt do together. We share our happiness, sadness in this blog as a lesson for everyone and think what they can do better.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Idola - Yasmin Ahmad dan Michael Jackson
Walau ini tidak berbunyi seperti sajak, tapi ini adalah luahan hati dari seorang peminat yang obses... Hahaha
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kewujudan kamu berdua,
mengindahkan alam semesta,
menyinari bumi yang tidak seceria.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Allah telah meminjamkan kamu,
daripada kami yang memerlukan kamu,
sebagai tunjuk ajar kepada kami,
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kehilangan kamu berdua amat dirasai,
Kewujudan kamu sangat dihargai,
Walau pelbagai cemuhan ditempuhi,
Yasmin dan Michael,
Allah berikan kamu bakat besar,
Allah Jadikan kamu seseorang yang mulia,
Malangnya, manusia tidak menghargai kamu.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kamu bukan sahaja keluarga,
Malah kamu kawan, sahabat dan teman,
Sesungguhnya kamu teman yang mulia.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kamu tidak jemu mencurah ilmu,
Tidak jemu mencurah bakti,
Walau dicemuh, kamu teruskan perjuangan.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Walau kamu telah pergi meninggalkan kami,
kamu tetap dalam ingatan kami,
Segala kreativiti kamu menjadi ingatan selamanya
buat kami.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kamu dicemuh dengan kejam,
Khunsa, Perogol Kanak-kanak,
membuat pelbagai kontroversi,
Yasmin dan Michael,
disudut hati kamu terselit niat yang baik,
walau dicemuh kamu pertahan dengan baik
tunjuk dengan dunia siapa kamu.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Ketabahan kamu amat dihargai,
Kecekalan kamu sangat dipuji,
Legasi kamu akan diingati selamanya oleh kami.
Yasmin Dan Michael,
Semoga kamu bahagia disana,
semoga kamu mencapai ketenangan disana,
apa terjadi sini, abaikan saja,
Kerana kamu berdua telah berjaya,
berjaya membuka mata kepada,
orang orang yang membenci kamu,
sesungguhnya dengan kehilangan kamu,
barulah mereka merasa kamu patut dihargai
ketika kamu masih menikmati dunia.
Benar, kamu patut dihargai dulu,
ketika dunia mengenali kamu
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kedua-dua kamu meninggalkan kami,
25hb Jun dan Julai,
Semoga roh kamu dicucuri rahmat.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kewujudan kamu berdua,
mengindahkan alam semesta,
menyinari bumi yang tidak seceria.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Allah telah meminjamkan kamu,
daripada kami yang memerlukan kamu,
sebagai tunjuk ajar kepada kami,
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kehilangan kamu berdua amat dirasai,
Kewujudan kamu sangat dihargai,
Walau pelbagai cemuhan ditempuhi,
Yasmin dan Michael,
Allah berikan kamu bakat besar,
Allah Jadikan kamu seseorang yang mulia,
Malangnya, manusia tidak menghargai kamu.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kamu bukan sahaja keluarga,
Malah kamu kawan, sahabat dan teman,
Sesungguhnya kamu teman yang mulia.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kamu tidak jemu mencurah ilmu,
Tidak jemu mencurah bakti,
Walau dicemuh, kamu teruskan perjuangan.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Walau kamu telah pergi meninggalkan kami,
kamu tetap dalam ingatan kami,
Segala kreativiti kamu menjadi ingatan selamanya
buat kami.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kamu dicemuh dengan kejam,
Khunsa, Perogol Kanak-kanak,
membuat pelbagai kontroversi,
Yasmin dan Michael,
disudut hati kamu terselit niat yang baik,
walau dicemuh kamu pertahan dengan baik
tunjuk dengan dunia siapa kamu.
Yasmin dan Michael,
Ketabahan kamu amat dihargai,
Kecekalan kamu sangat dipuji,
Legasi kamu akan diingati selamanya oleh kami.
Yasmin Dan Michael,
Semoga kamu bahagia disana,
semoga kamu mencapai ketenangan disana,
apa terjadi sini, abaikan saja,
Kerana kamu berdua telah berjaya,
berjaya membuka mata kepada,
orang orang yang membenci kamu,
sesungguhnya dengan kehilangan kamu,
barulah mereka merasa kamu patut dihargai
ketika kamu masih menikmati dunia.
Benar, kamu patut dihargai dulu,
ketika dunia mengenali kamu
Yasmin dan Michael,
Kedua-dua kamu meninggalkan kami,
25hb Jun dan Julai,
Semoga roh kamu dicucuri rahmat.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Perginya Seorang Seniman yang amat Berharga -Allahyarhamah Yasmin Ahmad
Setiap tahun, saya pasti tidak akan ketinggalan untuk menonton iklan-iklan yang panjang... Pelikkan? Selalu saya mengamok2 tengok iklan yang lebih dari seminit... lagi2 kalao bulan puasa, iklan makanan... Tapi apabila dari Petronas atau TM, saya dengan tekun menonton. Saya terfikir, siapa yang bagus sangat ni buat iklan ni? Panjang2 pon ade moral... bagus betul!
Kebetulan, saya menuntut di Lim Ben Chan di Cyberjawa, so ketika di tahun kedua pengajian, saya bertanya cikgu Advertising saya.. Mr Shake it Bong Bong Hahaha... Itulah panggilan nama samaran dia dari saya dan dia ingat saya sampai mati kerana nama itu hahah
'Sir, since you are in advertising line... do u know who created the Festives Ads?"...
"Oh! She is very brilliant and intelligent... I dont think you can beat her...". La! Taulah tak terer dalam advertising nie... Lalu die kate dengan saya... "She is Yasmin Ahmad.. The one from Sepet?"... Sepet?! Wah! The movie aa? I like! I like that movie.. Although I think its draggy.. but I like it! Then I was so eager, I said to my lecturer... "Is that her 1st movie?" "No! It was 2nd because she produced Rabun."
Oh! now I think I know.. Then I remembered that Linus, my friend said that "I used to act in Yasmin's film... You know Sepet right... I was Jason's friend la..." Then he started to talk about Yasmin. I am so eager to hear the stories because she is actually nice person.
In june 2005, sy kerja di One Utama di GSC dan kebetulan ada satu premiere... walaupun keje GSC, tak semestinya saya boleh juin... Tiba-tiba, saya ternampak Yasmin n husband.. Saya sangat teruja lalu terus tutup kaunter dan kejar Yasmin. "Kak Yasmin!! Tunggu sat!!".... Dia kebetulan baru nak turun escalator, lalu dia pusing... "Ya, adik nak apa?"..
"Akak, saya cuma nak cakap... saya suka Iklan akak, saya suka cerita sepet dan rabun... I love your works and arts so much! You are showing the true Malaysian!"
"Thanks! I never been appreciated like that...Dont forget to watch Gubra. Its coming soon!". "of course kak! I will!". Then she asked me, "you student mana?". Pastu kitorg borak la... bila dia tau saya ni student Broadcasting, die ckp... "hope we'll meet each other soon in the Industry!". Then bang~! Memang jumpa okay!
MC-squared competition, Drama produced by Limkokwing Graduates for NTv7 (cant remember the name) where Im the students and she is our lecturer then I saw her a lot in many premiere when I used to work in GSC. Then lastly I saw her at Filem Festival Malaysia and I was exchanging cards with her. Since my boss and my ex-lecturer was there, they both took her card and she actually have only 2 left so I gave it to both of them. (damn!)
Saya nak cari kerja baru lepas 2-3 bulan jumpa dia sbb saya cukup bosan kerja dengan seseorang ini sbb kena maki 24jam.. tetiba teringat Yasmin Ahmad... terus nak tepon dia. Tapi cari2 kad die, tanya lecturer, tanya boss... dedua kate "I tak ingat letak mana!". Damn! Bodo! Apelah! Taulah tak minat sama kak Yasmin, janganlah hilangkan kad die... saya sangat sedih, so tak dapat nak kerja dengan dia sbb mengiikut kate Linus, dia memang nak cari krew film untuk Mualaf dan Mukhsin. Saya teringin nak kerja dengan dia...
Malangnya, semasa saya dengar dari Fly Fm Must Have Music, mereka cerita pasal dia pengsan... Masa tu saya macam ... adoi! Apa kena dengan kak Yasmin? tetiba dengar lagi diorang kate dia kena Angin Ahmar, lagi la saya terkejut.... dan terdengar pula dia masuk bilik bedah.
Akhirnya, 25 Julai 2009, Perginya seniman yang agung yang berani mengeluarkan pendapat dan menunjukkan reality rakyat Malaysia. Walau beliau telah dikutuk, dikritik oleh ramai orang dari mainstream kerana ceritanya yang agak 'melampau', dia satu-satunya mempunyai creative minded dan sesuai dengan konsep Satu Malaysia. Tak macam 'R.A' or 'D.Y.H' or 'D.T'... dorang bikin film sume hampeh2... asik2 nangis..
lagi2 R.A tue... filem sume tak laku.. pastu kutuk kak Yasmin kate die tukar jantina la apa... sukatila die nak tukar ke.. tak salah pon Dalam Islam sbb dia ade alasan kalau betul pon. Awak tu pon buat cerita lagi la tak senonoh.. anu dalam botol! TEtek ko dalam kotak! Sudahlah! Da lah penyebab Roslin cerai.. jangan nak keco okay! Nak tunjuk adegan ranjang lak tu.. Bila kak Yasmin buat ko komen punya panjang! Haih!
Sekarang ini, korang sukalah kak Yasmin takde... Haih! Kejam sungguh!
Kak Yasmin, semoga rohmu dicucuri rahmat! Kerja kak Yasmin akan disanjungi sepanjang hayat saya. kirimkanlah Salam saya pada Michael Jackson kerana akak pergi sebulan setelah pemergiannya...
"And now, they can leave you alone!" - Marlon Jackson on Jackson's funeral 7th July 2009.
and I will miss you forever.
"For u, MJ is an Icon. To us, he is Family." - Janet on BET Award 2009
"For u, Yasmin is an Icon. To me, Yasmin is truly Malaysian who has the patriotic heart." - Me, 2009
Kebetulan, saya menuntut di Lim Ben Chan di Cyberjawa, so ketika di tahun kedua pengajian, saya bertanya cikgu Advertising saya.. Mr Shake it Bong Bong Hahaha... Itulah panggilan nama samaran dia dari saya dan dia ingat saya sampai mati kerana nama itu hahah
'Sir, since you are in advertising line... do u know who created the Festives Ads?"...
"Oh! She is very brilliant and intelligent... I dont think you can beat her...". La! Taulah tak terer dalam advertising nie... Lalu die kate dengan saya... "She is Yasmin Ahmad.. The one from Sepet?"... Sepet?! Wah! The movie aa? I like! I like that movie.. Although I think its draggy.. but I like it! Then I was so eager, I said to my lecturer... "Is that her 1st movie?" "No! It was 2nd because she produced Rabun."
Oh! now I think I know.. Then I remembered that Linus, my friend said that "I used to act in Yasmin's film... You know Sepet right... I was Jason's friend la..." Then he started to talk about Yasmin. I am so eager to hear the stories because she is actually nice person.
In june 2005, sy kerja di One Utama di GSC dan kebetulan ada satu premiere... walaupun keje GSC, tak semestinya saya boleh juin... Tiba-tiba, saya ternampak Yasmin n husband.. Saya sangat teruja lalu terus tutup kaunter dan kejar Yasmin. "Kak Yasmin!! Tunggu sat!!".... Dia kebetulan baru nak turun escalator, lalu dia pusing... "Ya, adik nak apa?"..
"Akak, saya cuma nak cakap... saya suka Iklan akak, saya suka cerita sepet dan rabun... I love your works and arts so much! You are showing the true Malaysian!"
"Thanks! I never been appreciated like that...Dont forget to watch Gubra. Its coming soon!". "of course kak! I will!". Then she asked me, "you student mana?". Pastu kitorg borak la... bila dia tau saya ni student Broadcasting, die ckp... "hope we'll meet each other soon in the Industry!". Then bang~! Memang jumpa okay!
MC-squared competition, Drama produced by Limkokwing Graduates for NTv7 (cant remember the name) where Im the students and she is our lecturer then I saw her a lot in many premiere when I used to work in GSC. Then lastly I saw her at Filem Festival Malaysia and I was exchanging cards with her. Since my boss and my ex-lecturer was there, they both took her card and she actually have only 2 left so I gave it to both of them. (damn!)
Saya nak cari kerja baru lepas 2-3 bulan jumpa dia sbb saya cukup bosan kerja dengan seseorang ini sbb kena maki 24jam.. tetiba teringat Yasmin Ahmad... terus nak tepon dia. Tapi cari2 kad die, tanya lecturer, tanya boss... dedua kate "I tak ingat letak mana!". Damn! Bodo! Apelah! Taulah tak minat sama kak Yasmin, janganlah hilangkan kad die... saya sangat sedih, so tak dapat nak kerja dengan dia sbb mengiikut kate Linus, dia memang nak cari krew film untuk Mualaf dan Mukhsin. Saya teringin nak kerja dengan dia...
Malangnya, semasa saya dengar dari Fly Fm Must Have Music, mereka cerita pasal dia pengsan... Masa tu saya macam ... adoi! Apa kena dengan kak Yasmin? tetiba dengar lagi diorang kate dia kena Angin Ahmar, lagi la saya terkejut.... dan terdengar pula dia masuk bilik bedah.
Akhirnya, 25 Julai 2009, Perginya seniman yang agung yang berani mengeluarkan pendapat dan menunjukkan reality rakyat Malaysia. Walau beliau telah dikutuk, dikritik oleh ramai orang dari mainstream kerana ceritanya yang agak 'melampau', dia satu-satunya mempunyai creative minded dan sesuai dengan konsep Satu Malaysia. Tak macam 'R.A' or 'D.Y.H' or 'D.T'... dorang bikin film sume hampeh2... asik2 nangis..
lagi2 R.A tue... filem sume tak laku.. pastu kutuk kak Yasmin kate die tukar jantina la apa... sukatila die nak tukar ke.. tak salah pon Dalam Islam sbb dia ade alasan kalau betul pon. Awak tu pon buat cerita lagi la tak senonoh.. anu dalam botol! TEtek ko dalam kotak! Sudahlah! Da lah penyebab Roslin cerai.. jangan nak keco okay! Nak tunjuk adegan ranjang lak tu.. Bila kak Yasmin buat ko komen punya panjang! Haih!
Sekarang ini, korang sukalah kak Yasmin takde... Haih! Kejam sungguh!
Kak Yasmin, semoga rohmu dicucuri rahmat! Kerja kak Yasmin akan disanjungi sepanjang hayat saya. kirimkanlah Salam saya pada Michael Jackson kerana akak pergi sebulan setelah pemergiannya...
"And now, they can leave you alone!" - Marlon Jackson on Jackson's funeral 7th July 2009.
and I will miss you forever.
"For u, MJ is an Icon. To us, he is Family." - Janet on BET Award 2009
"For u, Yasmin is an Icon. To me, Yasmin is truly Malaysian who has the patriotic heart." - Me, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
What's New with Me, Shazawati?
I just finish eating lunch at Armada Hotel, PJ. Quite delicious! Yummy! I dont have pics that much as they are all aunties that doesnt took photos that much and does really pose. Hm.. I guess people who are born in 1970's are not that fun ya! But its weird my sister can do so much stupid stuff hahah Maybe my sisters are the coolest one...Or maybe I dont know...
Btw... talking about me, hmm me and husband are doing great great great! Yay! But one thing we could not being great of... about surroundings and financial! Let me tell you something ya..
Friends and relatives are totally dont understand our situation. Especially when they know what are you doing now, or they confused about what are you doing now or they dont bother to know or they know but they pretend to ignore about it. What am I talking about, I am sure everyone are wondering right?
First, what am I doing now? Who? Shazawati of course! I am working full time 8.30am-5.30pm Secretary at one place then every 2nd and 4th weekends (sunday or saturday), I got classes to attend. So what does this mean? I am a Part Timer Student and a Full time Secretary! At night everyday, I will be a good wife where I will pick up my husband at his work place everyday 10pm and will cook for him and waiting for him to finish eating and all.
What is my husband's job? My husband work as Commis at Nacho's Nacho's in Shah Alam. He work sometimes starts at 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm or 1pm up to 10pm and he cant actually get some leaves on Saturday or Sunday or Public Holiday. So usually, I am going to go anywhere with some other people, or being single all the time.
I am glad people do think I'm not married yet, yeah! Of course, Im still not pregnant and still not that old and every body thoughts that I'm easy to tackle.. Once you get me, you will be sorry for the rest of your life! Hahah Yeah, I maybe romantic but somehow, only My husband knows it! Quite pity him though but what to do? Anger management class? Hmm I dont know...
Why is it related to my relatives and friends? Yeah! Since they are confused with what am I doing now, they always asked this question... "It's been quite a while... anything?", or "Why on earth you are not pregnant yet?", or "Infertile?"... Hello!! Doesnt mean you are married, you need to be pregnant as soon as you are making love right? For those who are quite impatient, yeah, you will get pregnant within 2 months after you're married..but not everybody are that lucky!
You dont have to ask that q! I have 2-3 friends who are married, they are still not being pregnant and event 2 years ahead from me, she still not pregnant... but I know there is some pressure around her.. Poor you dear! I know how you feel!
I got some reasons why I dont get pregnant yet! 1st of all, I am studying and doing my Bachelor which I think its totally stressful and challenging. I heard that stress woman or exhausted woman cant get pregnant. If I am announced pregnant, maybe 2-3 months after that, I will miscarriage because of the stress... So! What's the point getting pregnant? Besides, I'm the last minute person.. so after having kids, I wouldnt have time to study at all and I dont wanna burden my husband to take care of my baby...
Second reason, I'm searchin for tips on getting pregnant on twins. Some people said I shall take a pill then when I'm ready, chances to get twins is high but problem is, I hate eating pills... It could also makes you cant get pregnant at all.. hmm DILEMMA! Why twins? If i got a pair, it will be a good good one! but if i have both one gender, then I have to just Thanks to God! At least I only pregnant once wuuuhuuu!!
One more things that bothering me is going to any occassions, events without my husband around.. Yes yes! Once you married, your husband must follow you or you must follow where ever your husband is going.. But unfortunately, my husband cant come! He's working especially weekends... or weekdays he can only make it after 10pm.. so if you want him to come, the only way, do your reception at night after 10pm, whatever it is, after 10pm! I'm sure no one wanna do that right? So better keep quiet!
Some people also said this to me, "y dont u ask ur husband to work only on weekdays?"... Hello! He's working in a restaurant... not in the office! then some voices also heard, "work in the hotel la! why working in the restaurant?!".. You think we dont asked people around? We did ask.. one of his friends work at the Palma Inn Cafe as a chef told us this "You will be in Hell Kitchen once you are in the kitchen line of the hotel". Sometimes no holidays for the whole week, obviously NO OFF on Weekends, sleeps in the kitchen for 2-4 days if there is an event and NO Leave Application is available...
So... which one is worst? Restaurant or Hotel? In the restaurant, the owner promises my husband to give 6 month probation and raise salary. Plus, everyday must have 2-3 hours over time... Some voices also said that "why dont ask your husband to work in the office?"... He cant.. He loves cooking... He work in the office before.. ended up being scold 24hrs because he dont know what he's doing and everyday checking out new recipes from the net instead of doing work! Yeah! Lame but he's passion is there.
I support whatever he likes and I dont damn care if he got less salary.. Im not the 'pushing' button types... whatever it is, we will try to save a bit by bit. InsyaAllah if Allah takes our prayers totally... We will try to involved with business. Maybe I might be the next multi-million dollar woman! Who knows right? Haha (Ya Allah! Perkenankanlah!)
But one thing I dont like people saying this... "Dont hold on your pregnancy... you will never get pregnant...". Okay, yes I do heard people sayin this...but I think Allah knows whats happening to me. I do want to get pregnant! Seriously do! But I have some mental problem.. so I need to take care of it.. besides Now im having tooth ache and back ache.. makes me quite phobia to have kids at the moments... Besides, our sex is not like what you guys thinks.. Yes! I am dirty minded but hey... being exhausted and tired could make you not interested in sex but usually.. when I want, he's tired...when he wanted it, Im tired.. so!
Anyway... I am so tired to think now... I will continue what I wanna say later... Daaa!
ps: im having bad toothache which I believe my wisdom tooth are tryin to come out.. damn u!
Btw... talking about me, hmm me and husband are doing great great great! Yay! But one thing we could not being great of... about surroundings and financial! Let me tell you something ya..
Friends and relatives are totally dont understand our situation. Especially when they know what are you doing now, or they confused about what are you doing now or they dont bother to know or they know but they pretend to ignore about it. What am I talking about, I am sure everyone are wondering right?
First, what am I doing now? Who? Shazawati of course! I am working full time 8.30am-5.30pm Secretary at one place then every 2nd and 4th weekends (sunday or saturday), I got classes to attend. So what does this mean? I am a Part Timer Student and a Full time Secretary! At night everyday, I will be a good wife where I will pick up my husband at his work place everyday 10pm and will cook for him and waiting for him to finish eating and all.
What is my husband's job? My husband work as Commis at Nacho's Nacho's in Shah Alam. He work sometimes starts at 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm or 1pm up to 10pm and he cant actually get some leaves on Saturday or Sunday or Public Holiday. So usually, I am going to go anywhere with some other people, or being single all the time.
I am glad people do think I'm not married yet, yeah! Of course, Im still not pregnant and still not that old and every body thoughts that I'm easy to tackle.. Once you get me, you will be sorry for the rest of your life! Hahah Yeah, I maybe romantic but somehow, only My husband knows it! Quite pity him though but what to do? Anger management class? Hmm I dont know...
Why is it related to my relatives and friends? Yeah! Since they are confused with what am I doing now, they always asked this question... "It's been quite a while... anything?", or "Why on earth you are not pregnant yet?", or "Infertile?"... Hello!! Doesnt mean you are married, you need to be pregnant as soon as you are making love right? For those who are quite impatient, yeah, you will get pregnant within 2 months after you're married..but not everybody are that lucky!
You dont have to ask that q! I have 2-3 friends who are married, they are still not being pregnant and event 2 years ahead from me, she still not pregnant... but I know there is some pressure around her.. Poor you dear! I know how you feel!
I got some reasons why I dont get pregnant yet! 1st of all, I am studying and doing my Bachelor which I think its totally stressful and challenging. I heard that stress woman or exhausted woman cant get pregnant. If I am announced pregnant, maybe 2-3 months after that, I will miscarriage because of the stress... So! What's the point getting pregnant? Besides, I'm the last minute person.. so after having kids, I wouldnt have time to study at all and I dont wanna burden my husband to take care of my baby...
Second reason, I'm searchin for tips on getting pregnant on twins. Some people said I shall take a pill then when I'm ready, chances to get twins is high but problem is, I hate eating pills... It could also makes you cant get pregnant at all.. hmm DILEMMA! Why twins? If i got a pair, it will be a good good one! but if i have both one gender, then I have to just Thanks to God! At least I only pregnant once wuuuhuuu!!
One more things that bothering me is going to any occassions, events without my husband around.. Yes yes! Once you married, your husband must follow you or you must follow where ever your husband is going.. But unfortunately, my husband cant come! He's working especially weekends... or weekdays he can only make it after 10pm.. so if you want him to come, the only way, do your reception at night after 10pm, whatever it is, after 10pm! I'm sure no one wanna do that right? So better keep quiet!
Some people also said this to me, "y dont u ask ur husband to work only on weekdays?"... Hello! He's working in a restaurant... not in the office! then some voices also heard, "work in the hotel la! why working in the restaurant?!".. You think we dont asked people around? We did ask.. one of his friends work at the Palma Inn Cafe as a chef told us this "You will be in Hell Kitchen once you are in the kitchen line of the hotel". Sometimes no holidays for the whole week, obviously NO OFF on Weekends, sleeps in the kitchen for 2-4 days if there is an event and NO Leave Application is available...
So... which one is worst? Restaurant or Hotel? In the restaurant, the owner promises my husband to give 6 month probation and raise salary. Plus, everyday must have 2-3 hours over time... Some voices also said that "why dont ask your husband to work in the office?"... He cant.. He loves cooking... He work in the office before.. ended up being scold 24hrs because he dont know what he's doing and everyday checking out new recipes from the net instead of doing work! Yeah! Lame but he's passion is there.
I support whatever he likes and I dont damn care if he got less salary.. Im not the 'pushing' button types... whatever it is, we will try to save a bit by bit. InsyaAllah if Allah takes our prayers totally... We will try to involved with business. Maybe I might be the next multi-million dollar woman! Who knows right? Haha (Ya Allah! Perkenankanlah!)
But one thing I dont like people saying this... "Dont hold on your pregnancy... you will never get pregnant...". Okay, yes I do heard people sayin this...but I think Allah knows whats happening to me. I do want to get pregnant! Seriously do! But I have some mental problem.. so I need to take care of it.. besides Now im having tooth ache and back ache.. makes me quite phobia to have kids at the moments... Besides, our sex is not like what you guys thinks.. Yes! I am dirty minded but hey... being exhausted and tired could make you not interested in sex but usually.. when I want, he's tired...when he wanted it, Im tired.. so!
Anyway... I am so tired to think now... I will continue what I wanna say later... Daaa!
ps: im having bad toothache which I believe my wisdom tooth are tryin to come out.. damn u!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Bolehkah anda berbahasa Malaysia?
Syarat-syarat :
1. 'Tag' dijawab dalam Bahasa Melayu sahaja.
2. Tag orang yang telah men'tag' anda.
3. Tag orang yg anda mahu tag.
Sila jawab soalan-soalan ini dalam Bahasa Melayu sahaja.
1. Apakah yang anda sedang lakukan 30 minit yang lalu?
Makan tengah hari dengan bekal yang saya bawa. Kailan Ikan Masin, Ayam Lada HItam dan pucuk ubi rebus
2. 2 jam yang lalu?
saya ke Sek MEn keb Bukit Indah Ampang untuk tujuan pemasaran
2. Anda suka
tidur, belajar bahasa berlainan,
3. Minggu lepas
saya mengambil peperiksaan pertengahan semester dan etika profesional saya teruk!
4. Tiga lagu yang boleh anda dengar berulang-ulang kali
Lagu Dari Michael Jackson - Awak tidak keseorangan (You are not alone)
Lagu Gackt - Kerana mu Aku boleh - Kimi no Tame ni Dekiru Koto
Lagu Black Eye Peas - Saya dapat rasa ( I got the feeling)
5. 3 binatang yang anda tak suka
Mak Cik Si-Ti_ _ _
6. 5 fakta tentang anda
- saya suka menyanyi, menari dan berlakon ( dimana saya gilakan popularity)
- sekiranya saya marah, itu tanda saya sayang atau tidak bersalah. Sekiranya saya diam atau buat tak tahu, itu maknanya saya sangat bersalah. Jadi, jangan terasa kalau saya marah-marah.
- saya ratu obsesi dimana sekiranya saya minat sesuatu atau seseorang... sampai bole histeria atau mimpikan orang itu...atau bole membeli barangan itu berkali-kali tanpa jemu.
- saya sukakan lelaki yang mempunyai raut wajah yang cantik lagi-lagi Gackt. Dia sangatlah tampan dan kacak juga menawan kalbu.
- Saya cukup pantang dengan orang yang bermain tahi dengan saya iaitu mengutuk atau mengata saya dari belakang. Jika saya dapat tahu, saya akan menangis kepelikan kerana terlalu geram dan mula membuat kajian tentang diri mereka dan menulis blog sepanjang mungkin untuk mengutuk mereka balik... kerana saya tidak mampu untuk meluahkan...
7. Tahun depan mungkin
saya akan melahirkan sepasang kembar pada bulan 10. Saya sedang mengumpulkan kekuatan untuk bertanya doktor boleh tak nak kembar laki dan perempuan? bagaimana nak buat tu? bagaimana nak dapatkan anak kembar? saya taknak satu... kerana mak mertua dan ayah mertua berlainan pendapat. Sorang nak lelaki, seorang lagi nak perempuan.. lalu saya tengah merancang...Ibu bapa saya tidak kisah lalu kalau keluar mana-mana akan disayangi bagai minyak yang penuh tetapi saya phobia dengan keluarga belah suami saya dimana bimbang mereka akan bezakan kerana cucu yang lain telah nampak sangat ketara... oleh itu saya amat berhati, berhati ketika ingin memboyot.
8. Saya tak reti
diam. lebih-lebih lagi mulut saya. Saya sangatlah becok orangnya, Jadi faham-faham sajalah sekiranya anda boleh lihat ketika tidur, dalam laut pon saya boleh bercakap.
9. Saya pandai
sangat-sangat! hahaha. Saya juga sangat berpengalaman dalam pelbagai bidang kecuali dalam matematik dan sains serta kejuruteraan.
10. Kawan saya
- ramai yang cantik.. saya tergolong dalam kumpulan paling tak bergaya dan paling tidak cantik.
11. Saya ada
- suami yang sangat penyayang, comel dan penyabar. Saya sayang dia.
12. Saya seorang
- yang suka berkawan tapi saya juga pemarah orangnya.
13. Adik saya
- dalam mimpi sahaja kerana saya adalah adik saya. wahahah
14. Saya tak pernah bosan dengan (senaraikan 4)
- kehidupan saya sebagai seorang pelajar, isteri dan pekerja yang berdedikasi.
- mencari pengalaman baru untuk mengumpulkan kekuatan diri.
- bermain dengan anak saudara saya walaupun mereka agak mengjengkelkan
- menonton video klip Michael Jackson dan Gackt beratus kali kerana pada saya mereka ini sangat berbakat...
15. Bilakah pertama kali anda bercinta?
tahun 1994 dengan suami saya - ketika itu saya berusia 9 tahun heheh
16. Perkara yang selalu orang tak percaya tentang anda
- saya berusia 24 tahun dan sudah berkahwin. Maklumlah! saya ni pisang panas!
17. Saya rindu
kehidupan di Jepun bersama kawan-kawan di Jepun... dan teman akrab saya ketika saya memerlukan mereka dan ketika senang saya. Nadia, Ariana, Iera, Tasneem, Fatin dan ramai lagi yang tidak perlu saya catatkan
18. Saya tak sabar
untuk berambus dari Malaysia sebab saya sudah bosan tengok Malaysia. Nak pergi mana pon tak tahu kerana dah jalan satu Malaysia.
19. 5 laman yang anda selalu layari:
20. Siapa yang anda mahu tag?
semua kawan-kawan yang saya rasa saya suka! haha yang tak ditag bukan tak suka... takut anda tak paham bahasa Malaysia atau awak mungkin kata - hah? merepek la budak ini.
1. 'Tag' dijawab dalam Bahasa Melayu sahaja.
2. Tag orang yang telah men'tag' anda.
3. Tag orang yg anda mahu tag.
Sila jawab soalan-soalan ini dalam Bahasa Melayu sahaja.
1. Apakah yang anda sedang lakukan 30 minit yang lalu?
Makan tengah hari dengan bekal yang saya bawa. Kailan Ikan Masin, Ayam Lada HItam dan pucuk ubi rebus
2. 2 jam yang lalu?
saya ke Sek MEn keb Bukit Indah Ampang untuk tujuan pemasaran
2. Anda suka
tidur, belajar bahasa berlainan,
3. Minggu lepas
saya mengambil peperiksaan pertengahan semester dan etika profesional saya teruk!
4. Tiga lagu yang boleh anda dengar berulang-ulang kali
Lagu Dari Michael Jackson - Awak tidak keseorangan (You are not alone)
Lagu Gackt - Kerana mu Aku boleh - Kimi no Tame ni Dekiru Koto
Lagu Black Eye Peas - Saya dapat rasa ( I got the feeling)
5. 3 binatang yang anda tak suka
Mak Cik Si-Ti_ _ _
6. 5 fakta tentang anda
- saya suka menyanyi, menari dan berlakon ( dimana saya gilakan popularity)
- sekiranya saya marah, itu tanda saya sayang atau tidak bersalah. Sekiranya saya diam atau buat tak tahu, itu maknanya saya sangat bersalah. Jadi, jangan terasa kalau saya marah-marah.
- saya ratu obsesi dimana sekiranya saya minat sesuatu atau seseorang... sampai bole histeria atau mimpikan orang itu...atau bole membeli barangan itu berkali-kali tanpa jemu.
- saya sukakan lelaki yang mempunyai raut wajah yang cantik lagi-lagi Gackt. Dia sangatlah tampan dan kacak juga menawan kalbu.
- Saya cukup pantang dengan orang yang bermain tahi dengan saya iaitu mengutuk atau mengata saya dari belakang. Jika saya dapat tahu, saya akan menangis kepelikan kerana terlalu geram dan mula membuat kajian tentang diri mereka dan menulis blog sepanjang mungkin untuk mengutuk mereka balik... kerana saya tidak mampu untuk meluahkan...
7. Tahun depan mungkin
saya akan melahirkan sepasang kembar pada bulan 10. Saya sedang mengumpulkan kekuatan untuk bertanya doktor boleh tak nak kembar laki dan perempuan? bagaimana nak buat tu? bagaimana nak dapatkan anak kembar? saya taknak satu... kerana mak mertua dan ayah mertua berlainan pendapat. Sorang nak lelaki, seorang lagi nak perempuan.. lalu saya tengah merancang...Ibu bapa saya tidak kisah lalu kalau keluar mana-mana akan disayangi bagai minyak yang penuh tetapi saya phobia dengan keluarga belah suami saya dimana bimbang mereka akan bezakan kerana cucu yang lain telah nampak sangat ketara... oleh itu saya amat berhati, berhati ketika ingin memboyot.
8. Saya tak reti
diam. lebih-lebih lagi mulut saya. Saya sangatlah becok orangnya, Jadi faham-faham sajalah sekiranya anda boleh lihat ketika tidur, dalam laut pon saya boleh bercakap.
9. Saya pandai
sangat-sangat! hahaha. Saya juga sangat berpengalaman dalam pelbagai bidang kecuali dalam matematik dan sains serta kejuruteraan.
10. Kawan saya
- ramai yang cantik.. saya tergolong dalam kumpulan paling tak bergaya dan paling tidak cantik.
11. Saya ada
- suami yang sangat penyayang, comel dan penyabar. Saya sayang dia.
12. Saya seorang
- yang suka berkawan tapi saya juga pemarah orangnya.
13. Adik saya
- dalam mimpi sahaja kerana saya adalah adik saya. wahahah
14. Saya tak pernah bosan dengan (senaraikan 4)
- kehidupan saya sebagai seorang pelajar, isteri dan pekerja yang berdedikasi.
- mencari pengalaman baru untuk mengumpulkan kekuatan diri.
- bermain dengan anak saudara saya walaupun mereka agak mengjengkelkan
- menonton video klip Michael Jackson dan Gackt beratus kali kerana pada saya mereka ini sangat berbakat...
15. Bilakah pertama kali anda bercinta?
tahun 1994 dengan suami saya - ketika itu saya berusia 9 tahun heheh
16. Perkara yang selalu orang tak percaya tentang anda
- saya berusia 24 tahun dan sudah berkahwin. Maklumlah! saya ni pisang panas!
17. Saya rindu
kehidupan di Jepun bersama kawan-kawan di Jepun... dan teman akrab saya ketika saya memerlukan mereka dan ketika senang saya. Nadia, Ariana, Iera, Tasneem, Fatin dan ramai lagi yang tidak perlu saya catatkan
18. Saya tak sabar
untuk berambus dari Malaysia sebab saya sudah bosan tengok Malaysia. Nak pergi mana pon tak tahu kerana dah jalan satu Malaysia.
19. 5 laman yang anda selalu layari:
20. Siapa yang anda mahu tag?
semua kawan-kawan yang saya rasa saya suka! haha yang tak ditag bukan tak suka... takut anda tak paham bahasa Malaysia atau awak mungkin kata - hah? merepek la budak ini.
Monday, July 13, 2009
What's Up with MJ and My Prophet Nabi Muhammad S.A.W?
I am sure this will be the best debate ever in the entire world. Guess what.. Dont worry. No humiliating or embarresed or comparison between MJ and Nabi Muhammad.
Some guy was sick with me cuz I kept updating my status at Facebook on the MJ memorial where it was collaboration with It's total lie if no one cries when Paris said something about the father. It's proven everyone cries! The only parent that they ever know and the only person who really protected his children. So obviously I cried... cuz I know how she felt! It's the father no matter biological or not! But who the heck care as long he's acting as a real father it doesnt not matter. Okay back to the story of that fucking annoying guy... He's totally a jerk and such a stupid arsehole! It's my privacy, my rights to cry whenever,whoever,wherever, whichever,however and whatever I wan! It's totally none of your business! 1st of all, I thought i was chatting and doesnt know it will come out as a Status! Then only realizing it! So okay... Then, when I changed status, I didnt asked you to comment on it! Who asked u to be awake at 1am in the morning to comment on my status? You are watching it too! Durh! Stupid! Watch to critizied? Hah! Loser! Admit it you like MJ too! Arse!!
Then, suddenly the next day I saw him writing this "********* tension cuz everyone is crying / obsess about MJ. He's dead... what to cry about! Over obsessive!" I admit I am obsessed! U know why?! He has changed my life bit by bit with his songs! I follow Nabi Muhammad's teaching but I live with MJ's songs. Y i said that? Okay.. with my past experience... I have the bad childhood as MJ. Father forced to do this n that, no TV, only books books books. Luckily I like it! But then in my heart i said "once im 18.. i will be out from this hell!'... Like what MJ did, he's out after he got like millions dollars! How I wish I got like what he earn. Anyway, i told you in my chronology b4 what I have been dreaming about MJ. I got the weirdess nitemare ever where I dream like almost every week that my parents (both) pass away in a weirdess way. My parents loves to travel and makes me paranoid when they went anywhere without me. Yeah! Call me "mamma's girl or daddy's lil fav" but you dont know how my world would be like if I lost any of them! Imagine, I was only lived on my own in 2007 for 4 months, my father slips on the floor, met a car accident, broke his ankel... and that dont make you paranoid? if not, you are heartless person man!
Then I argue with that Jerk... I said "I'm sad cuz when Paris said that and Imagining if Im on her shoes"... Then he was being an arse again said "he's fucking dead! what the heck wrong with you!? When Nabi Muhammad's death, you are not crying...". What the fuck stupid statement of that!? fak u! When Rasulullah was dead, I wasnt even born yet! I am surely sure that If I was born at that time.. I will be the one who cries and cries cuz He's also one of my idol. Just I dont wanna say much cuz I'm not 100% perfect as he is yet or like his wives. But I am not hating my own Prophet. I like, love and care for him but he's been dead for the past thousand of years. I only knew him in the Koran but I always cries after I read it. I am imaginative person where I always can imagine things in my head. So I was imagining I was in Rasulullah's shoes and being in a war, trying to find strategies and all... I do cries but cuz I cant see myself in front of my eyes, I didnt cried like how I cried for MJ. It's my own idol. You hate him, then what!? Shut the hell up and delete me as a friend in FB and I did delete him cuz he's damn arse annoying!
Malay version
Satu ketika di pagi yg hening setelah aku menangis sampai mata naik bengkak sbb MJ punya memorial, tetiba aku dpt satu comment kat salah satu status aku yg sudah lupa bunyinya mcm mana... barangkali berbunyi "very sad when I watch MJ's daugther, Paris saying "ever since I was born, my daddy has been the greatest you can ever imagine.. I just wanna say that I love you so much" ... something like that..." and I tears again and again. " itulah status ku! Kemudian aku terlihat status di FBnya itu yg berbunyi... "tensen aku dgn semua org yg obses dgn MJ. die da mati da la! " bunyi die mcm tuela.. aku x ingat sangatla kan kan kan.. sbb x kose nak igt pon! mata ngah bengkak! then die kutuk2 aku ... aku backup la ckp "aku sedih sbb MJ tu idol aku.. aku idop sbb MJ, idop aku berasaskan lagu MJ".
Then die kate "die da mampos. ko nak sedih2 pesal. Nabi Muhammad mati ko x sedih pulak! Patutnya ko lagi kena sedih... " lebih kurang gitulah ayatnya... Alangkah BANGANG BIN BODO BIN BAHLOL BIN TOLOL LA budak nie sbb mase zaman NABI MUHAMMAD, aku mana la ade! Tula! kecik2 tak mo mati.. da besa menyusahkan orang je nak jaga sbb bodo nak mampos! Kot ye pon nak jadikan aku senyap, carilah logik! Lepas aku ckp zaman tue Nabi Muhammad aku takde.. aku delete die tros dr FB aku sbb sah2 die tu bangang a/l bodo cucu bahlol! tula dianya..! Aku tensen btol! kot ye pon nak kate aku kafir.. mcm la ko tu bagus sangat! kafir2 aku pon x la bodo mcm ko! Konon islam! tapi islam JAHILIAH buat pe! Nak kutuk aku... pk dulu! Jangan ingat orang mcm aku yang tak pakai tudung ni or pakai tudung suka aku nie.. aku x pandai agama. Aku tau agama cuma maybe aku malas or belom lagi terbuka nak follow! and Aku seorang yang obses! aku takot aku akan jadi sangat sesat sbb aku kalo obses... aku akan jadi tahap gaban punya obses!sbb aku tau diri akulah aku skang nak belajar control so ko takyah nak judge orang sbb ko bukannya Allah or Nabi pon nak judge aku. Nabi Muhammad pon takpena nak judge orang! ko lak nak jadi judge apsal!? bagus sangat ke!? ko tu lagi poyo. At least aku takde la letak nama idol aku as nama aku... ko tue ingat ko jepun ke letak nama Hyde tue!? poyo la wei! Aku obses dengan MJ pon takde la nak letak Shazawati binti Mikaeel Joseph! aku letak gak nama bapak aku MOhammad yang sama dengan nabi MUhammad!! Nama atok aku pulak Ibrahim! Nama nabi juga! so jangan menggelabah! KO poyo mcm hanjeng nak ckp aku! PI rah mabook!!
Some guy was sick with me cuz I kept updating my status at Facebook on the MJ memorial where it was collaboration with It's total lie if no one cries when Paris said something about the father. It's proven everyone cries! The only parent that they ever know and the only person who really protected his children. So obviously I cried... cuz I know how she felt! It's the father no matter biological or not! But who the heck care as long he's acting as a real father it doesnt not matter. Okay back to the story of that fucking annoying guy... He's totally a jerk and such a stupid arsehole! It's my privacy, my rights to cry whenever,whoever,wherever, whichever,however and whatever I wan! It's totally none of your business! 1st of all, I thought i was chatting and doesnt know it will come out as a Status! Then only realizing it! So okay... Then, when I changed status, I didnt asked you to comment on it! Who asked u to be awake at 1am in the morning to comment on my status? You are watching it too! Durh! Stupid! Watch to critizied? Hah! Loser! Admit it you like MJ too! Arse!!
Then, suddenly the next day I saw him writing this "********* tension cuz everyone is crying / obsess about MJ. He's dead... what to cry about! Over obsessive!" I admit I am obsessed! U know why?! He has changed my life bit by bit with his songs! I follow Nabi Muhammad's teaching but I live with MJ's songs. Y i said that? Okay.. with my past experience... I have the bad childhood as MJ. Father forced to do this n that, no TV, only books books books. Luckily I like it! But then in my heart i said "once im 18.. i will be out from this hell!'... Like what MJ did, he's out after he got like millions dollars! How I wish I got like what he earn. Anyway, i told you in my chronology b4 what I have been dreaming about MJ. I got the weirdess nitemare ever where I dream like almost every week that my parents (both) pass away in a weirdess way. My parents loves to travel and makes me paranoid when they went anywhere without me. Yeah! Call me "mamma's girl or daddy's lil fav" but you dont know how my world would be like if I lost any of them! Imagine, I was only lived on my own in 2007 for 4 months, my father slips on the floor, met a car accident, broke his ankel... and that dont make you paranoid? if not, you are heartless person man!
Then I argue with that Jerk... I said "I'm sad cuz when Paris said that and Imagining if Im on her shoes"... Then he was being an arse again said "he's fucking dead! what the heck wrong with you!? When Nabi Muhammad's death, you are not crying...". What the fuck stupid statement of that!? fak u! When Rasulullah was dead, I wasnt even born yet! I am surely sure that If I was born at that time.. I will be the one who cries and cries cuz He's also one of my idol. Just I dont wanna say much cuz I'm not 100% perfect as he is yet or like his wives. But I am not hating my own Prophet. I like, love and care for him but he's been dead for the past thousand of years. I only knew him in the Koran but I always cries after I read it. I am imaginative person where I always can imagine things in my head. So I was imagining I was in Rasulullah's shoes and being in a war, trying to find strategies and all... I do cries but cuz I cant see myself in front of my eyes, I didnt cried like how I cried for MJ. It's my own idol. You hate him, then what!? Shut the hell up and delete me as a friend in FB and I did delete him cuz he's damn arse annoying!
Malay version
Satu ketika di pagi yg hening setelah aku menangis sampai mata naik bengkak sbb MJ punya memorial, tetiba aku dpt satu comment kat salah satu status aku yg sudah lupa bunyinya mcm mana... barangkali berbunyi "very sad when I watch MJ's daugther, Paris saying "ever since I was born, my daddy has been the greatest you can ever imagine.. I just wanna say that I love you so much" ... something like that..." and I tears again and again. " itulah status ku! Kemudian aku terlihat status di FBnya itu yg berbunyi... "tensen aku dgn semua org yg obses dgn MJ. die da mati da la! " bunyi die mcm tuela.. aku x ingat sangatla kan kan kan.. sbb x kose nak igt pon! mata ngah bengkak! then die kutuk2 aku ... aku backup la ckp "aku sedih sbb MJ tu idol aku.. aku idop sbb MJ, idop aku berasaskan lagu MJ".
Then die kate "die da mampos. ko nak sedih2 pesal. Nabi Muhammad mati ko x sedih pulak! Patutnya ko lagi kena sedih... " lebih kurang gitulah ayatnya... Alangkah BANGANG BIN BODO BIN BAHLOL BIN TOLOL LA budak nie sbb mase zaman NABI MUHAMMAD, aku mana la ade! Tula! kecik2 tak mo mati.. da besa menyusahkan orang je nak jaga sbb bodo nak mampos! Kot ye pon nak jadikan aku senyap, carilah logik! Lepas aku ckp zaman tue Nabi Muhammad aku takde.. aku delete die tros dr FB aku sbb sah2 die tu bangang a/l bodo cucu bahlol! tula dianya..! Aku tensen btol! kot ye pon nak kate aku kafir.. mcm la ko tu bagus sangat! kafir2 aku pon x la bodo mcm ko! Konon islam! tapi islam JAHILIAH buat pe! Nak kutuk aku... pk dulu! Jangan ingat orang mcm aku yang tak pakai tudung ni or pakai tudung suka aku nie.. aku x pandai agama. Aku tau agama cuma maybe aku malas or belom lagi terbuka nak follow! and Aku seorang yang obses! aku takot aku akan jadi sangat sesat sbb aku kalo obses... aku akan jadi tahap gaban punya obses!sbb aku tau diri akulah aku skang nak belajar control so ko takyah nak judge orang sbb ko bukannya Allah or Nabi pon nak judge aku. Nabi Muhammad pon takpena nak judge orang! ko lak nak jadi judge apsal!? bagus sangat ke!? ko tu lagi poyo. At least aku takde la letak nama idol aku as nama aku... ko tue ingat ko jepun ke letak nama Hyde tue!? poyo la wei! Aku obses dengan MJ pon takde la nak letak Shazawati binti Mikaeel Joseph! aku letak gak nama bapak aku MOhammad yang sama dengan nabi MUhammad!! Nama atok aku pulak Ibrahim! Nama nabi juga! so jangan menggelabah! KO poyo mcm hanjeng nak ckp aku! PI rah mabook!!
Monday, July 06, 2009
obsession of a MJ death.
This is the video I got from
See... how cute he was with the kid. Yeah he does sounds like a mother but he's doing both role remember?! Prince is so cute.. Thank God this guy reveal this video for us!
And the last rehearsal of Allahyarham Michael at Staples Center
this two is awesomeness!
Thursday, July 02, 2009
What's new with Michael Jackson's songs....
They don't care about us
(Children speaking and clapping):
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us,
(Don't worry what people say, we got it true).
Both of what he said "Don't worry what people say, we got it true", and "Enough is enough of this garbage" is about his molesting news. He's sick and tired listening to it already and asking for a break. from this song, we knew that Michael's friends doesnt care about him! They only want his money. obviously! He knew this time will come.. Remember guys, people writing songs cuz they cant express directly.. through songs only they can express so next time.. whatever songs that are created by someone, try to related it with yourself/ yourlife!
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us,
(Enough is enough of this garbage)
(Michael Jackson):
Skin head, dead head.
Everybody gone bad.
Situation, aggravation.
Everybody allegation.
In the suite, on the news.
Everybody, dog food.
Bang bang, shot dead.
Everybody's gone mad.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
Beat me, hate me.
You can never break me.
Will me, thrill me.
You can never kill me.
Jew me, Sue me.
Everybody do me.
Kick me, kike me.
Don't you black or white me.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
This is actually telling about his life... Actually at tis moment, he kinda have some vision about his future that he will be victim of hate and someone has rapin' his pride as a child protector.
Now tell me what has become of my life.
I have a wife and two children who love me.
I am the victim of police brutality, no.
I'm tired of bein' the victim of hate.
You're rapin' me of my pride,
Oh, for God's sake.
I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy.
Set me free.
Skin head, dead head.
Everybody gone bad.
Trepidation, speculation.
Everybody allegation.
In the suite, on the news.
Everybody, dog food.
Black man, black mail.
Throw your brother in jail.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
this is dedicated to all of his friends who ignored him when he was in trouble back for molesting. He said that "i'm tired of being the victim of shame, they're throwing me in a class with a bad name". He knew this will be happening to him already so that's why he sang this songs.
Now tell me what has become of my rights.
Am I invisible because you ignore me?
Your proclamation promised me free liberty, no.
I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame.
They're throwing me in a class with a bad name.
I can't believe this is the land from which I came.
he believe in Roosevelt and he know if Roosevelt is still a president, he will protect Michael.
You know I do really hate to say it.
The government don't want to see.
But if Roosevelt was livin',
He wouldn't let this be, no, no.
Skin head, dead head.
Everybody gone bad.
Situation, speculation.
Everybody, litigation.
Beat me, bash me.
You can never trash me.
Hit me, kick me.
You can never get me.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
(Guitar solo)
Some things in life they just don't want to see.
But if Martin Luther was livin',
He wouldn't let this be no, no, aay.
Skin head, dead head.
Everybody, gone bad.
Situation, segregation.
Everybody, allegation.
In the suite, on the news.
Everybody, dog food
Kick me, kike me.
Don't you wrong or right me.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about,
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about,
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
Hee hee, hoo.
(Children speaking and clapping):
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us,
(Don't worry what people say, we got it true).
Both of what he said "Don't worry what people say, we got it true", and "Enough is enough of this garbage" is about his molesting news. He's sick and tired listening to it already and asking for a break. from this song, we knew that Michael's friends doesnt care about him! They only want his money. obviously! He knew this time will come.. Remember guys, people writing songs cuz they cant express directly.. through songs only they can express so next time.. whatever songs that are created by someone, try to related it with yourself/ yourlife!
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us,
(Enough is enough of this garbage)
(Michael Jackson):
Skin head, dead head.
Everybody gone bad.
Situation, aggravation.
Everybody allegation.
In the suite, on the news.
Everybody, dog food.
Bang bang, shot dead.
Everybody's gone mad.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
Beat me, hate me.
You can never break me.
Will me, thrill me.
You can never kill me.
Jew me, Sue me.
Everybody do me.
Kick me, kike me.
Don't you black or white me.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
This is actually telling about his life... Actually at tis moment, he kinda have some vision about his future that he will be victim of hate and someone has rapin' his pride as a child protector.
Now tell me what has become of my life.
I have a wife and two children who love me.
I am the victim of police brutality, no.
I'm tired of bein' the victim of hate.
You're rapin' me of my pride,
Oh, for God's sake.
I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy.
Set me free.
Skin head, dead head.
Everybody gone bad.
Trepidation, speculation.
Everybody allegation.
In the suite, on the news.
Everybody, dog food.
Black man, black mail.
Throw your brother in jail.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
this is dedicated to all of his friends who ignored him when he was in trouble back for molesting. He said that "i'm tired of being the victim of shame, they're throwing me in a class with a bad name". He knew this will be happening to him already so that's why he sang this songs.
Now tell me what has become of my rights.
Am I invisible because you ignore me?
Your proclamation promised me free liberty, no.
I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame.
They're throwing me in a class with a bad name.
I can't believe this is the land from which I came.
he believe in Roosevelt and he know if Roosevelt is still a president, he will protect Michael.
You know I do really hate to say it.
The government don't want to see.
But if Roosevelt was livin',
He wouldn't let this be, no, no.
Skin head, dead head.
Everybody gone bad.
Situation, speculation.
Everybody, litigation.
Beat me, bash me.
You can never trash me.
Hit me, kick me.
You can never get me.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
(Guitar solo)
Some things in life they just don't want to see.
But if Martin Luther was livin',
He wouldn't let this be no, no, aay.
Skin head, dead head.
Everybody, gone bad.
Situation, segregation.
Everybody, allegation.
In the suite, on the news.
Everybody, dog food
Kick me, kike me.
Don't you wrong or right me.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about,
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about,
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us.
Hee hee, hoo.
What's new with Michael Jackson?
One thing I am pissed about Hollywood Press (mass media/tabloid/news/magazine) in Hollywood that talks about our late Michael.
You can see when Michael is dead, full coverage of him and makes so called tribute etc. When late MJ was alive, no one cared about him. Don't even wanna called him, no one wanna even meet him at his rental house and no one is saying He's the greatest among all.

When he's dead, suddenly all the celebrities and press was saying "we're his best buddies...", "we're close..", "MJ shocking death"... "MJ influences..." "Everyone starts from MJ" and crap. Yes I know that he's the one who creating a whole phenomena about music industry but when he was accused molested a kid, does any1 be by his side? does all who adored him be at his side when he needs you!?? no! you may say we're busy, bla bla shit.. but do you realize that a reason of IGNORING him?
Does anyone like wanna help him to pay his debt? He even wanna sell off his things and Neverland to pay debt but "does the hollywood celebs care?". You guys earn like USD$200mil and some of you dont even have to sing, just attend something and you get USD$1Mil, but cant you donate a bit to MJ to show how much you really adore and pity him?! If i were you, I might seriously will help him no matter what. If I am so busy, I will send one representative to help him for me. As long as he's stay alive, happy and enjoy his life... I will help him. But do you help him at all? I know you might things that he's damn rich and he can collect money anytime.. but he's obviously sick... obviously need an attention....but do you care? NOO! Never!! you might say he's creating up / trick people to get pityness...and it's obviously He's not guilty. He has to pay USD$22mil to that stupid kid who scammed him together with his father and now...

you might say "MJ is a wacko! he's psycho and weird!" SO what!? You guys adore him cuz he's unique... you cry all the time because he's dead.. and now telling everyone he's kind and nice bla bla shit! But do you realize that you're being a hypocrite? aren't you?!!
Money can find anytime but friends/idol you cant find... at least if he knows someone is there for him, he will never take the pain killer O.D.. he never ever touch things that could killed him because at least he knew everyone loves him and he need to survive but do you care? U don't fucking care! Now only you r giving tribute.. that's all bull shoot! if he knows everyone loves him, he will never take those Diriplin or something and if everyone are with him, he will feel safe and try to sleep well.
Man! I wish I have like USD$500m to help him. but unfortunately I have no money.. What I can do for you.. is pray for you.
God Bless you MJ. May your soul rest in peace.
You can see when Michael is dead, full coverage of him and makes so called tribute etc. When late MJ was alive, no one cared about him. Don't even wanna called him, no one wanna even meet him at his rental house and no one is saying He's the greatest among all.
When he's dead, suddenly all the celebrities and press was saying "we're his best buddies...", "we're close..", "MJ shocking death"... "MJ influences..." "Everyone starts from MJ" and crap. Yes I know that he's the one who creating a whole phenomena about music industry but when he was accused molested a kid, does any1 be by his side? does all who adored him be at his side when he needs you!?? no! you may say we're busy, bla bla shit.. but do you realize that a reason of IGNORING him?
Does anyone like wanna help him to pay his debt? He even wanna sell off his things and Neverland to pay debt but "does the hollywood celebs care?". You guys earn like USD$200mil and some of you dont even have to sing, just attend something and you get USD$1Mil, but cant you donate a bit to MJ to show how much you really adore and pity him?! If i were you, I might seriously will help him no matter what. If I am so busy, I will send one representative to help him for me. As long as he's stay alive, happy and enjoy his life... I will help him. But do you help him at all? I know you might things that he's damn rich and he can collect money anytime.. but he's obviously sick... obviously need an attention....but do you care? NOO! Never!! you might say he's creating up / trick people to get pityness...and it's obviously He's not guilty. He has to pay USD$22mil to that stupid kid who scammed him together with his father and now...

you might say "MJ is a wacko! he's psycho and weird!" SO what!? You guys adore him cuz he's unique... you cry all the time because he's dead.. and now telling everyone he's kind and nice bla bla shit! But do you realize that you're being a hypocrite? aren't you?!!
Money can find anytime but friends/idol you cant find... at least if he knows someone is there for him, he will never take the pain killer O.D.. he never ever touch things that could killed him because at least he knew everyone loves him and he need to survive but do you care? U don't fucking care! Now only you r giving tribute.. that's all bull shoot! if he knows everyone loves him, he will never take those Diriplin or something and if everyone are with him, he will feel safe and try to sleep well.
Man! I wish I have like USD$500m to help him. but unfortunately I have no money.. What I can do for you.. is pray for you.
God Bless you MJ. May your soul rest in peace.
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