You can see when Michael is dead, full coverage of him and makes so called tribute etc. When late MJ was alive, no one cared about him. Don't even wanna called him, no one wanna even meet him at his rental house and no one is saying He's the greatest among all.
When he's dead, suddenly all the celebrities and press was saying "we're his best buddies...", "we're close..", "MJ shocking death"... "MJ influences..." "Everyone starts from MJ" and crap. Yes I know that he's the one who creating a whole phenomena about music industry but when he was accused molested a kid, does any1 be by his side? does all who adored him be at his side when he needs you!?? no! you may say we're busy, bla bla shit.. but do you realize that a reason of IGNORING him?
Does anyone like wanna help him to pay his debt? He even wanna sell off his things and Neverland to pay debt but "does the hollywood celebs care?". You guys earn like USD$200mil and some of you dont even have to sing, just attend something and you get USD$1Mil, but cant you donate a bit to MJ to show how much you really adore and pity him?! If i were you, I might seriously will help him no matter what. If I am so busy, I will send one representative to help him for me. As long as he's stay alive, happy and enjoy his life... I will help him. But do you help him at all? I know you might things that he's damn rich and he can collect money anytime.. but he's obviously sick... obviously need an attention....but do you care? NOO! Never!! you might say he's creating up / trick people to get pityness...and it's obviously He's not guilty. He has to pay USD$22mil to that stupid kid who scammed him together with his father and now...

you might say "MJ is a wacko! he's psycho and weird!" SO what!? You guys adore him cuz he's unique... you cry all the time because he's dead.. and now telling everyone he's kind and nice bla bla shit! But do you realize that you're being a hypocrite? aren't you?!!
Money can find anytime but friends/idol you cant find... at least if he knows someone is there for him, he will never take the pain killer O.D.. he never ever touch things that could killed him because at least he knew everyone loves him and he need to survive but do you care? U don't fucking care! Now only you r giving tribute.. that's all bull shoot! if he knows everyone loves him, he will never take those Diriplin or something and if everyone are with him, he will feel safe and try to sleep well.
Man! I wish I have like USD$500m to help him. but unfortunately I have no money.. What I can do for you.. is pray for you.
God Bless you MJ. May your soul rest in peace.
It's so sad he had to suffer through his life. I always said nice things about him. He has always been a part of my heart and I have been listening to his music since I was little. I know what you mean about people being hypocrites though. :(
Yes! I have known about him so long time ago. I was a kid before when he came down... He's very nice to all the kids... you know the most best part is.. when he sang "heal the world" and "they never care about us".... he dedicated the songs to the kids.. it's so touching!
True that's what i thought when i see in the news papers.. wheeping andcrying actress and singers..
Why didn't they say anything about anything when he's accused of molesting the kid.?
life's short..regretting now is their fault.
useless people .. Rest in peace Mj. you'll be remembred forever in our heart.
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