No body can do like him. If they do... not as perfect as he does. I have the curly hair exactly like him (besides) and my mum called me "MJ's daughter" and I am so damn proud! At least I have the hair as MJ! Until now, my hair still following MJ's hair. Current MJ's hair now is how my hair looks now. So MJ will always be with me.
When someone accused him of molesting, I started to hate the Kid. Cant you just leave MJ alone? M. J was very depressed. He never ever wanted to molest anyone especially he's no experience in having his own childhood. All his songs are dedicated to children and he created Neverland for them but what have you done? He's sick and depressed when you do that! Shame on you Jordan! Havent you heard "Have you seen my childhood?" songs? That's the most saddest songs ever. Every time I hear that, i will cried to sleep! Actually, I dont mind him changing his face, bleach or whatever as long as his songs is great and not only LOVE Songs... I dont care!
The most impact songs to me is 'You are not ALone'. As everyone knew, I am not that close to anyone in my family. Not siblings and parents. Only till 2004 after I'm back from the Rising Sun's country then only Im close.When ever I have some problems with my parents, this songs appear suddenly! Like in the movie! Every time I heard this songs, I do feel Michael is next to me, comforting me and telling me
You are not alone. Michael is here with you.
Though we're far apart, but you'are always in my heart.
Just the other night, I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come, and I hold you in my arms
I can hear your prayers, your burdens I will bear
But first I need your hand, then forever can began
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away?
Something whispers in my ear and says
And i can feel his present by touching my hair, hugged me into his warm chest and cries together with me. He's so so so so good in comforting. When I saw him lift MJ II at the balcony, I know he didnt intend to kill his sons but he just wanna show you that's his sons and I know he hugged him and kissed him after he does that for being guilty on almost killed him.
Losing him will be totally disaster for music industry. Akon cancelling the concert "mostly" because of MJ's death. Mourning. Me too! I wear mostly black 2-3 days ago to mourn. But I got the bad feeling since last weeks. So afraid my parents are the one who going to left me. But unfortunately, someone I have been hook up on since i was 3 who is the one pass away. This is the curse I have. I cant missed someone too much or else, they will die in 2 weeks time. Check out what did I almost done.
- 15 June 2009
I was craving to hear MJ's song especially You Are Not Alone, Heal the World, Man in the Mirror, Earth Song and Have You Seen My Childhood. I tried to search his CD's at home, but I talk to myself, Its okay, I still can wait. Suddenly because thinks this world needs change. Human need to change their attitude towards the earth, people and stop being racism.

- 22 June 2009
Starting to get less sleep. Cant ever sleep! Every night was craving to hear Billie Jean and Beat it. Watch Horror movies and the ghost have the same eyes as MJ in 'Thriller' video. Totally the Thriller songs keep playing in my head. Dream about my folks passed away soon after. So scared.
Love this hair of his. I onced cut my hair like this when I was 14. I do look like him from the side but since im Ugly... I never revealed my face that much! hahah
- 24th June 2009,
Cant sleep again. Even worst, I cant even close my eyes. Feel so unpleasant.. feel that is something wrong. There's gonna be a bad news on some of the days. Suddenly feel like cant wait for Michael's Concert in London. Collecting some funds to go London for his final curtain call.
-25th June 2009
6am, woke up and listen to radio while in the Toilet. SUddenly heard something and MJ songs started to played. Run from the toilet and quickly browse internet and facebook. Everyone was giving condolence and tells that R.I.P Michael and what so. Then You are not alone appear....I cried till wokes my parents and sister also husband...I told them the bad news. Everyone share the tears. Since then, I took out the CD and keep listening to his songs in History's Album.
Till today 29th June 2009. I cant stop believing that MJ is leaving us. Your legacy will be with us. You are never dead in my life. Your music will accompany me whenever I'm sad, happy or what.
You are not there alone. I will always pray for you and will pray for your children. Michael... I love you so much!
it's quite frustrating to hear you leave us so soon and also, you start being famous again when they all hear about you have moved on. You deserved to be appreciated when you are alive. if I were in L.A, I might offer myself to take care of you so that you will be alive forever. I will try to stop you from taking drugs. I will try to lead you to know more about Islamic culture to get you to be calm and peacefully.
The media is not fair. Michael, if you are a Muslim, I hope Allah will forgive all your sins, bless your soul and placed you with all the luxury in Heaven. If you are not a Muslim, may God bless your soul.

You will be loved forever and your legacy will stay with us in our heart. For me, you're not dead yet in my heart.
If you are still alive, 'You are not Alone'.
Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas Roh Mikael Joseph Jackson Abdullah.
even he never admit He's a Muslim, I bet he doesnt want more controversial news on him and makes his concert failed due to being Islam. Some how again... people need to change their mind settings especially for non Muslim fellas! If he's a Muslim or not... he bring us together No matter 'Black or White". Yihi!