dear malaysians,
i cant stand it anymore. i need to blog this.
i dont understand, if u are driving, you know at the next 500m you need to turn left, stick in the fucking left lane. why i am so upset? u are the cause of traffic jam.
i dont understand, if there is nothing infront, why the hell ou are slowing down and when i pass through, you only slowing down due to bird crossing?
i dont understand, why you need to stop during accident? if you dont wanna help, back off lah. you are one of the cause of traffic jam. callkan ambulan ke ape ke, at least berbaktila. ni keje tgk ko bole buat ape? share keburukan atau kematian seseorang dlm facebook?
i dont understand, why do u take care neatly your toilet but not the public toilet? do you know you are the cause of all dieases that related o infection?
i dont understand, why do u need to be a busy body when u dont actually need to be one? time org merompak rumah jiran kau, x pulak kau menyibuk tapi bila jiran kau bawa pompuan ke,bawa laki ke gedik gedik kau lak nak menyibuk? dedua pon dosa tau tak lahanat?
i dont understand, why do you need to ask person a week after they are married, are you pregnant yet? are you that fucking stupid? kalau die mengandung awal ko syak die main sblm nikah, bila x pregnant, kau tuduh mandul. kau da kenapa kena jadi mcm sial? bukan sekadar mandul, kau kata xreti main la ape la. kau try video sket cara cara nak kasi pregnant? kecoh sial.
anyway this is feeww of my concern about malaysians. come on la. uniq memang unique but stop the crap la sial.