This birthday is sponsored by me and Nadyra for Ariana's birthday bash. We couldn't figure what to give to her so both of us we're YMing and we said "hey! lets belanja her lunch! since I have to run to my in laws after 3pm, so we decided ok and she said her bro will join also. Unfortunately, one of our besties Nadia couldnt join us cuz she's in Gombak so we have something for her too..
I do pink cuz she loves dusty pink heheh

Ariana with her brother Dimas! They both are nice people on earth! :P

Nadyra, Ariana and me... (totally I look horrible cuz Malaysia was damn hot yesterday so I decided to wear simple and without complicated hijab...)

This scene is actually Ariana is trying to feed the bottle cuz one of our besties Nadia wasnt around (last mins so we couldnt invited her in). So that bottle will be as Nadia. We loves you Nadia...

This is what we do when we're out of IDEAS...
Hopefully Ariana will be happy go lucky forever and will be love by her love ones, Anuar. Hope Anuar is not like a guy whom I know name exactly like him.... Hahah U know who old chap!
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